This report is the result of a survey conducted with grant beneficiaries from the project “Support to socio-economic stability in the Western Balkans 2019-2020”.
During March-April 2021, Help Kosovo Field officers visited beneficiaries of 2019-2020 grants who were interviewed about the progress of their business established through a grant with an average value of 2000 euros.
The selection of respondents was made based on the monitoring report conducted by monitoring officials where we found that beneficiaries have not yet begun to function normally with business activity.
The main purpose of this research is to generate information about the current situation and the challenges that new businesses have for the normal development of business activities through a survey conducted with beneficiaries.
The survey includes data on economic activities such as:
– Creator of software applications,
– Creator / developer of websites,
– Photographers,
– Tailors,
– Pastry shops,
– Architecture bureau.
The survey does not include the sector of agriculture and beekeeping because the time when they received the equipment does not coincide with the time of realization of the activity based on the season.
The survey was conducted using the method of direct interviews at the workplace where the client conducts business activity.