Help organizon takime informuese në Prizren, Fushë Kosovë, Obiliq dhe Graçanicë

Organizata Help Kosovo organizon takime informuese me qytetarët


“Mbështetje stabilitetit socio-ekonomik në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor 2019-2020” do të realizohet në komunat:  Fushë Kosovë (35 grante), Obiliq (30 grante), Prizren (40 grante), Graçanice (15 grante).

Ky projekt financohet nga Qeveria Gjermane, komunat partnere ndërsa zbatohet nga organizata Help Kosovo


Të drejtë aplikimi për vitin 2019 kanë të gjithë qytetarët nga komunat: Fushë Kosovë, Obiliq, Prizren dhe Graçanicë.

Format për aplikim mund të merren gjatë takimeve informuese në komunën tuaj apo të shkarkohen nëpërmjet ueb faqes në linkun: ose të merren në Komunën përkatëse.

Takimet informuese:

25.02.2019 Salla e Kuvendit Komunal në Fushë Kosovë ora 12:00

26.02.2019 Salla e Kuvendit Komunal në Obiliq ora 11:00

27.02.2019 Kuvendi Komunal (ish Bankosi), salla e kuqe në Prizren ora 11:00

28.02.2019 Salla e Kuvendit Komunal në Graçanicë ora 11:00

04.03.2019 Qendra per Bashkpunim dhe Integrim “Fidan Lahu”ora 12:00

06.03.2019 Kuvendi Komunal (ish Bankosi), salla e kuqe në Prizren ora 11:00

06.03.2019 Kuvendi Komunal (ish Bankosi), salla e kuqe në Prizren ora 14:00

06.03.2019 Salla DokuKino Prizren 18:00

Dorëzimi i aplikacioneve:

Pas përfundimit të takimit informues, kandidatët e interesuar për aplikim mund të marrin aplikacionin dhe udhëzuesin për aplikim.

Data e fundit për aplikim është 29 Mars 2019 e premte, ora 16:00

Aplikacionet e plotësuara dhe dokumentet mbështetëse duhet të dorëzohen në kohë me postë në adresën:

Help Kosove, Fahu postar Nr: 23;

10.000 Prishtinë Republika e Kosovës




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Help and Municipality of Gracanica support micro-businesses

Today, on 11.02.2019, NGO Help Kosovo has reached a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Graçanica for the support of small and start-ups with equipment for their activities, under the project “Support for Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans 2019 -2020 “. In 2019, Help Kosovo and the Municipality of Graçanica will support at least 15 businesses with equipment and business-related training.
Mayor Srđan Popović expressed readiness for cooperation and stated that this is a very good opportunity for start-up businesses and small businesses that are in need of equipment. Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Ms. Shqipe Breznica presented details of the activities that will be implemented during the project such as: organization of information sessions with citizens of the respective municipality, where all interested parties will be informed about the application after which will be a deadline submitting applications.
For the organization of information sessions with citizens, you will be informed on time through social media, from the Municipality and the posters that will be placed in each neighborhood and village of Graçanica Municipality.


Sot me datën 11.02.2019 Organizata Help Kosovo ka arritur marrëveshje bashkëpunimi me Komunën e Graçanicës për mbështetjen e bizneseve të vogla dhe start-up me pajisje për aktivitetin e tyre në kuadër të projektit “Mbështetje për stabilitetin socio-ekonomik në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor 2019-2020”. Në vitin 2019 Help dhe Komuna e Graçanicës do të mbështesin së paku 15 biznese me pajisje si dhe me trajnime për aftësim të të bërit biznes. Kryetari i Komunës Srđan Popović shprehi gatishmërinë për bashkëpunim dhe deklaroi se kjo është një mundësi shumë e mire për bizneset e reja (start-up) dhe bizneset e vogla që kanë nevojë për pajisje.
Koordinatorja e Programit të Help Shqipe Breznica prezantoi detaje të aktiviteteve që do të zbatohen gjatë projektit siç janë: organizimi i takimeve informuese me qytetarë ku do të informohen të gjithë të interesuarit rreth aplikimit, pas së cilës do të jetë një afat i caktuar për të aplikuar.
Për organizimin e takimeve informuese me qytetarë do të informoheni me kohë përmes rrjeteve sociale, Komunës si dhe posterëve që do të vendosen në çdo lagje dhe fshat të Graçanicës.


Danas, 11.02.2019 NVO Help Kosovo je postigla sporazum o saradnji sa Opštinom Graćanica za podršku malim i start-up preduzećima sa opremom za njihove aktivnosti, u okviru projekta “Podrška društveno-ekonomskoj stabilnosti na zapadnom Balkanu” 2019 -2020 “. 2019. godine, Help Kosovo i Opština Graćanica će podržati najmanje 15 preduzeća sa opremom I obukom za vodjenje poslovanja. Gradonacelnik je izrazio spremnost za saradnju i izjavio da je ovo vrlo dobra prilika za start-up biznise i mala preduzeća kojima je potrebna oprema.
Koordinator programa Helpa na Kosovu gđa Shqipe Breznica predstavila je detalje o aktivnostima koje će se sprovoditi tokom projekta, kao što su: organizacija informativnih sastanaka sa građanima dotične opštine, gde će sve zainteresovane strane biti obaveštene o aplikaciji nakon čega će biti rok za podnošenje prijava/aplikacija.
Za organizovanje informativnih sesija sa građanima, vi ćete biti blagovremeno obavešteni preko društvenih medija, od strane Opštine Graćanica I preko postera koji će biti postavljeni u svakom naselju u opštini Graćanica.

