Happy Holidays đź’›

Greetings from Help Mission in Kosovo team. đź’›
Wishing everyone a prosperious year filled with joy, health and happiness.
See you next year with new projects.
#helpkosovo #team

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Remembering the earthquake in Albania


One year later…

We remember the early morning of November 26, 2019, when Albania was hit by an earthquake of magnitude 6.4.
Damage was recorded mainly in the city of Durrës and the village of Kodër-Thumana, which are located near the epicenter of the earthquake.
A total of 51 people left dead by the quake and over 3,000 people were injured.
In terms of magnitude, this was the largest earthquake that has hit Albania in more than forty years.
On this occasion the organization Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Mission in Kosovo was mobilized to provide emergency assistance to survivors of this natural disaster.

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Help continues supporting Safe Houses in Kosovo

Help Kosovo ka implementuar aktivitet të financuar nga Ambasada e Luksemburgut në Kosovë duke mbështetur Shtëpitë e Sigurta me pajisje për të kontribuar drejtpërdrejt në një nga kategoritë më të prekshme të shoqërisë.

Përfituesit nga ky projekt janë dhjetë shtëpi të sigurta (strehimore për gra dhe fëmijë) në Prishtinë (3), Prizren, Pejë, Gjakovë, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Novoberd dhe Mitrovica.
Help implemented an activity financed by Luxembourg Embassy in Kosovo by supporting Safe Houses with equipment to contribute directly to one of the most vulnerable society categories.

The beneficiaries profiting from this project are ten safe houses (shelters for women and children) in Prishtina (3), Prizren, Peja, Gjakova, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Novoberd and Mitrovica.

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25 years of Help in South East Europe

Together we are creating opportunities

Help can now look back on 25 years of work in South East Europe and on a period of the most intense need caused by violent conflicts, but also on years of hope and successes in sustainable development.

Unfortunately, reconciliation within and between the individual states in South East Europe remains a challenge, ethnic minorities are excluded, many young people have no prospects, and rapprochement with the EU and its values is proceeding only slowly. In addition to this, the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic are clearly revealing the fragility of these states. It is vitally important that we remain committed to promoting stability in South East Europe and hence to promoting people’s protection, safety and self-determination.


Under the motto of our anniversary, “Together for Tomorrow”, we are therefore calling on states, civil society, business and every individual to stand up for people’s well-being.

We can live together in peaceful coexistence only if we take responsibility for each other and act collaboratively.

Help focuses on the following key operational areas in the context of its South East Europe strategy. Environmental protection and innovation always feed into them as crosscutting issues, especially in the context of economic development.

Donate for South East Europe: Together for Tomorrow

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  • This brochure will give you an insight into the success story of Help in South East Europe. We especially thank the local teams, our sponsors and supporters as well as the beneficiaries who share their stories with us. Knowing that we are all working together gives us the courage to continue. Enjoy reading!
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Farmers Logbook compiled by Help Mission in Kosovo

Dear farmers,

The realization of this work diary is made possible by the Help Kosovo organization and we hope that this book will serve the farmers in a useful way. Help in Kosovo provides social and economic assistance to people vulnerable to poverty and negative social phenomena.
The overall aim of the projects implemented by Help is to support sustainable development and stability in certain areas, with a focus on economic empowerment which are supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government and implemented by the Kosovo office of the Help organization– Hilf zur Selbsthilfe.

Keeping records is a topic that few farmers care about discussing or practicing. However, it is becoming a critical and very important task in agriculture. As agriculture becomes more commercialized, farmers should strive to be confident about the performance of their farms at all times. This is difficult to achieve if a farmer does not keep a record of financial transactions and other activities that take place on the farm. Regardless of the record-keeping methodology, the best system is one in which all expenses and income are recorded at the correct time and manner.



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Supporting children of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities with laptops

Help në Kosovë përmes Fondacionit Medicor ka mbështetur më se 200 fëmijë të komuniteteve Rom, Ashkali dhe Egjiptas me laptopë për të vijuar mësimin si dhe për zhvillimin e tyre në shkenca kompjuterike, planifikimi i aktiviteteve u zhvillua në bashkëpunim me VoRAE.
Këta fëmijë kanë nevojë për mbështetje, inkurajim dhe vazhdim të shkollimit. Ju priftë e mbara.
Help in Kosovo through the Medicor Foundation has supported more than 200 children from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities with laptops for attending classes and for their development in computer science, the planning of activities was implemented in cooperation with VoRAE.
These children need support, encouragement and continuation of education. Wishing success to all.

