Training of Trainers for Help Kosovo staff

An organization’s ability to learn, utilize that knowledge and convert it into action, is the ultimate advantage towards growth and development. Our staff has started the training “Training of trainers” where they are being taught and trained on the methodology of training, developing training curricula, and the principles of effective training that will be utilized in the field to enhance the dissemination of information to our beneficiaries.

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Development of business training for WEE Simple is finalized

WEE SIMPLE is the third and final component of the Women Energy Entrepreneurs-WEE, designed to support and encourage women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses through a more efficient use of energy.  Women Energy Entrepreneurs-WEE is part of the broader Women in Energy Program implemented by Millennium Foundation Kosovo (MFK) supported by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).  

Within this component business trainings, which are implemented by Help Kosovo, have been successfully conducted. The trainings were held during the period December 2021-February 2022, for beneficiaries of the following municipalities: Prishtinë, Prizren, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Podujevë, Gjilan, Fushë Kosovë, Graçanica and Mitrovica North.  

The training program lasted 2 (two) training days and consisted of topics that are crucial for business owners to succeed namely, Entrepreneurship Concept and Best Practices, Canvas Business Model, Strategic and Marketing Planning, Financial Planning and Tax System in Kosovo, Business Registration in Kosovo, and Environmental Health and Safety. The participants have played an integral role in the trainings by actively participating in discussions and conducting various business analysis to adapt to the market demands.  

The training program has been facilitated by the Organization for Socio-Economic Stability (OSES) to conduct, monitor and supervise the development of the training. 

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More than 230 grants are awarded to women entrepreneurs in energy

Contracts were signed with the beneficiaries from the Millennium Foundation Kosovo (MFK) within the component of the Women Entrepreneurs in Energy Program (WEE) implemented by Help Mission in Kosovo.

WEE SIMPLE is the third and final component of the Women Energy Entrepreneurs-WEE, designed to support and encourage women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses through a more efficient use of energy.  Women Energy Entrepreneurs-WEE is part of the broader Women in Energy Program implemented by Millennium Foundation Kosovo (MFK) supported by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

The pilot grant scheme was initially implemented in the following municipalities: Ferizaj, Fushë Kosovë, Gjakovë, Gjilan, Graçanicë, North Mitrovicë, Podujevë, Prishtinë and Prizren.

This component is designed for new businesses with bright ideas, limited funding, or less advanced social groups, with investment needs of up to € 3,000, including own contribution.

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Correctional Center for Women in Lipjan supported by Help Kosovo


Some of the prisoners have been living behind the bars of the women’s prison in Lipjan for more than a decade. Each of them has different reasons for staying here.

While serving their sentences, prisoners have the opportunity to receive training in various trades at the same time.

Out of about 40 convicts in the Women’s Correctional Center in Lipjan, 8 of them are currently undergoing training in making filigree jewellery.

B.H is one of the convicts who has been engaged in this training, and who is very much enjoying the handicraft he is learning inside the prison. But according to her, such activities are lacking in prisons.

She hopes that the craft she is learning here will serve her when she goes abroad, and turn it into a profession for her future.

The filigree coach, Bashkim Tejeci, shows that the interest in learning this craft has been beyond his expectations. He and two other coaches travel from Prizren to the women’s prison twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.

He adds that some women in the beginning were not so enthusiastic about this opportunity, but now they are all trying to do the job properly and create their own filigree work.

In addition to the craft of filigree, trainings are being held for informatics and technology, and due to the small space, each group has 5 convicts.

Convicts who complete the training will be provided with a certificate from the Vocational Training Center.

Director of the Women’s Correctional Center in Lipjan, Fatlinda Mustafa, says that the center constantly have trainings of various trades.

She points out that convicts constantly have requests for training to be increased and to have their own variety, but as a result of the pandemic, not all of them have been feasible.

Through these trainings, the women held in this center will be enabled to develop their activities through vocational training and in the cultivation of the filigree craft. It will also increase their chances of getting a job after their release.

The training will be held for 1 year and it is supported by the organization “Help Kosovo”, which has provided the equipment to implement the I.T. training.

