Support to Kosovo Police during Covid-19

Help ka mbeshtetur Departamentin per Mbeshtetje te Policise se Kosoves me 1600 maska mbrojtese per te lehtesuar operimin e policeve gjate situates se krijuar nga Covid-19.
Pranimi eshte bere nga Hamdi Hyseni ud i Departamentit per Sherbime Mbeshtetese.
Falenderim i veçantë për Shoqatën Gratë e Bashkuara nga Ferizaj për qepjen e maskave në baza vullnetare.
Help supported the Kosovo Police Support Department with 1600 protective masks to facilitate the operation of police officers during the situation created by Covid-19.
The acceptance was made by Hamdi Hyseni, acting head of the Department for Support Services.
Special thanks to the Women’s Association of Ferizaj for sewing masks on voluntary basis.
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Help continues supporting families in need

Help ka mbeshtetur me nga një rrobalarëse disa familje në Komuna të ndryshme për tu lehtesuar sado pak funksionimin sidomos gjatë kohës së pandemisë Covid-19.

Help supported with washing machines several families in different municipalities to facilitate their living conditions, especially during the pandemic Covid-19.


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Help visit at the Ministry of Finance and Transfers

Takim koordinues mes Help dhe Ministrit të Financave dhe Transfereve ztr. Besnik Bislimi rreth projekteve për zbutjen e varfërisë dhe krijimin e mundësive për vetë-punësim përmes granteve.

Coordination meeting between Help and the Minister of Finance and Transfers, Mr. Besnik Bislimi about projects to alleviate poverty and create opportunities for self-employment through grants.

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Help supports Safe Houses in Kosovo during Covid-19

Based on the request from the Safe Houses in Gjakova and Prishtina, Help supported them with washing machines to facilitate the operation especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In Gjakova there are currently about 22 people, 10 women and 12 children, while in Prishtina there are 16 people, 8 women and 8 children.

It should be noted that these centers face various difficulties and need financial support to meet the needs of the people living in them.

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Assessment report of Help clients activity during the Covid-19 pandemic period

Due to the difficulties created by the Covid-19 pandemic in economy, Help Monitoring Officer has implemented the business activity monitoring analysis for the project “Support to socio-economic stability in Western Balkans 2019-2020” and “Self-Employment Training Program” and is continuing with the report for other projects implemented by Help Kosovo as well.

Report: “Assessment report of the activity of Help grant beneficiaries (clients) of 2019 during the Covid-19 pandemic period.”

April, 2020

Total clients number 223,

During April 2020, 212 clients were contacted, 11 did not respond.

Out of 212, only 40 clients or 18.9% are working at this time, 172 or 81.1% are not working.

40 clients who are working are:

  • Farmers 20 clients
  • Beekeepers 5 clients
  • I.T. 6 clients
  • Tailor 1 client
  • Metal works 3 client
  • Mechanic 4 clients
  • Gardener 1 client

Question: 1) How concerned are you with the economic situation created in Kosovo as a result of Covid-19?

Out of the 212 clients,

A) NOT AT ALL stated 17%

B) AVERAGE stated 13%

C) A LOT stated 70%

Question: 2) Has your business been affected as a result Covid-19?

A) NO stated 18.9%

B) YES stated 81.1%

Question: 3) Has your business declined during this period of COVID-19 pandemic? If so, in what forms a) loss of income, b) difficulty in paying salaries, difficulty in paying rent?

A) NO stated 18.9%

B) YES stated 81.1% (a) Loss in revenue

Question: 4) Are the measures taken by the government enough for your business to survive until the end of the Covid-19 pandemic?

A) NO stated 24%

B) YES stated 76%

Question: 5) What exactly would be the adequate help for your business, in addition to cash (fertilizers for farmers; textiles and / or accessories for tailors; hair materials / colors for beauticians and hairdressers; soap for automotive; food and drinks for restaurants)?

A) Other support, said 150 of them which is 70.75

B) Raw material stated 62 of them or 29.25%

Question: 6) Plans in the future?

Of the 212 clients all stated that they plan to continue the same business.

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Support to Municipality of Prishtina on managing the situation

Help ka ndihmuar me pako ushqimore dhe higjienike Komunën e Prishtinës, ndihmë e cila u ofrua në kuadër të mbeshtetjes në menaxhimin e situatës ndaj pandemisë Covid-19. Falenderim i veçantë për kompanitë vendore që mbështetën këtë iniciativë përmes donacioneve të tyre.
Poashtu falenderojmë zyretarët komunal për bashkëpunimin dhe mbështetjen e vazhdueshme ndaj qytetarëve në këtë kohë të vështirë.

Help has assisted Municipality of Prishtina with food and hygiene packages, an assistance which was provided in the framework of support in the management of the situation against pandemic Covid-19. Special thanks to the local companies that supported this initiative through their donations.
We also thank the municipal officials for their continued cooperation and support to the citizens during this hard time.
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Help continues supporting families in need during Covid-19 situation

Help has supported 119 families of the Martyrs’ Quarter in Balloc of Podujeva with food and hygiene packages, assistance which was provided in the framework of support in managing the situation against pandemic Covid-19.

Special thanks to the local companies that supported this initiative through their donations.

We also thank the municipal officials for their cooperation in compiling the lists of all families in need and field activity through volunteers.

Photographer: Valdrin Fetahu

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Help supports High Security Prison with machine for production of garbage bags

Reduktim i kostos, prodhim, zhvillim! 

Oganizata Help ne kuader te bashkepunimit me Institucionin e Sherbimit Korrektues te Kosoves, sot i ka dhuruar Burgut te Sigurise se Larte ne Gerdoc, makinen per prodhimin e qeseve te mbeturinave te dimensioneve te ndryshme.
Me kete makine do te punojne te burgosurit te cilet jane duke u mbajtur ne kete institucion, ndersa qeset e prodhuara do te perdoren nga te gjitha burgjet dhe Qendrat Korrektuese te Kosoves.

Help Organization, in cooperation with the Kosovo Correctional Service Institution, today distributed to the High Security Prison in Gerdoc, the machine for the production of garbage bags of various dimensions.
This machine will be used by prisoners who are being held in this institution, while the bags produced will be used by all prisons and Correctional Centers in Kosovo.

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Support to Health Institutions in managing the situation during Covid-19

Help vazhdon mbështetjen ndaj Institucioneve në menaxhimin e situatës ndaj pandemisë Covid-19, këtë herë mbështetje simbolike ju ofrua Qendrës Kryesore të Mjeksisë Familjare në Podujevë të cilës ju dhuruan një pako maska mbrojtëse për stafin.
Falenderojmë Rrobaqepsinë “ADA” për vullnetarizmin e tyre për qepjen e maskave me materialin që ju dhurua nga Organizata Help.
Poashtu falenderim i veçantë për ekipin e mediumit Klan Kosova të cilët ndoqën këtë aktivitet.
Bashkë çdo gjë është më e lehtë.

Help continues to support the Institutions in managing the situation with pandemic Covid-19, this time providing symbolic support to the Main Family Medicine Center in Podujeva with protective masks package for staff.
We thank the tailoring company “ADA” for their volunteerism for sewing masks with the material donated by Help Organization.
Also special thanks to the team of the medium Klan Kosova who followed this activity.
Together everything is easier.
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