The first monitoring phase within Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans (SOE10)

We would like to announce that the first monitoring phase of our project “Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans” in Kosovo has been successfully completed! 🚀
We have awarded grants to 165 clients across 7 municipalities in Kosovo – Lipjan, Prizren, Prishtina, South Mitrovica, Junik, Mamusha, and Peja. 🌍💙
This milestone marks a significant step towards fostering inclusion and economic empowerment in the region. Together, we’re positively impacting the lives of individuals and communities.

Ju njoftojmĂ« se faza e parĂ« e monitorimit tĂ« projektit tonĂ« “PĂ«rfshirja dhe Fuqizimi Ekonomik nĂ« Ballkanin PerĂ«ndimor” nĂ« KosovĂ« ka pĂ«rfunduar me sukses! 🚀
Ne kemi ndarĂ« grante pĂ«r 165 klientĂ« nĂ« 7 komuna nĂ« KosovĂ« – Lipjan, Prizren, PrishtinĂ«, MitrovicĂ« Jugore, Junik, MamushĂ« dhe PejĂ«. 🌍💙
Ky moment shënon një hap të rëndësishëm drejt nxitjes së përfshirjes dhe fuqizimit ekonomik në rajon. Së bashku, ne po ndikojmë pozitivisht në jetën e individëve dhe komuniteteve.

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DonikĂ« Beqiri – RECONOMY Intervention Officer

DonikĂ« Beqiri recently joined the Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe team in May, assuming the role of Reconomy Intervention Officer. With over 5 years experience in the civil society sector, she has refined her expertise in research and project coordination, particularly focusing on sustainable development and the Green Agenda. Notably, she led the coordination of the 6th edition of Kosovo Sustainable Development Week, demonstrating her adeptness in managing multifaceted initiatives. Her portfolio includes successfully coordinating projects supported by esteemed organizations such as the EU Office, GIZ, USAID, and UNDP, showcasing her ability to navigate diverse partnerships and funding landscapes.

DonikĂ« holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and is currently furthering her education through a Master of Public Administration (MPA) program at the University of York, specializing in Public Administration and Management. Her academic pursuits complement her practical experience, enriching her understanding of governance and organizational dynamics.
Fluent in both Albanian (her native language) and English, Donikë also possesses a basic proficiency in German and Italian.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Donikë indulges her passions for pilates, hiking, and photography.

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Training of Trainers for Help Kosovo staff

An organization’s ability to learn, utilize that knowledge and convert it into action, is the ultimate advantage towards growth and development. Our staff has started the training “Training of trainers” where they are being taught and trained on the methodology of training, developing training curricula, and the principles of effective training that will be utilized in the field to enhance the dissemination of information to our beneficiaries.

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Development of business training for WEE Simple is finalized

WEE SIMPLE is the third and final component of the Women Energy Entrepreneurs-WEE, designed to support and encourage women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses through a more efficient use of energy.  Women Energy Entrepreneurs-WEE is part of the broader Women in Energy Program implemented by Millennium Foundation Kosovo (MFK) supported by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).  

Within this component business trainings, which are implemented by Help Kosovo, have been successfully conducted. The trainings were held during the period December 2021-February 2022, for beneficiaries of the following municipalities: Prishtinë, Prizren, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Podujevë, Gjilan, Fushë Kosovë, Graçanica and Mitrovica North.  

The training program lasted 2 (two) training days and consisted of topics that are crucial for business owners to succeed namely, Entrepreneurship Concept and Best Practices, Canvas Business Model, Strategic and Marketing Planning, Financial Planning and Tax System in Kosovo, Business Registration in Kosovo, and Environmental Health and Safety. The participants have played an integral role in the trainings by actively participating in discussions and conducting various business analysis to adapt to the market demands.  

The training program has been facilitated by the Organization for Socio-Economic Stability (OSES) to conduct, monitor and supervise the development of the training. 

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