Visit at the NGO “Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians”

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica had a meeting with Isak Skenderi, Executive Director of the NGO “Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians”. They’ve discussed about the project opportunities for the community of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians in order to engage them in the project. Both parts were satisfied with the coordination between Help and the NGO’s that work in the field of Economic Development with special focus for the RAE community.

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Signing grant contract with clients in Shterpce Municipality

The project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkan Region 2017-2018” has started to be implemented in the Municipality of Shterpce, where today 24 final clients from small businesses and young entrepreneurs have signed grants contracts with Help. Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica explained more about the details and opportunities from the project such as training, equipment, monitoring phase, employment.

All the final clients present were satisfied with the impact and shown their future plans toward business development through this grant.

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Signing grant contracts with clients in Suhareka Municipality

The project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkan Region 2017-2018” has started to be implemented in the Municipality of Suhareka, where today, 40 persons and small businesses have signed grants contracts. Mayor of the Municipality, Mr. Bali Muharremaj, in front of the beneficiaries of this project, said that: “Suhareka has started with the change, this project is common between Help and Municipality of Suhareka, I had the desire for over 100 candidates to benefit from this project, as we as a municipality are ready to offer more in the future.

Meanwhile, Program Coordinator Ms. Shqipe Breznica has explained more about the details for the final clients and also explained the training opportunities. Otherwise, to benefit from this project was a great interest where 148 applicants applied and 40 beneficiaries benefited.





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Help Kosovo visit at the Career Guidance Center supported in 2017

Help Kosovo visit at the career fair organized at the Career Guidance Center, which will be held on: 17.04.2018 – 18.04.2018, all vocational schools in the municipality of Prishtina are attending this fair. This was a great opportunity for the youngsters in Kosovo and also an opportunity to inform them for our projects in the future.
Help Kosovo supported Career Guidance Center with technology equipment necessary for activities related to training.
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Help supports organizing “The 1st International Open Swimming Championship Kosovo 2018″ Down Syndrome

On 16th of April Help Kosovo and Swimming Club Termopan signed a partnership contract within the project “The 1st International Open Swimming Championship Kosovo 2018″ – Down Syndrome“.

The purpose of this Partnership Contract is the implementation of the project “The 1st International Open Swimming Championship “Kosovo 2018 – Down Syndrome“,  implemented by  Swimming Club Termopan under the umbrella of Kosovo Swimming Federation, held for the first time in Balkans.

Help is one of many supporters in making it possible with symbolic fund the organization of the 1st International Open Swimming Championship “Kosovo 2018” – Down Syndrome which will be organized from May 18-22, 2018.  The race is an initiative of the Termopan Swimming Club at Zenit Swimming Pool and will be supported by the Kosovo Swimming Federation and will take place under the International Swimming Federation (ISF) rules.

All contestants are with Down Syndrome who are members of the Down Syndrome International Swimming Organization (DSISO), which the event is also organized in cooperation with this organization, accredited by the Paralympic Committee. In this competition there will be different disciplines and the first, second and third prize will be given a reward and the same will win points at International Swimming Federation (ISF) and these points will help contestants with Down Syndrome to participate in the European and World Championships as this is a criterion.

Confirmed are 77 participants from 9 countries, such as: United States of America, United Kingdom, Turkey, Ireland, Estonia, Albania, Romania, Macedonia and Denmark.


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“The Power Of Small Grants” event organized by Help

On April 11th 2018 Help Kosovo organized the event “The Power Of Small Grants” where more than 120 people attended from Foreign Embassies in Kosovo, Central and Local Kosovo Institutions, representatives of partner Municipalities, NGOs, clients that Help supported, Medias.

Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica opened the event with a presentation of Help activities and facts and figures, and also thanked the supporters of Help Organization through these years.

In this event present was also the Deputy Managing Director Timo Stegelmann and Programme Manager Masa Bubanj who supported Help Kosovo representatives in organizing activities.

Deputy Managing Director Timo Stegelmann​ presented the achievements of Help Organization in different missions in the World with special focus in the Western Balkans.

Help Kosovo also thanks the Deputy Head of Mission from German Embassy in Prishtina, Mr. Jan Axel-Voss for his presence and for his speech in the audience.

Also special thanks goes to Deputy Minister of Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Kosovo Mr. Çerkin Dukolli and Help client Arta Shehu-Zaimi for her remarkable speech.

In this event Help clients had the opportunity to expo their products for the guests who were interested and satisfied for their products.

Help Kosovo also launched a video documentary titles “The Power Of Small Grants” which represents the work of Help Kosovo from 2015 and also offers more information about the project.

Help would like to thank all the guests that honored us with their presence, we hope to see you again in future projects.


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Help Kosovo encourages companies to support Down Syndrome Kosova

Help Kosovo encourages companies and business owners in (Prishtina, Prizren & Mitrovica) to support Down Syndrome Kosova.

There are 30 people with Down syndrome who have completed the training opportunities in Vocational Training Centers in Prishtina, Prizren and Mitrovica. All the trainings were completed by the end of March and then they will start their one month long, paid internship period in different companies or institutions. DSK is requesting for support for intern positions in different companies in Prishtina, Prizren and Mitrovica.

We are looking forward to achieve this in three Municipalities mentioned above, so that people with down syndrome can start their intern by April. Until now, we found 6 positions in 4 companies in Prishtina (Adem Jashari Airport, SuperViva, Rezonanca, GIZ) and we need to find 10 other intern positions for 10 people with Down syndrome.

DSK project team know very well all of their skills, and personal information of them.

Professions that people with down syndrome got trained are;

  • Assistant in Administration
  • Pastry
  • Bakery

We kindly ask business owners to provide a symbolic salary (100 or 150 euros) so that they can cover their transport and food expenses during that period.

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Help Kosovo second selection visits

After completing the first selection evaluation Help Kosovo field officers started the second selection in the home or business address of the possible clients for 7 Municipalities (Suhareka, Istog, Deçan, Shterpce, Lipjan, Mitrovica and Mitrovica North).
Help Kosovo received more than 5000 applications since May 2015, paying special attention to each application helped us reach the best clients from many applications that we’ve received.
After completing the second selection we will compare the business ideas and select the best clients possible to be supported this year.
Help Kosovo wishes success in your activities for all of you.

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Minister of Innovation and Entrepreneurship visited cedX

Visit of Minister of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mr. Besim Beqaj in cedX the first community entrepreneurship initiative in the field of technology in Peja supported by Help Kosovo

He declared that he was “Amazed! It would almost be incredible if we thought about it if we went back in time. With the most valuable resources in our country, today at the cedX Innovation Center, we are discussing how we can turn Kosovo’s economy into a new #robots society to enable automation of any potential work for simplification and increasing efficiency at work. That is why we have to celebrate for this super creative human potential that we have.”

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