Creating an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone

The accessibility being a fundamental aspect of creating an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone, Hep Mission in Kosovo gladly joins the campaign “Prishtina a city without barriers” led by Ambassador of Goodwill for Kosovo, Elvana Shala – Ambasadore e Vullnetit te Mire per Kosoven in cooperation with the Mayor of Prishtina Perparim Rama.
The campaign includes an activity on designing and setting outdoor staircase holders for the access of persons with disabilities which is a crucial and meaningful activity in Prishtina. Today the Memorandum of Cooperation is signed and lets the work begin. Thank you, Ambassador Shala, Prishtina Municipality and Public Housing Enterprise (PHE) Ndërmarrja Publike Banesore SH.A. Prishtinë.
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Tender for purchasing of working tools (SOE10)

Help Mission in Kosovo is implementing the procurement for the purchase of equipment for work tools, purchase reference number P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-16, which are needed for the organization’s activities.

We invite all interested companies to request the procurement file via e-mail, at the address:

In order to be considered, the offer must be submitted to Help no later than 12.09.2023, 16:00, personally, in a sealed envelope at the office of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, at the address: Ulpiana, str. Zija Shemsiu, Obj U3, H2, K2, N9, Prishtina


Help Misioni ne Kosove po zbaton prokurimin për blerjen e paisjeve per Vegla te punes, numri I references se blerjes P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-16, që nevojiten për aktivitetet e organizates .

Ftojme te gjitha kompanite e interesuara qe dosjen e prokurimit mund ta kerkojne permes postes elektronike, ne adresen:

Me qëllim të marrjes parasysh, oferta duhet të dorëzohet tek Help më së voni deri me 12.09.2023, ora 16:00, personalisht, ne zarf te mbyllur ne zyre te Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, ne adresen: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu,Obj U3,H2,K2,N9, Prishtine

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Tender: Market System Analysis in the Western Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia)

Tender Notice

Market System Analysis in the Western Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia)

Tender Reference No: P-SOE-11-23-23-01

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe (Help) is a humanitarian, non-governmental, non­profit organization founded in 1981 that works in around 20 countries throughout the world, including in Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia.

Help, for its project RECONOMY funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is implemented jointly by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (Helvetas) together with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, invites all qualified and specialized contractors to participate in the tender for a Service for Market System Analysis in the Western Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia).

RECONOMY is an inclusive and green economic development program of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in partnership with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe and others in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries.

The tender documents can be obtained by registering at

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Tender for purchasing I.T. and Audio/Video equipment

Help Mission in Kosovo is implementing the procurement for the purchase of I.T and Video/Audio equipment, purchase reference number P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-11, which are needed for the organization’s activities.

We invite all interested companies to request the procurement file via e-mail, at the address:

In order to be considered, the offer must be submitted to Help no later than 05.09.2023, at 16:00, personally, in a sealed envelope at the office of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, at the address: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu, Obj U3, H2, K2, N9, Prishtina


Help Misioni ne Kosove po zbaton prokurimin për blerjen e paisjeve të I.T dhe Video/Audio, numri I references se blerjes P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-11, që nevojiten për aktivitetet e organizates.

Ftojme te gjitha kompanite e interesuara qe dosjen e prokurimit mund ta kerkojne permes postes elektronike, ne adresen:

Me qëllim të marrjes parasysh, oferta duhet të dorëzohet tek Help më së voni deri me 05.09.2023, ora 16:00, personalisht, ne zarf te mbyllur ne zyre te Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, ne adresen: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu,Obj U3,H2,K2,N9, Prishtine

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Tender for purchasing of agriculture equipment

Help Mission in Kosovo is implementing the procurement for the purchase of agricultural equipment, purchase reference number P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-05, which are needed for the organization’s activities.

We invite all interested companies to request the procurement file via e-mail, at the address:

In order to be considered, the offer must be submitted to Help no later than 11.09.2023, at 16:00, personally, in a sealed envelope at the office of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, at the address: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu, Obj U3, H2, K2, N9, Prishtina

Help Misioni ne Kosove po zbaton prokurimin për blerjen e paisjeve bujqesore, numri I references se blerjes P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-05, që nevojiten për aktivitetet e organizates.

Ftojme te gjitha kompanite e interesuara qe dosjen e prokurimit mund ta kerkojne permes postes elektronike, ne adresen:

Me qëllim të marrjes parasysh, oferta duhet të dorëzohet tek Help më së voni deri me 11.09.2023, ora 16:00, personalisht, ne zarf te mbyllur ne zyre te Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, ne adresen: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu,Obj U3,H2,K2,N9, Prishtine

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Tender for purchasing sewing equipment (SOE10)

Help Mission in Kosovo is implementing the procurement for the purchase of sewing equipment, purchase reference number P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-14, which are needed for the organization’s activities.

We invite all interested companies to request the procurement file via e-mail, at the address:

In order to be considered, the offer must be submitted to Help no later than 31.08.2023, at 16:00, personally, in a sealed envelope at the office of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, at the address: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu, Obj U3, H2, K2, N9, Prishtina


Help Misioni ne Kosove po zbaton prokurimin për blerjen e paisjeve per Sewing/rrobaqepesi, numri i references se blerjes P-XKX-SOE10-23-23-14, që nevojiten për aktivitetet e organizates.

Ftojme te gjitha kompanite e interesuara qe dosjen e prokurimit mund ta kerkojne permes postes elektronike, ne adresen:

Me qëllim të marrjes parasysh, oferta duhet të dorëzohet tek Help më së voni deri me 31.08.2023, ora 16:00, personalisht, ne zarf te mbyllur ne zyre te Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, ne adresen: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu,Obj U3,H2,K2,N9, Prishtine

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Tender for gastronomy and production equipment (SOE10)

Dear Sir/Madam

Help Mission in Kosovo is implementing the procurement for the purchase of equipment for gastronomy/production, purchase reference number P-XKX-SOE10-23-24-09, which are needed for the organization’s activities.

We invite all interested companies to request the procurement file via e-mail, at the address:

In order to be considered, the offer must be submitted to Help no later than 29.08.2023, at 16:00, personally, in a sealed envelope at the office of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, at the address: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu, Obj U3, H2, K2, N9, Prishtina


I/E nderuar

Help Misioni ne Kosove po zbaton prokurimin për blerjen e paisjeve per gastronomi/prodhim, numri I references se blerjes P-XKX-SOE10-23-24-09, që nevojiten për aktivitetet e organizates .

Ftojme te gjitha kompanite e interesuara qe dosjen e prokurimit mund ta kerkojne permes postes elektronike, ne adresen:

Me qëllim të marrjes parasysh, oferta duhet të dorëzohet tek Help më së voni deri me 29.08.2023, ora 16:00, personalisht, ne zarf te mbyllur ne zyre te Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, ne adresen: Ulpiana, rr. Zija Shemsiu,Obj U3,H2,K2,N9, Prishtine

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Tender for Consultancy services

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. is seeking a qualified consultant to coordinate the development of a Financial Manual and the update of a Procurement Manual. The purpose of this consultancy is to ensure the establishment of common standards and guidelines in financial management and procurement processes within our organization. The required service must be completed between August and December 2023.

Submission Deadline: 10 August 2023

Please send your offer to

Terms of references:


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