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Signing the cooperation agreement with Municipality of Prizren

On 06.02.2019, Help Kosovo Organization has reached a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Prizren to support small businesses and start-ups with equipment for their activities within the project “Support for socio-economic stability in the Western Balkans region 2019-2020 “.

In 2019, Help and Prizren Municipality will support at least 40 businesses with equipment and training for doing business.

Mayor of Prizren, Mr. Mytaher Haskuka expressed readiness for cooperation and stated that this is a very good opportunity for start-up businesses and small businesses that need equipment.

Help Program Coordinator Ms. Shqipe Breznica presented details of the activities that will be implemented during the project such as: organization of information sessions with citizens where all interested parties will be informed about the application, after which there will be a deadline for submitting applications.

For the organization of information sessions with citizens, you will be informed on time through social media, from the Municipality and the posters that will be placed in each neighborhood and village of Prizren.

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Cooperation Agreement between Help Kosovo and Correctional Service of Kosovo

Cooperation agreement between Kosovo Correctional Service and Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe within the project “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2019-2020”. The overall objective of the program is to empower economically and socially vulnerable groups and enable social inclusion. Help and Kosovo Correctional Service will co-operate in supporting to correctional centres in the rehabilitation and re-socialization of convicts as well provide trainings for personnel as well as convicts.

The parties were represented by the Director General of the Kosovo Correctional Service Institution, Mr. Nehat Thaqi and the Country Director of Help Organization Mission in Kosovo who expressed their satisfaction with the achievement of the cooperation agreement and expressed readiness to implement the proper project and monitor it.

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Agreement between Help and Municipality of Obiliq for supporting small businesses

Today, on 30.01.2019, the NGO Help Kosovo has reached a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Obiliq for the support of small and start-ups with equipment for their activities, under the project “Support for Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans 2019 -2020 “.

In 2019, Help Kosovo and the Municipality of Obiliq will support at least 30 businesses with equipment and business related training trainings.

Deputy Mayor Ibush Mjekiqi expressed readiness for cooperation and stated that this is a very good opportunity for start-up businesses and small businesses that are in need of equipment.

The Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Ms. Shqipe Breznica presented details of the activities that will be implemented during the project such as: organization of information sessions with citizens of the respective municipality, where all interested parties will be informed about the application after which will be a deadline submitting applications.

The meeting was also attended by the Head of Cabinet of the Mayor of Obiliq, Abdyrrahman Krasniqi, who expressed his satisfaction in reaching the agreement between Help and the Municipality of Obiliq and expressed readiness to support the implementation of the project.

For the organization of information sessions with citizens, you will be informed on time through social media, from the Municipality and the posters that will be placed in each neighborhood and village of Obiliq Municipality.

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Signing of the Agreement with Municipality of Fushe Kosove

Today, on 29.01.2019, the NGO Help Kosovo has reached a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje to support small businesses and start-ups with equipment for their activities within the project “Support for socio-economic stability in the Western Balkans region 2019-2020 “. In 2019, Help and Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje Municipality will support at least 35 businesses with equipment and training for doing business. Mayor of Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje, Mr. Burim Berisha expressed readiness for cooperation and stated that this is a very good opportunity for start-up businesses and small businesses that need equipment.

The Help Program Coordinator Ms. Shqipe Breznica presented details of the activities that will be implemented during the project such as: organization of information sessions with citizens where all interested parties will be informed about the application, after which there will be a deadline for submitting applications.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Mayor of Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje Fadil Mr. Krasniqi and Director of Economic Development Mr. Ekrem Berjani who expressed their satisfaction with the agreement between Help and Municipality of Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje.

For the organization of information sessions with citizens, you will be informed on time through social media, from the Municipality and the posters that will be placed in each neighborhood and village of Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje Municipality.

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Visit at Municipality of Graçanica

Today, on 28.01.2019, the Program Coordinator of Help Kosovo Shqipe Breznica held a meeting with the Mayor of the Municipality of Gracanica Srdjan Popovic. The meeting served to discuss the possibility of cooperation between Help and Municipality of Gracanica for supporting small businesses and new businesses with grants. Both sides have expressed their willingness to cooperate, which is expected to be concretized with the signing of the agreement after which informative meetings will be organized with the citizens of Gracanica.

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Regional Meeting in Montenegro

From 21-23 of January 2019 Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe will be organizing the regional meeting in Podgorica, Montenegro regarding the procurement regulations for supplies, works and services. Representatives from 4 Countries Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia attended the meeting.

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Visit in Municipality of Prizren

On 17.01.2019, the Program Coordinator of Help Kosovo Shqipe Breznica held a meeting with the Mayor of the Municipality of Prizren Mytaher Haskuka.

The meeting served to discuss the possibility of cooperation between Help and Municipality of Prizren for supporting small businesses and new businesses with grants.

Both sides have expressed their willingness to cooperate, which is expected to be concretized with the signing of the agreement after which informative meetings will be organized with the citizens of Prizren.

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Meeting with Mayor of Obiliq

Today, on 16.01.2019, the Program Coordinator of Help Kosovo Shqipe Breznica held a meeting with the Mayor of the Municipality of Obiliq Xhafer Gashi.

The meeting served to discuss the possibility of cooperation between Help and Municipality of Obiliq for supporting small businesses and new businesses with grants.

Both sides have expressed their willingness to cooperate, which is expected to be concretized with the signing of the agreement after which informative meetings will be organized with the citizens of Obiliq.

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