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Report on agriculture sector of clients from 2020 projects

This report is a result of the work carried out during the field visits and agricultural advice to the clients/beneficiaries of the grants within two projects

1.”Support to socio-economic stability in the Western Balkans Region” supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government.

2. “Support to socio-economic stability in Kosovo” supported by the Medicor Foundation.

These projects are implemented by Help Kosovo – Help Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Mission in Kosovo in partnership with Municipalities.

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Better economic opportunities in the Western Balkans

New opportunities for the economic empowerment of the women and youth in the Western Balkans through the pilot project in partnership with Helvetas within Sida’s Regional programme on inclusive economic development

On  1 September 2020, the German organisation Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed the Partnership Agreement with the Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, a Cooperation Partner to Sida, and thus became an Implementing Partner to Helvetas in Sida’s Regional programme on inclusive economic development in Eastern Europe and Western Balkans.

The Help pilot project “Vibrant ICT-BPO sector for better economic opportunities” will support skills, knowledge and intermediation development in the Western Balkans. Replicating and improving successful models from Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the ICT (Information communication and technology) and BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) sectors in Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro, the project will lead towards the better functioning of the business services and the supply of skilled workforce as well as the promotion of the regional brand and the BPO sector.

The focus of this pilot is on promoting and strengthening the economic “regional value addition” of the ICT-BPO  sector in Serbia, N. Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro, building on successful models tested in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In practice, it means branding the region by stimulating the competitiveness of private sector enterprises and creating a critical mass of skilled workforce of women, young people and other excluded groups to generate more inclusive and sustainable business development.

The core of the pilot project consists of three pillars. The first pillar is private sector enterprises development and growth through ICT tools and transition of SME’s into the digital economy. The second is creation of sustainable models for delivering the demand-driven training packages which mean skills and knowledge development (hard and soft skills) bringing participants up to the industry standard demanded on the market. And last, but not least, the third pillar is the active promotion of the ICT-BPO sector leading to increased investment and diversification in range and quality of services it provides.

On behalf of Help, the Agreement was signed by the Managing Director, Ms Karin Settele and Deputy Managing Director, Mr Timo Stegelmann.

Help is thrilled to embark on this new journey further strengthening the Western Balkans competitive advantages and support to the economic empowerment of the people of the Balkans.

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Business training for clients during 2020

Trajnimi i biznesit: Administrimi i biznesit në Kosovë

Administrimi i biznesit është kryer në internet (online) për klientët e zgjedhur të komunave në vijim: Prishtina 39 klientë të zgjedhur, Podujeva 37, Drenas 35, Skënderaj 22 dhe Gjakova 37 klientë të zgjedhur në total 170 klientë të zgjedhur. Programi i trajnimit është realizuar gjatë periudhës: 03.08.2020-28.08.2020.

Programi i trajnimit zgjati 2 (dy) ditë dhe përbëhej nga temat kryesore vijuese: Koncepti i Ndërmarrjes dhe praktikat më të mira, Modeli i Biznesit Canvas, Planifikimi Strategjik dhe Marketingu, Planifikimi Financiar dhe Sistemi i Taksave në Kosovë dhe Regjistri i Biznesit në Kosovë. Programi i trajnimit ka qenë shumë interaktiv, ndërsa trajnerët fillimisht kanë prezantuar konceptet dhe më pas kanë angazhuar pjesëmarrësit në aktivitete të lidhura ngushtë me konceptin e trajnimit. Prandaj, pjesëmarrësit fillimisht kanë filluar të kryejnë analiza të ndryshme të biznesit të tyre në varësi të nivelit të zhvillimit të biznesit të tyre. Pjesëmarrësve në trajnim u janë siguruar materiale të ndryshme trajnimi që janë dinamike dhe mund të zbatohen lehtësisht nga pjesëmarrësit në çdo kohë.
Business Training: Business Administration in Kosovo

Business Administration has been conducted online for selected clients of the following municipalities: Prishtina 39 selected clients, Podujeva 37, Drenas 35, Skenderaj 22, and Gjakova 37 selected clients in total 170 selected clients. The training program has been delivered during the period: 03.08.2020-28.08.2020.

The training program lasted 2 (two) days and consisted of following main topics: Entrepreneurship Concept and Best Practices, Canvas Business Model, Strategic and Marketing Planning, Financial Planning and Tax System in Kosovo and Business Register in Kosovo. The training program has been highly interactive, whereas trainers have initially presented the concepts and then have engaged participants in activities closely related to the training concept. Hence, the participants have initially started to conduct various analysis of their business depending on their business’ level of development. Training participants have been provided with various training materials that are dynamic and can easily be applied by participants at any time.

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