Certification of sewing sector clients finalized

Help supported the jewelry making training for inmates in Lipjan CS
After signing the contract between Help and SH.P.K “FILIGRAN” on 15.12 2021, Help started preparations for the handicraft course at the Correctional Center for women in Lipjan, secured the materials and work tools, the training started in mid-December 2021.
In the first part of the course, the importance of preserving the Filigree was explained and then the working methods. Five (5) candidates continued the training until the end during the 12-month period. In the workshop, it was worked pure silver.
After the writing of the silver is done, the preparation of the wire is done with different dimensions depending on the article which was worked with.
Trained candidates have shown great ambition and willingness to learn this methodology. In the beginning, there were the initial elements, then moved on to the manufacture of articles according to the filigree work models, during the passage of time it was allowed to work independently, including the design and the work until the finalization of the product.
The finalized items have been cleaned with 20% HCL acid and bicarbonate soda NaHC03 and were exhibited in the facilities of the Correctional Center in Lipjan.
Help wishes success to the trained candidates.
CIRCLE project finalization
New Year’s Resolutions
A jeni përcaktuar rreth qëllimeve tuaja për vitin që hymë?
Po u ofrojmë disa prej qëllimeve/objektivave që duhet vendosur vetes për të punuar drejt arritjes së tyre.
Mësimi i aftësive të reja
Vijimi i shkollimit me përkushtim;
Ndjekja e trajnimeve biznesore apo profesionale
Hulumtimi i tregut, fillimi i idesë suaj për të bërë biznes
Më shumë kujdes për veten, ushtrime, meditim
Të ushqyerit e shëndetshëm
Mbështetja ndaj të tjerëve;
Kujdesi ndaj ambientit
Pjesëmarrja në punë vullnetare;
Vizita e vendeve të bukura në vend apo jashtë vendit
Po ju a keni ndonjë objektivë interesante që doni ta ndani me ne?
Are you determined about your goals for the year we entered?
We are offering some of the goals / objectives that you need to set yourself to work towards achieving them.
- Learning new skills
- Continuing schooling with dedication;
- Attending business or professional training
- Reading
- Market research, the beginning of your idea to do business
- More self-care, exercises, meditation
- Healthy eating
- Supporting others;
- Care for the environment
- Participation in volunteer work;
- Visit beautiful places in the country or abroad
Do you have any interesting goals that you want to share with us?
40 youngsters benefited from the Skill Up Project

Help awarded on women empowerment in Kosovo
“They Believed They Could So They Did” R S Grey
On December 15th, 2022, the first award ceremony was held for the most successful women of the Republic of Kosovo from all communities, titled ‘Golden Crown’.
The event was organized under the patronage of the Cabinet for Human Rights and Non-Majority Communities of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, the Office of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister Emilija Redžepi in cooperation with the NGO Lady – CC 4 Women.
Shqipe Breznica, Country Director of Help Mission in Kosovo, was awarded for the contribution in women’s economic empowerment through grants for employment.
Thank you for the recognition.