Environmental care synergy project

Caring for the environment and providing security to citizens unites the synergy between Help Kosovo, the Municipality of Prishtina and the Kosovo Correctional Service.
From the meeting that took place on 04.03.2021 in the Correctional Service in Dubrava (Istog) between the officials of Help Kosovo, the Municipality of Prishtina and Mr. Ismet Fekaj Head of Instructors and Trainings in this center has initiated cooperation between 3 parties involved in creating a safer and cleaner environment in the city of Prishtina.
In this case it was discussed about the garbage bins and metal fences which will be produced in the Center of Dubrava and will be placed in coordination with the relevant municipality in areas where there is more need.
This project is intended to engage prisoners in this center in carrying out work on the production of baskets and fences with the support of Help Kosovo. Some time ago Help Kosovo has supported this center with professional welding equipment and training with ISO standards where more than 20 people (from staff and prisoners) are trained.
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Help Kosovo supporting “women entrepreneurs in energy”

Ne kuader te projektit “Gratë ndërmarrëse në energji” Help do të mbështes zbatimin e dhenies se granteve per gratë ndërmarrëse që ta rrisin ndërmarrjen e tyre afariste përmes shfrytëzimit më efiçient të energjisë ose te fillojne biznes te ri.
Komunat partnere te perfshira ne projekt jane: Prishtinë, Gjakovë, Gjilan, Prizren, Ferizaj, Graçanicë, Mitrovice e Veriut, Fushë Kosovë dhe Podujevë.
Se shpejti do fillojme me thirrje per aplikim, na percillni.


U okviru projekta „Žene preduzetnice u energetici“ Help će podržati sprovođenje grantova za žene preduzetnice za rast njihovog poslovanja efikasnijom upotrebom energije ili započinjanje novog.
Partnerske opštine uključene u projekat su: Priština, Đakovica, Gnjilane, Prizren, Uroševac, Gračanica, Severna Mitrovica, Kosovo Polje i Podujeva.
Poziv za prijavljivanje uskoro će biti pokrenut, pratite nas.


In the framework of the project “Women Entrepreneurs in Energy” Help will support the implementation of grants for women entrepreneurs to grow their business through more efficient use of energy or start a new one.
Partner municipalities included in the project are: Prishtina, Gjakova, Gjilan, Prizren, Ferizaj, Gracanica, North Mitrovica, Fushë Kosova and Podujeva.
Call for applications soon will be launched, follow us.


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Signing cooperation agreements with partner Municipalities

Help Misioni në Kosovë nënshkruan marrëveshje bashkëpunimi me Komunat partnere për mbështetje në kuadër të projektit “Gratë ndërmarrëse në energji (ang. “WEE (Women Energy Entrepreneur)” për dhënien e granteve për gratë ndërmarrëse, që ka për qëllim zhvillimin e ndërmarrësisë përmes shfrytëzimit më efecient të energjisë.
Shqipe Breznica, drejtoreshë e Help theksoi se nga kjo skemë e granteve përfitojnë gratë ndërmarrëse, për blerjen e pajisjeve të cilat kursejnë energji elektrike.
Gratë mund të aplikojnë pasi të hapet konkursi, ku përzgjedhja do të bëhet përmes një procesi transparent, ndërsa projekti realizohet në bashkëpunim dhe participim me komunat partnere.
Help Mission in Kosovo signed cooperation agreements with partner Municipalities within the project “Women Energy Entrepreneur” (WEE (Women Energy Entrepreneur) “to provide grants for women entrepreneurs, which aims to develop entrepreneurship through more efficient use of energy.
Shqipe Breznica, Country Director of Help said that women entrepreneurs benefit from this grant scheme, for the purchase of equipment that saves electricity.
Women can apply after the opening of the competition, where the selection will be done through a transparent process, while the project is implemented in cooperation and participation with the municipality.

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Prishtina 

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Fushe-Kosova

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Gjakova

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Ferizaj 

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Mitrovica North

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Gracanica

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Prizren

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Gjilan

Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Podujeva 

#helpkosovo #mcc #mfk #seek #grants #grante 

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Grants for Women Entrepreneurs in Energy

A well-known German NGO “Help” encourages MFK’s WEE Program

Millennium Foundation Kosovo (MFK) will soon launch the third and final component of the Women in Energy grant programme, which is designed for small companies and start-ups with grants up to €3,000 for investments in energy efficient equipment and measures.

In preparation of the launch and implementation of this new and exciting component, MFK’s Implementation Consultant, a consortium led by GFA Consulting Group, has teamed up with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. HELP is a German non-governmental charitable organization, specialized in promoting small business development throughout Kosovo, amongst other countries in south east Europe.

