Help supports Safe Houses in Kosovo

Help Kosovo supported 10 safe houses/shelters with electronic equipment where children from domestic violence sheltered in the safe houses have the possibility to continue with e-learning and other activities related to work and studies.
Locations: Prishtina, Prizren, Peja, Gjakova, Ferizaj, Novoberd, Gjilan, Mitrovica.
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Help donates 50000 surgical masks to UCCK

Today, the German organization Help has delivered 50,000 surgical masks to the HUCKS.
This assistance was provided within framework of the assistance for the prevention and control of pandemics caused by COVID 19. The donation was delivered to the Central Pharmacy of SHSKUS, while surgical masks will be distributed to wards within HUCSK, as needed.
The donation was handed over by the Director of Help in Kosovo, Ms. Shqipe Breznica. German organization Help will continue to support Kosovo’s institutions in this regard.

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Tree planting for 25 years of Help in South East Europe

Today, 25 tree seedlings were planted in the Municipality of Fushë Kosovë and Obiliq to mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of Help in Southeast Europe.
Help’s motto for this jubilee is “Together for Tomorrow”.
This symbolic action is a continuation of Help’s activities to create a better environment and welfare and socio-economic stability for all citizens.

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Help supported Correctional Service in Smrekonica with working tools

Help Kosovo në partneritet me Institucionin e Shërbimit Korrektues të Kosovë ka mbështetur me pajisje për mirëmbajtjen e veturave Qendrën Korrektuese në Smrekonicë. Përmes këtij projekti synohet të ndikohet në rehabilitimin dhe ri-socializimin e personave të burgosur, në kuadër të projektit “Mbështetje stabilitetit socio-ekonomik në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor 2019-2020”. Qëllimi i projektit është ngritja e kapaciteteve të grupeve të cenueshme ne sferën ekonomike dhe shoqërore, në mënyrë që të ju krijohen mundësitë për pjesëmarrje aktive në shoqëri. __________________________
Help Kosovo in partnership with the Kosovo Correctional Service Institution has supported the Smrekonica Correctional Center with vehicle maintenance equipment. Through this project it is intended to influence the rehabilitation and re-socialization of prisoners, within the project “Support to socio-economic stability in the Western Balkans region 2019-2020”. The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of vulnerable groups in the economic and social sphere, in order to create opportunities for active participation in society.
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Visit at the Ministry of Agriculture

Sot u mbajt takimi informues ne mes te përfaqësuesve te Misionit Help për Kosovë dhe Ministrit te Bujqësisë, Pylltarisë dhe Zhvillimit Rural, Besian Mustafa, për të diskutuar rreth projekteve për zhvillim ekonomik dhe zbutjen e varfërisë përmes krijimit të mundësive për vetë-punësim përmes granteve.
Today, an informative meeting was held between representatives of Help Kosovo and Besian Mustafa, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development to discuss about projects for economic development and poverty reduction by creating opportunities for self-employment through grants.

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Survey report on Agriculture – Crop production

Organizata Help Kosovo ka zhvilluar anketimin e klientëve të vet në lëminë e Agrikulturës, që kanë përfituar nga skemat e granteve të Helpit, që nga viti 2015.
Qëllimi I këtij vlerësimi është matja e nevojave dhe njohurive të fermerëve, duke krijuar një pasqyrë të situatës në terren dhe këshillimi i tyre profesional.

Help Kosovo organization developed a conducting survey with its clients in the field of Agriculture, who have benefited from Help grant schemes since 2015.
The purpose of this assessment is to measure the needs and knowledge of farmers, creating an overview of the situation in the field and their professional consulting.


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Second selection visits at potential clients of 2020

Help has started field visits to short listed candidates of Municipalities involved in the project for 2020.

Through these visits Help aims to make a selection as efficient as possible by verifying the real socio-economic situation of the candidates and businesses.

After the completion of this phase, the final selection of grant recipients will take place.

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200 face shield masks donated to UCCK

Today, the second contingent of 200 face shield masks was delivered to the Central Pharmacy within the UCCK for medical staff, their production was supported by Help and produced by MARO.
We thank the medical staff for their cooperation.


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Sustainable support for 7 women farmers during Covid-19

Help provided sustainable support to 7 women farmers, 6 from the village of Kishnica, Municipality of Gracanica and 1 from village of Slivova Municipality of Prishtina, through the distribution of small greenhouses for vegetable cultivation. Direct beneficiaries are 41 members of their families who are also engaged in agricultural work.

Since there are no large plots of land in Kishnica but only a few small gardens, Help considered reasonable the need for support with small greenhouses, in which case the beneficiaries will provide fresh vegetables during the summer and canned throughout the winter.
We thank Mrs. Havushe Bunjaku for the provision of seedlings through the incubator for their cultivation and support to 7 beneficiaries who will soon be able to sell their products in the local market.


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