Help organizing Info sessions in Gjilan, Viti, Kaçanik and Hani i Elezit
Help has started the implementation of information sessions within the project “Self-Employment Training Program”. This project aims to promote employment and entrepreneurship skills of marginalized youth in the municipalities of Gjilan, Viti, Kaçanik and Hani i Elezit.
The program will provide training for business skills to around 200 young people from these municipalities, and upon completion, 32 best business proposals submitted by trained young people will be awarded small grants to start their own businesses. This project is funded by USAID Empower Private Sector in partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and is implemented by Help Kosovo.
It is also co-financed by the partner municipalities in the project. A total of 8 information sessions will be held, 2 in each municipality.
Who can apply?
Young people (18-35 years old) from the municipalities of Gjilan, Viti, Kaçanik and Hani i Elezit have the right to apply. 50 people from each municipality will be selected to attend a 5-day training in business. Only those selected for training can apply for a grant in the form of equipment for their existing or new start-up business.
Application forms can be obtained during information sessions in your municipality or downloaded via the Help web site at the link: or on your municipality’s official website.
Submission of Applications
After the information sessions, candidates interested in applying can receive the applica
tion guide and the application forms.
Completed applications and supporting documents must be delivered to the municipality. The deadline for application is October 12, 2018, time 16:00