“We are happy that a well-known German NGO “Help” will encourage the implementation of the small grants scheme supporting individual women entrepreneurs, within our larger activity of Women Energy Entrepreneurs. This cooperation between MFK, GFA-led consortium and “Help” will enable a wider outreach and support to satisfy the energy demand of women-owned and led businesses.”- stated Petrit Selimi, CEO of MFK.

Help will be the direct contact point for applicants, who will receive support in registering their business and aligning with Kosovo’s regulation on workplace and environmental safety.  Help will also provide guidance on technical solutions, together with the specialist engineers of GFA), to ensure that even the smallest women owned enterprises can grow their business through a more efficient use of energy.

We are looking forward to contribute to the success of this project within the consortium of MKF and GFA as we see a high unused entrepreneurial potential in Kosovo. This project is absolutely in line with our approach „TOGETHER FOR TOMORROW” which the organization Help is promoting in the region – says Timo Stegelmann, deputy managing director of Help.

The call for applications will be launched in the next couple of weeks.  So, watch this space!!

Women Energy Entrepreneurs-WEE is part of the Women in Energy Program – an activity implemented by Millennium Foundation Kosovo, an accountable entity responsible for implementation of the $49 million Threshold agreement, agreed between Republic of Kosovo and Millennium Challenge Corporation in 2017. MFK’s mission statement calls for accelerating Kosovo’s transition to energy independence and good governance. Kosovo Threshold Program addresses two key constraints to Kosovo’s economic growth: an unreliable supply of electricity; and real and perceived weakness in rule of law, government accountability and transparency.

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40 years of Help

40 Jahre Help: Seit 1981 setzen wir uns für Menschen in Not ein – nachhaltig und effektiv.

40 years of Help: Since 1981 we have been committed to people in need – sustainable and effective.

40 vjet Help: Që nga viti 1981 jemi të përkushtuar ndaj njerëzve në nevojë në mënyrë të qëndrueshme dhe efikase.

#helphilfezurselbsthilfe #40years #anniversary

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Happy Holidays 💛

Greetings from Help Mission in Kosovo team. 💛
Wishing everyone a prosperious year filled with joy, health and happiness.
See you next year with new projects.
#helpkosovo #team

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Remembering the earthquake in Albania


One year later…

We remember the early morning of November 26, 2019, when Albania was hit by an earthquake of magnitude 6.4.
Damage was recorded mainly in the city of Durrës and the village of Kodër-Thumana, which are located near the epicenter of the earthquake.
A total of 51 people left dead by the quake and over 3,000 people were injured.
In terms of magnitude, this was the largest earthquake that has hit Albania in more than forty years.
On this occasion the organization Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Mission in Kosovo was mobilized to provide emergency assistance to survivors of this natural disaster.

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Help continues supporting Safe Houses in Kosovo

Help Kosovo ka implementuar aktivitet të financuar nga Ambasada e Luksemburgut në Kosovë duke mbështetur Shtëpitë e Sigurta me pajisje për të kontribuar drejtpërdrejt në një nga kategoritë më të prekshme të shoqërisë.

Përfituesit nga ky projekt janë dhjetë shtëpi të sigurta (strehimore për gra dhe fëmijë) në Prishtinë (3), Prizren, Pejë, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Novoberd dhe Mitrovica.
Help implemented an activity financed by Luxembourg Embassy in Kosovo by supporting Safe Houses with equipment to contribute directly to one of the most vulnerable society categories.

The beneficiaries profiting from this project are ten safe houses (shelters for women and children) in Prishtina (3), Prizren, Peja, Gjakova, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Novoberd and Mitrovica.

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25 years of Help in South East Europe

Together we are creating opportunities

Help can now look back on 25 years of work in South East Europe and on a period of the most intense need caused by violent conflicts, but also on years of hope and successes in sustainable development.

Unfortunately, reconciliation within and between the individual states in South East Europe remains a challenge, ethnic minorities are excluded, many young people have no prospects, and rapprochement with the EU and its values is proceeding only slowly. In addition to this, the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic are clearly revealing the fragility of these states. It is vitally important that we remain committed to promoting stability in South East Europe and hence to promoting people’s protection, safety and self-determination.


Under the motto of our anniversary, “Together for Tomorrow”, we are therefore calling on states, civil society, business and every individual to stand up for people’s well-being.

We can live together in peaceful coexistence only if we take responsibility for each other and act collaboratively.

Help focuses on the following key operational areas in the context of its South East Europe strategy. Environmental protection and innovation always feed into them as crosscutting issues, especially in the context of economic development.

Donate for South East Europe: Together for Tomorrow

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  • This brochure will give you an insight into the success story of Help in South East Europe. We especially thank the local teams, our sponsors and supporters as well as the beneficiaries who share their stories with us. Knowing that we are all working together gives us the courage to continue. Enjoy reading!
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