Tender for purchase of equipment for processing potatoes

Help Misioni ne Kosove po zbaton prokurimin me numer reference te blerjes P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-17, për blerjen e paisjeve per procesimin e patateve që nevojiten për aktivitetet e organizates.
Ftojme te gjitha kompanite e interesuara qe dosjen e prokurimit mund ta kerkojne permes postes elektronike, ne adresen: shala@help-kosovo.org
Me qëllim të marrjes parasysh, oferta duhet të dorëzohet tek Help më së voni deri me 06.12.2023, ora 16:00, personalisht, ne zarf te mbyllur ne zyre te Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, ne adresen: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu,Obj U3,H2,K2,N9, Prishtine


Help Mission in Kosovo is implementing the procurement with purchase reference number P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-17, for the purchase of potato processing equipment needed for the organization’s activities.
We invite all interested companies to request the procurement file via e-mail, at the address: shala@help-kosovo.org
In order to be considered, the offer must be submitted to Help no later than 06.12.2023, at 16:00, personally, in a sealed envelope at the office of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, at the address: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu, Obj U3, H2, K2, N9, Prishtina

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Tender for working tools P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-18

Help Misioni ne Kosove po zbaton prokurimin për blerjen e paisjeve per Vegla te punes, numri i references se blerjes P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-18, që nevojiten për aktivitetet e organizates .

Ftojme te gjitha kompanite e interesuara qe dosjen e prokurimit mund ta kerkojne permes postes elektronike, ne adresen: shala@help-kosovo.org

Me qëllim të marrjes parasysh, oferta duhet të dorëzohet tek Help më së voni deri me 04.12.2023, ora 16:00, personalisht, ne zarf te mbyllur ne zyre te Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, ne adresen: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu,Obj U3,H2,K2,N9, Prishtine

Help Mission in Kosovo is implementing the procurement for the purchase of equipment for work tools, purchase reference number P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-18, which are needed for the organization’s activities.

We invite all interested companies to request the procurement file via e-mail, at the address: shala@help-kosovo.org

In order to be considered, the offer must be submitted to Help no later than 04.12.2023, at 16:00, personally, in a sealed envelope at the office of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, at the address: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu, Obj U3, H2, K2, N9, Prishtina

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Supporting digitalization of sectors within Reconomy

On 24 October 2023, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed a partnership agreement with Melita&Partners LLC as implementing partner within RECONOMY. Melita & Partners is the leading service provider of business financial solutions in the region.
As of 1 July 2023, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed a Partnership Agreement with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, a Cooperation Partner to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and thus became an Implementing Partner to Helvetas in Sida’s RECONOMY – an inclusive and green economic development program in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries. One of RECONOMY’s projects focuses on “Digitalization of sectors with growth potential for better economic opportunities” in the Western Balkans.
The project will lead towards the better functioning of the business services and the supply of skilled workforce as well as the promotion of the regional brand and the BPO sector. In practice, it means branding the region by stimulating the competitiveness of private sector enterprises and creating a critical mass of skilled workforce of women and youth, including the most disadvantaged and excluded, benefit from improved economic opportunities (better income and green and decent jobs) inclusively and sustainably.
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Newsletter on the board’s visit to the Western Balkans

Help invites you to browse the newsletter on the board’s visit to the Western Balkans.
🔗 To read the newsletter in pdf format click the link:
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Help ju fton të shfletoni përmbledhjen e vizitës së bordit në Ballkanin Perëndimor.
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Tender for I.T. and Video/Audio equipment (SOE10)

Help Mission in Kosovo is implementing the procurement for the purchase of I.T and Video/Audio equipment, purchase reference number P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-15, which are needed for the organization’s activities.

We invite all interested companies to request the procurement file via e-mail, at the address: fetahu@help-kosovo.org

In order to be considered, the offer must be submitted to Help no later than 06.11.2023, at 16:00, personally, in a sealed envelope at the office of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, at the address: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu, Obj U3, H2, K2, N9, Prishtina


Help Misioni ne Kosove po zbaton prokurimin për blerjen e paisjeve të I.T dhe Video/Audio, numri I references se blerjes P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-15, që nevojiten për aktivitetet e organizates.

Ftojme te gjitha kompanite e interesuara qe dosjen e prokurimit mund ta kerkojne permes postes elektronike, ne adresen: fetahu@help-kosovo.org

Me qëllim të marrjes parasysh, oferta duhet të dorëzohet tek Help më së voni deri me 06.11.2023, ora 16:00, personalisht, ne zarf te mbyllur ne zyre te Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, ne adresen: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu,Obj U3,H2,K2,N9, Prishtine

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Help board visit during October 2023

Help’s journey through the Balkans continues, and today we bring you insights from our visit to Kosovo. Our dedicated team, led by Secretary General Dr. Thorsten Klose-Zuber, and board members Ute Vogt and Angelika Josten Janssen, met with the Help in Kosovo team to dive into their inspiring portfolio.
In Kosovo, Help upholds the same approach and methodology that have proven successful in other Balkan countries. Our commitment to empowering individuals and communities remains unwavering.
One highlight of our visit was our interaction with a local start-up business supported by the RECONOMY program. This program focuses on training and education in digital transformation and green economic development, in partnership with HELVETAS and Swedish Sida. Our local partner is in finance and accounting for businesses not only in Kosovo but also in the wider region. What’s remarkable is that it also extends its reach to educate and mentor individuals, with a significant 80 per cent of its clients being women. This initiative is a powerful force in promoting female empowerment in Kosovo and the surrounding region.
By equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for the digital age and sustainable economic practices, we are not only addressing “the brain drain” but also driving socio-economic sustainable development and female empowerment in Kosovo and beyond.
At Help, we believe in the transformative power of education and support. Stay tuned as we continue our journey, making a positive impact in Kosovo and across the Balkans. 💪📚🌐
@helpinseee @helpinkosovo
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Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans (SOE10)

The German government will support the economic development of five of the Western Balkan countries, namely, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia to improve living conditions of marginalized, vulnerable groups in the Western Balkans through programs through capacity building, learning and innovation with and amongst intermediary institutions and cross-border cooperation.

Help will implement the regional project “Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans” throughout the year 2023 until the end of 2024.

The overall goal of the program is to contribute to the reduction of social and economic exclusion of vulnerable groups in the Western Balkans region through economic empowerment and supporting the social-economic inclusion of vulnerable groups.

Objective 1: Regional cooperation and development

Objective 2: Conditions for new jobs created through the Green Growth Grants scheme and appropriate capacity-building training

Objective 3: Contribute to better resocialization of convicts in prison systems through working engagement and capacity building of convicts and employees of the Correctional Institutions

Objective 4: local community initiatives to support improved access and inclusion of vulnerable categories

Project components that will be implemented in Kosovo that will lead to the inclusion and economic empowerment of vulnerable groups are:

  • Green Growth Grants enhancing development, digital and green economy with a focus on entrepreneurship and green practices
  • Provision of business and vocational trainings
  • Training and resocialization programs in correctional institutions
  • Support workshops within the Kosovo Correctional Service
  • Start-up support for former convicts
  • Community-level initiatives to improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups and advance the inclusion of vulnerable social groups
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