Help supports the rehabilitation of Kindergarten in Kavaja

Outreach activity in Municipality of Drenas

Outreach activity for the 2020 project
Help Kosovo organizes information meetings with citizens in the framework of the project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans Region 2019-2020” which will be implemented in Pristina, Gjakova and Skenderaj. This project is funded by the German Government, partner municipalities and implemented by Help Kosovo.
All citizens from partner municipalities (Pristina, Gjakova and Skenderaj) have the right to apply for the year 2020.
Application forms can be obtained during information meetings in your municipality or downloaded from the web site at:
Application deadline is March 20, 2020 Friday, 16:00, the application formally begins after the information meetings
Information meetings in Pristina will be held on 12.02.2020 at 10:00 in the Municipal Assembly Hall. In Gjakova informative meetings will be held on 13.02.2020 and 20.02.2020 at 11:00 in the Municipal Assembly Hall. Whereas in Skenderaj will be held on 11.02.2020 and 18.02.2020 at 11:00 in the Municipal Assembly Hall.
Completed applications and supporting documents must be timely mailed to: Help Kosovo, Postal Code No: 23; 10,000 Prishtina Republic of Kosovo.
Help and the Municipality of Drenas support 30 micro businesses
Today, on 20.01.2020 Help signed a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Drenas for the support of at least 30 micro businesses in 2020.
The Mayor of the Municipality, Mr. Ramiz Lladrovci expressed satisfaction with the achievement of this agreement with Help Organization where he also expressed his willingness to successfully implement the project. Country Director of Help, Shqipe Breznica encouraged citizens to follow the activities of Help Organization and use this opportunity to develop their businesses. This agreement will be followed by informative sessions with the citizens of Drenas in February 2020, where everyone will be informed about the method of applying for grants.
The purpose of this agreement is the cooperation between the Municipality of Drenas and Help in the framework of the project “Support to Socio-Economic Stability in Kosovo”, funded by the Medicor Foundation, co-financed by the Municipality of Drenas and implemented by Help.
Help wishes you a Happy 2020
Gëzuar Vitin e Ri, duke ju uruar paqe, dashuri, shëndet dhe lumturi në vitin 2020.
Happy New Year, wishing you peace, love, health, and happiness in 2020.
Srećna Nova godina, želeći vam mir, ljubav, zdravlje i sreću u 2020. godini.
Submission of final reports for Municipalities in 2019
Dorëzimi i raporteve përfundimtare për komunat e vitit 2019
Submission of final reports for 2019 municipalities
Podnošenje završnih izvještaja za opštine 2019
Projekti: “Mbështetje stabilitetit socio-ekonomik në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor 2019-2020”
Project “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2019-2020”
Projekat „Podrška društveno-ekonomske stabilnosti u regionu zapadnog Balkana 2019-2020.“
Karin Settele visit in Albania

Help provides assistance to earthquake victims in Albania
Help launches emergency relief for earthquake victims in Albania
Help ofron ndihmë emergjente për viktimat e tërmetit në Shqipëri.

24 more clients receive self-employment support
24 youngsters receive self-employment support from the municipalities of Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik and Hani i Elezit who have been selected as grantees under the USAID EMPOWER Private Sector self-employment program.
Their selection follows the successful completion of a training program aimed at equipping 200 youngsters from the aforementioned municipalities with business-oriented skills from which 79 received grants in the form of equipment.
The program is funded by USAID Empower Private Sector, in partnership with Sida – Styrelsen for Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete, and implemented by Help Kosovo, including co-financing provision by partner municipalities in the project.