Reduktim i kostos, prodhim, zhvillim! 

Oganizata Help ne kuader te bashkepunimit me Institucionin e Sherbimit Korrektues te Kosoves, sot i ka dhuruar Burgut te Sigurise se Larte ne Gerdoc, makinen per prodhimin e qeseve te mbeturinave te dimensioneve te ndryshme.
Me kete makine do te punojne te burgosurit te cilet jane duke u mbajtur ne kete institucion, ndersa qeset e prodhuara do te perdoren nga te gjitha burgjet dhe Qendrat Korrektuese te Kosoves.

Help Organization, in cooperation with the Kosovo Correctional Service Institution, today distributed to the High Security Prison in Gerdoc, the machine for the production of garbage bags of various dimensions.
This machine will be used by prisoners who are being held in this institution, while the bags produced will be used by all prisons and Correctional Centers in Kosovo.