Help organized business training for 222 clients

Help Kosovo in cooperation with Global Consulting & Development Associates LLC – GC&DA & IBCM organized a business training for 222 clients in 7 Municipalities: Lipjan, Deçan, Shtërpce, Istog, Suhareka, Mitrovica and Mitrovica North.

The training topics were:

Doing business in Kosovo, Preparation of Business plan, taxes payment in accordance with Kosovo legislation, Registration of new businesses, Start-up business operation and management.

All the participants were satisfied with the knowledge they’ve earned from these training in order to start their new business or develop the existing business that they’re operating.


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Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica, Senior Field Officer Adem Sylejmani and Monitoring & Training Officer Valon Hyseni are attending the 4th Regional Meeting of Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Organization organized in Nis (Serbia) to discuss about the project implementation within the Project “Support to socio-economic stability in the Western Balkans region”.

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Help Kosovo clients open market in Gjilan

OPEN MARKET FOR Help’s CLIENTS (BENEFICIARIES) Project “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2017-2018” financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and partner Municipalities and implemented by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe on Thursday, 28 June 2018 organized an open market. Open market aims to provide opportunities for Help’s clients (beneficiaries) to expose, promote and sell their products. Market was located by the Theatre of the city in Gjilan from 9:00 – 15:00. The activity was also supported by the Gjilan Municipality.

TREGU I HAPUR PËR KLIENTËT (PËRFITUESIT) E Help-it Projekti “Mbështetje stabilitetit socio-ekonomik në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor 2017-2018” i financuar nga Qeveria Gjermane, Qeveria e Kosovës përkatësisht Ministria e Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale dhe Komunat partnere dhe i cili zbatohet nga organizata Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe te Enjten me 28 Qershor 2018 organizoi tregun e hapur. Tregu i hapur është aktivitet një ditor që ka për qëllim te ofroje mundësinë për klientët/përfituesit e granteve në Help ti ekspozojnë, promovojnë dhe shesin produktet e tyre në hapësirën tek Teatri i Qytetit ne Gjilan. Aktiviteti u zhvillua ditën e Enjte me 28 Qershor nga ora 9:00 deri 15:00. Aktiviteti është përkrahur edhe nga Komuna e Gjilanit.

OTVORENO TRŽIŠTE ZA KLIJENTE (KORISNIKE) Help-a Projekat “Podrška stabilnosti društveno-ekonomskog u Zapadnom Balkanu”, finansiran od strane Nemačke Vlade, Vlade Kosova, odnosno Ministarstva Rada i Socijalne Zaštite i partnerskih opština i koji se sprovodi od organizacije Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe u Četvrtak, 28. juna 2018. organizuje otvoreno tržište. Otvoreno tržište ima za cilj da klijentima/korisnicima Help-a pomogne da izlažu, promovišu i prodaju svoje proizvode. Mesto tržišta se nalazi u Gnjilane kod Gradsko Pozoriste od 9:00-15:00. Aktivnost podržava i Opština Gniljane.


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Open market for Help clients in Gjilan

Project “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2017-2018” financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and partner Municipalities and implemented by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe on Thursday, 28 June 2018 is organizing an open market.

Open market aims to provide opportunities for Help’s clients (beneficiaries) to expose, promote and sell their products. Market is located by the Theatre of the city in Gjilan from 9:00-15:00. The activity is also supported by the Gjilan Municipality.
Projekti “Mbështetje stabilitetit socio-ekonomik në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor 2017-2018” i financuar nga Qeveria Gjermane, Qeveria e Kosovës përkatësisht Ministria e Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale dhe Komunat partnere dhe i cili zbatohet nga organizata Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe te Enjten me 28 Qershor 2018 do te organizoj tregun e hapur.

Tregu i hapur është aktivitet një ditor që ka për qëllim te ofroje mundësinë për klientët/përfituesit e granteve në Help ti ekspozojnë, promovojnë dhe shesin produktet e tyre në hapësirën tek Teatri I Qytetit ne Gjilan. Aktiviteti zhvillohet ditën e Enjte me 28 Qershor nga ora 9:00 deri 15:00. Aktiviteti është përkrahur edhe nga Komuna e Gjilanit.
Projekat “Podrška stabilnosti društveno-ekonomskog u Zapadnom Balkanu”, finansiran od strane Nemačke Vlade, Vlade Kosova, odnosno Ministarstva Rada i Socijalne Zaštite i partnerskih opština i koji se sprovodi od organizacije Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe u Četvrtak, 28. juna 2018. organizuje otvoreno tržište.

Otvoreno tržište ima za cilj da klijentima/korisnicima Help-a pomogne da izlažu, promovišu i prodaju svoje proizvode. Mesto tržišta se nalazi u Gnjilane kod Gradsko Pozoriste od 9:00-15:00. Aktivnost podržava i Opština Gniljane.

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Business training for 24 clients in Shterpce

Help Kosovo in cooperation with Global Consulting & Development Associates LLC – GC&DA organized a business training for 24 clients in Municipality of Shterpce. The training topics were: Doing business in Kosovo, Preparation of Business plan, taxes payment in accordance with Kosovo legislation, Registration of new businesses, Start-up business operation and management.


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Help clients open market in Prishtina

On 07 June 2018 Help Kosovo organized an OPEN MARKET FOR Help’s CLIENTS (BENEFICIARIES)

Project “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2017-2018” financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and partner Municipalities and implemented by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe on Friday, 08 June 2018 organized an open market.

Open market aims to provide opportunities for Help’s clients (beneficiaries) to expose, promote and sell their products. Market is located by the NEWBORN Monument in Prishtina from 9:00-15:00. The activity was also supported by the Prishtina Municipality.

We thank the participants especially Down Syndrome Kosova, I’M LU bags, Avdi Aliu (Farmer from Prishtina), Association of Women Farmers from Podujeva, Valon Koskoviku (Farmer, beekeeping activity) and Shkolla Digjitale – Digital School, all of them supported by Help.

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Help clients open market

On Friday Help is organizing a daily activity that aims to promote the products of our clients who have won the grant. You can find their products near Newborn monument.
The fair market is allowed by the Municipality of Prishtina.
The activity will take place on Friday 8 June from 9:00-15:00

You are welcome to meet our clients

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Visit at the Municipality of Klina

Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica and Senior Field Officer Rrezart Shala had a meeting with Klina Municipality Mayor, Zenun Elezaj and his Cabinet discussing partnership on grant giving for entrepreneurship. Both parts were satisfied with the opportunity to cooperate in the future project in order to support the SMEs in local level.
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21 micro-businesses in Mitrovica North received grants from Help Kosovo

Mitrovica North Municipality co-financed with the German organization “Help” today signed contracts with 21 micro-businesses, beneficiaries of grants, within the project “Support to socio-economic stability in the Western Balkans region 2017-2018”.

Help officials wished successes to the beneficiaries, congratulating their businesses to function successfully in order for this assistance to directly affect the generation of new jobs.

Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator of Help, thanked the Municipality representatives for close cooperation and the commitment to implement this project.

Also Principal Executive Officer from Mitrovica North Municipality – Adrijana Hodzic was satisfied with the opportunity to cooperate with Help and support young entrepreneurs with equipment in order to start their business. 

The project is funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of the Republic of Kosovo and with the participation of the Municipality of Mitrovica Norh.



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