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Information about applicants within SOE05


Për aplikuesit për grante të vitit 2021 nga komunat Klinë, Malishevë, Rahovec, Skënderaj, Dragash, Kamenicë dhe Shtime në kuadër të projektit “Fuqizimi socio-ekonomik i Ballkanit Perëndimor”.

Njoftojmë se vlerësimi në fazën e parë do të zbatohet gjatë muajve Janar-Shkurt 2022 dhe vlerësimi në fazën e dytë në teren do të zbatohet në Mars-Prill 2022.

Në Klinë do të ofrohen së paku 30 grante, Malishevë – 25, Rahovec – 25, Skënderaj – 20, Dragash – 20, Kamenicë – 20 dhe Shtime – 20.

Ky projekt financohet nga Qeveria Gjermane dhe komunat partnere ndërsa zbatohet nga organizata Help Kosovo.

Përkrahja do t’u ofrohet grupeve të cënueshme shoqërore përfshirë këtu gratë, të rinjt, anëtarët e komuniteteve jo-shumicë, personave me aftësi të kufizuara etj.

Suksese të gjithë aplikuesve.


For applicants for grants of 2021 from the municipalities of Klina, Malisheva, Rahovec, Skënderaj, Dragash, Kamenica and Shtime within the project “Socio-economic empowerment of the Western Balkans”.

We announce that the evaluation in the first phase will be implemented during the months January-February 2022 and the evaluation in the second phase in the field will be implemented in March-April 2022.

At least 30 grants will be offered in Klina, Malisheva – 25, Rahovec – 25, Skënderaj – 20, Dragash – 20, Kamenica – 20 and Shtime – 20.

This project is funded by the German Government and partner municipalities and implemented by Help Kosovo.

Support will be provided to vulnerable social groups including women, youth, members of non-majority communities, people with disabilities, etc.

Success to all applicants.

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Job opportunities at Help Mission in Kosovo

Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe is announcing a job opening for the following position:

FIELD OFFICER (2) in Prishtina

for “Socio-economic empowerment of the Western Balkans” project 

Field Officer is responsible for tasks related to the selection of clients (grant beneficiaries), procurement process, communication with counterparts involved in the project, implementation, and evaluation in accordance with the existing regulation and Donor requirements. Involvement into the project site monitoring, and regular reporting to the Country Director.


  • Clients’ selection and socio-economic assessment
  • Conducting procurement procedures
  • Project activity reporting and documenting
  • Generate reports and data analysis for program
  • Problem-solve complex grant scenarios
  • Work with finance to generate reporting required for compliance
  • Contribute to PR for the overall organization’s project
  • Other duties as assigned by the Supervisor


Field Officer will be motivated by a passion for the Help’s mission and a drive for continuous learning and improvement. Will be an analyst, and problem solver with exacting standards and an eye towards creativity and innovation. This role requires an individual who can balance strong attention to detail and analytical skills with an engaging, consultative, relationship-focused approach to working with people. Candidates should be exceptionally strong written and oral communicators, great listeners, and network builders.

  • Educational level – minimum university degree
  • Previous experience in humanitarian organization with similar scope of work / with some knowledge or background in nonprofits or grantmaking
  • Fluency speaking and writing in Albanian and English language, German an added value
  • PC and internet literate
  • Active driver status and possession of own vehicle is mandatory

Please send an email referring to job title in the subject line along with a resume and one-page cover letter explaining your interest and how your skills and work experience fit the position to

Deadline: 12th January 2021 at 17:00

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Only candidates that are short listed for interviews will be notified.

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Help supported Kosovo Correctional Service with the production of trash bins

Help Mission in Kosovo has delivered the contingent with raw material to Dubrava Prison in order to produce waste bins in the Municipality of Prishtina.

Caring for the environment and providing security to citizens has united the synergy between Help Kosovo, Municipality of Prishtina and the Kosovo Correctional Service.

This activity will engage prisoners in this center in carrying out work on the production of baskets and fences with the support of Help Kosovo.
Some time ago, Help Kosovo supported this center with professional welding equipment and training with ISO standards where more than 20 people (from staff and prisoners) are trained.


