Help regional meeting in Prishtina (26-29 March 2019)

On March 27th the implementing team consisted of Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Deputy Managing Director Timo Stegelmann, Masa Bubanj – Programme Manager, Adem Sylejmani – Senior Field Officer and Gent Saraçi – Grant Officer visited clients in Graçanica and Prishtina to monitor their activities.
Marko Mirkovic
Grant value: 1,500.00 €
Born on 10.06.1992, he is a client from Gracanica who benefited photocopy machine for his existing business where he can offer printing and photocopying services for citizens in Gracanica. His shop is located in the Center of the Municipality.
Milica Dimitrijevic
Grant value: 2,150.00 €
Born on 23.10.1993, she is a client from Gracanica who benefited cleaning and drying machines for their existing Car Wash business. Her husband and other employees are more engaged in the business whereas she is more engaged in the managing part.
Their business is also located in the Center of the Municipality.
Dragisa Stankovic
Grant value: 2,170.00 €
Born on 06.10.1975, he is a client from Gracanica who benefited gastronomy equipment and fridges for their existing Fast Food business. His wife and other employees are more engaged in the business whereas he is more engaged in the Pizzeria.
Their business is also located in the Center of the Municipality.
Naim Bytyçi
Grant value: 2,000.00 €
Born on 02.04.1990, he is a client from Village Shashkoc in Prishtina who benefited agriculture equipment for his existing Farm. They have about 10 cows and cultivate maize and wheat. Their family has more than 10 members and most of them are engaged in the agriculture activities especially his father Jakup born in 1957. The equipment delivered by Help are roto tiller, mower, manure spreader machine.
Ylber Breca
Grant value: 2,000.00 €
Born on 14.04.1975, he is a client Prishtina who received mechanic equipment (lift) for his existing Service for vehicles. He has employed 2 youngsters in the company. Clients are mostly from Prishtina and Podujeva as regular clients but also, he fixes cars for different companies and NGO’s in Kosovo.
Leutrim Krasniqi
Grant value: 3,345.69 €
Born on 12.05.1993, he is a client from Village Bardhosh in Prishtina who benefited heating equipment for his existing Farm/Greenhouse. They cultivate tomatoes, peppers, salad and also possess about 100 bee hives.
Their family has more than 10 members and most of them are engaged in the agriculture activities.
Figure 6. Leutrim Krasniqi – Farmer from Village Bardhosh in Prishtina
This will increase the income of the family because they can offer vegetables in the market when the others that do not have this equipment couldn’t.With the equipment received from Help this greenhouse will be functional during the whole year with different cultures of Agriculture due to the heating system installed for it.
Clients extra payment was 1,645.69 €.
On March 27th The Deputy Managing Director of Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Timo Stegelmann had a meeting with Chief of Mission at UNHCR, Erol Arduç to discuss about the future projects in Kosovo.
Fantastic weekend in the first “Start-up Competition” in Prizren!
For two consecutive days, 12 final ideas differing from about 20 participants were dealt with and changed into business models to be presented at the end before the professional evaluation jury, which determined the winners of big prizes with € 2,000 and € 4,000.
The winners were:
– Agnesa Gashi – Individual project, 2000 €
– Endrit Gërmizaj, Sazan Krasniqi and Ibrahim Gërbiqi – Joint project 4000 €.
This unique opportunity for the youth of Prizren will continue to be organized further, while we encourage you to follow us in the next activities!
Help Kosovo and the Municipality of Prizren supported the first edition of “Start-up Competition” organized by Makerspace Prizren during 23-24 March 2019.
Njoftim rreth projektit
“Programi i Trajnimit për Vetëpunesim”
Organizata Help ka përfunduar procesin e vlersimit per aplikimeve në fazën e parë nga komunat: Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik dhe Hani i Elezit. Ky proces është zbatuar gjatë muajit Shkurt 2019 dhe pas përzgjedhjes së listës së ngushtë do të fillojmë vizitat në terren gjatë muajit Mars në menyrë që të perzgjedhim perfituesit final.
Vetëm kandidatët që janë përzgjedhur në listën e ngushtë do të njoftohen dhe do të vizitohen në lokacionet e tyre përkatëse. Procesi parashihet të filloj me nga një Komunë dhe pas përfundimit të vazhdohet me Komunën në rradhë.
Për te gjitha detajet do te njoftoheni me kohë.
Ju faleminderit për mirekuptimin tuaj,
Help Kosovo
Announcement about the project
“Self-Employment Training Program”
Help Organization has completed the evaluation process for applications in the first phase of the municipalities: Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik and Hani i Elezit. This process was implemented during February 2019 and after the selection of the shortlist will continue with the field visits during March in order to select the final beneficiaries.
Only the candidates that are selected on the shortlist will be notified and will be visited at their respective locations.
The process is foreseen to start with one municipality and after completion it will be continued with the Municipality in the row.
For all the details the candidates will be notified on time.
Thank you for your understanding,
Help Kosovo