Pera Jovanovic is a Help client from the municipality of Novoberde from 2017.
He has received from Help equipments: a incubator with 528-egg capacity, a plaster, a grinder and a manure dispenser, in the framework of the 2000 grant euro. The equipment was functionalized in October 2017 immediately after their receipt. Pera has also engaged his son in this activity which already generates enough income for their family and for supply to the market. Mainly sell chickens and eggs in Llabjan market in Novoberd.
Pera Jovanovic eshte nje perfitues i Help nga Komuna e Novoberdes per vitin 2017. Ai ka perfituar nga Help pajisjet: inkubator me kapacitet 528 veze, nje pllug, nje mulli me kardan dhe nje shperndares plehu e gjithe kjo ne kuader te grantit ne vlere prej 2000 eurosh. Pajisjet jane funksionalizuar ne tetor te vitit 2017 menjehere pas pranimit te tyre. Pera ka angazhuar edhe djalin e tij ne kete aktivitet i cili tashme gjeneron mjaftueshem te ardhura per familjen e tyre dhe per furnizim ne treg. Kryesisht shesin pula dhe veze ne tregun e Llabjanit ne Novoberd.