Misioni i Help në Kosovë ka dorëzuar kontigjentin me material/lëndën e parë në Burgun e Dubravës me qëllim të prodhimit të shportave të mbeturinave në Komunën e Prishtinës.

Kujdesi ndaj ambientit dhe ofrimi i sigurisë së qytetarëve ka bashkuar sinergjinë mes Help Kosovo, Komunës së Prishtinës dhe Shërbimit Korrektues të Kosovës.

Ky aktivitet do të angazhojë të burgosurit në këtë qendër në kryerjen e punëve rreth prodhimit të shportave dhe rrethojave me anë të mbështetjes së Help Kosovo.
Kohë më parë Help Kosovo ka mbështetur këtë qendër me pajisje profesionale për saldim dhe trajnime me ISO standarde ku janë aftësuar më shumë se 20 persona (nga stafi dhe të burgosurit).


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Information about grants for 2021/2022


Më 31.10.2021 në orën 16:00 ka përfunduar edhe zyrtarisht faza e aplikimit për grante.
Në kuadër të projektit “Fuqizimi socio-ekonomik i Ballkanit Perëndimor”.
Vëmendje: të drejtë aplikimi kanë pasur vetëm qytetarët nga Komunat e përfshira në projekt.
Në Klinë do të ofrohen së paku 30 grante, Malishevë – 25, Rahovec – 25, Skënderaj – 20, Dragash – 20, Kamenicë – 20 dhe Shtime – 20.
Ky projekt financohet nga Qeveria Gjermane dhe komunat partnere ndërsa zbatohet nga organizata Help Kosovo.
Përkrahja do t’u ofrohet grupeve të cënueshme shoqërore përfshirë këtu gratë, të rinjt, anëtarët e komuniteteve jo-shumicë, personave me aftësi të kufizuara etj.
Vlera mesatare e një granti, për një përfitues, është 2,000.00 Euro në formë te pajisjeve.
Suksese të gjithë aplikuesve.


On 31.10.2021 at 16:00, the period of grant application officially finalized.
Within the framework of the project “Socio-economic empowerment of the Western Balkans”.
Attention: the right to apply was only available for the Municipalities involved in the project.
At least 30 grants will be offered in Klina, Malisheva – 25, Rahovec – 25, Skënderaj – 20, Dragash – 20, Kamenica – 20 and Shtime – 20.
This project is funded by the German Government and partner municipalities and implemented by Help Kosovo.
Support will be provided to vulnerable groups involved here, young people, members of non-majority communities, those with disability skills, etc.
The average value of a grant, for a beneficiary, is 2,000.00 Euros in the form of structure.
Success to all applicants.

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Help Kosovo supported Kosovo Probation Service

On 01.11.2021, Help Kosovo supported the Kosovo Probation Service with Information Technology equipment in order to develop operational functions within the Institution.

The subject of this Memorandum of Understanding is the commitment between the Ministry of Justice and the Kosovo Probation Service and Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe within the project “Socio-economic empowerment of the Western Balkans” financially supported by the German Government and implemented by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Mission in Kosovo.

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Survey on Help supported clients (Sep 2021)

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Hulumtimi është realizuar nga zyrtarët e terrenit të Help Kosovo (Adem Sylejmani, Antigona Krasniqi, Gent Saraçi, Rrezart Shala dhe Valon Hyseni) ku janë anketuar 910 klientë të përzgjedhur nga metodologjia e rastit, ndërsa të dhënat janë përpunuar nga ekspertet e jashtme Gentiana Buçaj dhe Erona Hajdari të cilat kanë qenë praktikante në Organizatën Help Kosovo. Nën secilën tabelë është vendosur një përshkrim i shkurtër rreth rezultateve te paraqitura.

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The research was conducted by field officers of Help Kosovo where 910 clients were selected and surveyed from the random methodology, while the data were processed by external experts Gentiana Buçaj and Erona Hajdari who were previously engaged as interns at Help Kosovo. Below each table is a brief description of the results presented.

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