Ater Koro

Ariana Telaku

Antigona Meha

Qendresa Imeri (Imeri Plast)

Donjetë Gashi (Cigno Brand)

Hana Simitciu

Arben Jashari

Basri Xheladini


Vullnet Sanaja, Blend Beqiri and Petrit Gora are 3 beneficiaries of Help from Peja Municipality in 2017.

Pera Jovanovic

Pera Jovanovic is a Help client from the municipality of Novoberde from 2017.

Asllan Krasniqi

Asllan Krasniqi is a client that produces stationery materials for schools (notebooks, drawing papers, musical pentagrams and such).

Jelena Marinkovic

Jelena Marinkovic is a successful farmer from Graçanica in 2017.

Faruk Temo

Faruk Temo is a client from the Municipality of Prizren in 2017.

Samir Fazlija

Samir Fazlija is a Help client from the Municipality of Graçanica at the end of 2018.

Ardit Syla

Ardit Syla is a Help client from the municipality of Novo brdo in 2017.

Havushe Bunjaku

Havushe Bunjaku is a woman entrepreneur and founder of “99 Lule”, a company which is among the first of its kind in Kosovo.

Vjosa Carabregu

Vjosa Carabregu is the next client that has benefited form Help grants. She owns a meat processing shop with her father.

Gentiana Idrizaj

Gentiana Idrizaj is a young designer from Deçan. Except for that, she is an entrepreneur, too.

Shyhrete Alaj

Shyhrete Alaj is a beautician from Deçan Municipality. She owns a hair salon in a busy street in Deçan where she offers her services.

Ali Muçaj

Ali Muçaj is a young entrepreneur from Decan. He owns and operates repair shop for smartphones and other mobile technology.