Inauguration event of the Social Enterprise

Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Mission in Kosovo has reached a cooperation agreement with partner Municipalities within the project “Socio-economic empowerment of the Western Balkans”.
The program aims to increase the socio-economic stability of the region during the period 2021-2022.
The aim is to create mechanisms and networks for the empowerment of marginalized groups including the recovery measures by Covid-19 and thus enable their inclusion and social prosperity.
The average value of a grant, for a beneficiary, is up to 2,000.00 Euro, a sum which includes the contribution from selected clients (beneficiaries) of 20% and partner Municipalities with 30%.
In addition to the equipment, beneficiaries will be provided with professional training and technical support after receiving the equipment.
Further information will be provided through information meetings to be held at the beginning of the project.
Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Misioni në Kosovë ka arritur marrëveshje bashkëpunimi me Komunat partnere në kuadër të projektit “Fuqizimi socio-ekonomik i Ballkanit Perëndimor”.
Programi synon të rrisë stabilitetin socio-ekonomik të rajonit gjatë periudhës 2021-2022.
Qëllimi është krijimi i mekanizmave dhe rrjeteve për fuqizimin e grupeve të margjinalizuara përfshirë masat e rimëkëmbjes nga Covid-19 dhe në këtë mënyrë mundësojmë përfshirjen e tyre dhe prosperitetin shoqëror.
Vlera mesatare e një granti, për një përfitues, është deri në 2,000.00 Euro, shumë kjo e cila përfshinë edhe kontributin nga klientët e përzgjedhur (përfituesit) prej 20% dhe komunat partnere 30%.
Krahas pajisjeve, përfituesve do t’u ofrohen edhe trajnime profesionale dhe mbështetje teknike pasi të kenë pranuar pajisjet.
Informacionet e tjera do të ofrohen përmes takimeve informuese që do të mbahen në fillim të projektit.
05.07.2021 Signing cooperation agreement with Municipality of Klina
06.07.2021 Signing cooperation agreement with Municipality of Skenderaj
07.07.2021 Signing cooperation agreement with Municipality of Shtime
09.07.2021 Signing cooperation agreement with Municipality of Kamenica
15.07.2021 Signing cooperation agreement with Municipality of Rahovec
16.07.2021 Signing cooperation agreement with Municipality of Malisheva
19.07.2021 Signing cooperation agreement with Municipality of Dragash
German Government continues supporting the economic empowerment of the Western Balkans
German non-governmental organisation Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe (missions to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia) is informing the public on the release of the 3.35 million Euros worth German-supported programme “Socio-economic empowerment of the Western Balkans”
The German non-governmental organisation Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe is implementing a 3,35 million Euros, German-supported programme “Socio-economic empowerment of the Western Balkans” to enhance the socio-economic stability of the region in 2021 until the end of December 2022.
The programme objective is to create mechanisms and networks for the empowerment of marginalised groups including COVID-19 recovery measures and thus facilitate their inclusion and social prosperity.
The focus of the activities, in all Western Balkans countries, is on the job-creation through the establishment of new businesses and provision of support to the existing ones affected by the COVID-19. The assistance will be provided to socially vulnerable groups, women, youth, people with disabilities, prisoners, and local communities, through economic empowerment involving the building of personal and professional skills.
By the end of the project, it is expected that in the Western Balkans, Help will have supported at least 470 small scale businesses. At least 900 people will have increased their personal and professional skills. The penitentiary support to 18 prisons and at least 15 local initiatives completed, and a social platform fully operational on the regional level.
Timo Stegelmann, Help Deputy Managing Director
“Following the principle of “Help towards self-reliance”, Help supports the efforts of low-income families, women, youth, prisoners, and former prisoners, people with disabilities to improve their living conditions through their own means and for the long-term to strengthen the resilience of communities.”
Shqipe Breznica, Country Director: “In Kosovo, Help will continue its effort in empowering micro-businesses with in-kind grants and provide business and professional training to increase their capacities as well as to facilitate labour market access. Kosovo Correctional Services and Kosovo Probation Services will be supported within the resocialization component. As for the local communities’ improvement, kindergartens in the capital will be supported to create a stimulating environment. In addition, previously established local structures will be utilized in synergetic action for a common good to produce and set up outdoor trash bins installed in the capital of Kosovo, Prishtina”.
More information on the project is available at/via:
Media contact person: Designated PR person contact details:
Gent Saraçi – Senior Field Officer
Tel.: +383 38 704 302
Mob: +383 44 672 072
Help Kosovo në programin e mëngjesit në RADIO KOSOVA 2, ku diskutuam rreth projektit të Help për 2019