Opening of Center for Education Development in Peja

Help Kosovo attended in the opening of Center for Education Development in Peja which is the first one in this Municipality. This is a center where the youngsters can attend different training in the field of information technology. Help Kosovo supported this center with technology equipment and also furniture.

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Opening of cedX in Peja

The Center for Innovation CEDx, in the city of Peja, opened on Wednesday.

This center will be in the function of young people who are interested in acquiring knowledge in fields such as programming, robotics, design, electronics and web development, and will be in the service of start-up support for businesses

Present at this opening were the Mayor of Peja, Gazmend Muhaxheri, who pledged support for this initiative, hoping that this environment will be the place where many young people will benefit.

Muhaxheri said that “I believe that they will have continued support to develop their activities”.

On the other hand, the representative of the German organization “Help”, Shqipe Breznica, an organization that has been one of the main supporters of this idea, said they are satisfied that this funding has taken the right direction and has been successfully finalized.

She further stressed that there was no dose of skepticism that should support such an initiative.

“Through these initiatives is being achieved to empower young people and at the same time is serving as an opportunity for self-employment and generation of new jobs,” Breznica added.

One of the founders of CEDx, Edon Zeqiri, said that this center is unique and the only one in the city of Peja, which gives it special weight and importance.

According to him, the center has reached the final point because there was enough support. / Telegrafi /

Check the video below from the TV Dukagjini program Info Box:


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Help Kosovo supported “Center for Independent Life” in Peja

Help Kosovo has supported “Center for Independent Life” which is an Organization that works on protecting the right of people with disability and also trains this category of society to live independently. In this Center people with disabilities are engaged in different activities such as reading, learning, singing, dancing, drawing, playing, daily life activities etc. Help Kosovo supported this Center with gastronomy equipment. Their future plans are to open a mini bar where they can serve their products to the client which will help them generate income for their needs.

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Help Kosovo supported 7 Community Entrepreneurial Initiatives in 2017

In 2017 Help Kosovo supported 7 Community Entrepreneurial Initiatives in Kosovo.

1 Majlinda Kelmendi Istog CBC Innovation Hub Services
2 Fatos Axhemi Gjakove Jakova Innovation Center Services
3 Shkumbin Brestovci Prishtina FLOSSK Services
4 Enis Qafleshi Prizren Maker Space Services
5 Ridvan Islami Prishtina Career Advising Center Services
6 Krenar Spahija Peja Center for Education & Development Services
7  Dashnim  Osmani  Lipjan  EDUCATION-CORRECTIONAL CENTER  Services

We have supported 4 existing initiatives with information technology equipment and furniture (2 in Prishtina, 1 in Gjakova and 1 in Istog).

It is important to mention that Help Kosovo supported 2 start ups this year: Maker Space in Prizren and Center for Education & Development in Peja which are the first centers in those Municipalities where youngsters can work together and develop their ideas in these new creative spaces.

Help Kosovo also supported Correctional Educational Center in Lipjan with information technology equipment in order to have an opportunity for the kids in this center to do different activities and attend training in the field of technology.

Help Kosovo is very pleased with the cooperation between Correctional Educational Center in Lipjan and our Organization and we plan to continue this cooperation in the future to help youngsters achieve their goals and get included in employment and education.

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Help Kosovo supported Correctional Educational Center in Lipjan

Help Kosovo supported Correctional Educational Center in Lipjan with information technology equipment in order to have an opportunity for the kids in this center to do different activities and attend training in the field of techonology.
Help Kosovo is very pleased with the cooperation between Correctional Educational Center in Lipjan and our Organization and we plan to continue this cooperation in the future to help youngsters achieve their goals and get included in employment and education.

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Help Kosovo implemented professional agriculture consultancy

Within the project, Help has been involved in provision of professional trainings (farm visit/consultancy services to selected participants from Municipality of Gjakova and Graçanica.

The main objective of this action is provision of professional training, in agriculture sector to selected participants from Municipality of Gjakova and Graçanica.

The consultancy service/farm visit was provided in three rounds to all selected participants, where in each visit the farmer and the trainer have had the opportunity to discuss with each other the constrains and the solutions for each issue.

For this training, there were 1 participant from Municipality of Gjakova and 8 participants from Municipality of Graçanica.

The trainer has implemented three visits in each farm. During the visit, consultancy was provided to each farmer individually, on specific issues that they need assistance.

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Help Kosovo supported 316 businesses in 2017

Help Kosovo has supported 244 small businesses in 2017, from which 68 in the Municipality of Peja, 52 in Vushtrri, 43 in Prizren, 33 in Novoberd, 23 in Gjakova and 22 in Gracanica, 67 in Prishtina, 4 in Gjilan and 4 special grants.
Also we have to mention that Help has supported 6 Community Entrepreneurial Initiatives in Kosovo (2 in Prishtina, 1 in Istog, 1 in Peja, 1 in Prizren and 1 in Gjakova).
The support means equipment required by the clients which are interested in creating a start up business or developing an existing business. We will continue our project in 2018 with other Municipalities.

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412 training provided in 2017 by Help Kosovo

In Novoberdo municipality Help provided training for 54 clients. The training were in business training, and agricultural farm visits.

In Peja municipality Help provided training for 82 clients. The training were in business training, and agricultural farm visits.

In Prizren municipality Help provided training for 64 clients. The training were in business training, agricultural farm visits, hairdresser, capacity building and milk processing.

In Vushtrri municipality Help provided training for 135 clients. The training were in business administration, sales and marketing, taxes and accounting, business training, farm management, 3Dmax, beautician hairdressing and agro farm visits.

In Gjakova municipality Help provided training for 62 clients. The training were in Service management, business administration, sales and marketing, taxes and accounting, farm management, photography training, and agro farm visits.

In Gracanica municipality Help provided trainings for 15 clients. The training were in farm management and agro farm visits.

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412 training provided in 2017 by Help Kosovo

In Novoberdo municipality Help provided training for 54 clients. The training were in business training, and agricultural farm visits.

In Peja municipality Help provided training for 82 clients. The training were in business training, and agricultural farm visits.

In Prizren municipality Help provided training for 64 clients. The training were in business training, agricultural farm visits, hairdresser, capacity building and milk processing.

In Vushtrri municipality Help provided training for 135 clients. The training were in business administration, sales and marketing, taxes and accounting, business training, farm management, 3Dmax, beautician hairdressing and agro farm visits.

In Gjakova municipality Help provided training for 62 clients. The training were in Service management, business administration, sales and marketing, taxes and accounting, farm management, photography training, and agro farm visits.

In Gracanica municipality Help provided trainings for 15 clients. The training were in farm management and agro farm visits.

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