Association of Deaf People from Suhareka supported by Help

Association of Deaf People from Suhareka received furniture such as tables, chairs, shelves, window shutters and also technology equipment for their activities. This was as a support from Help Organization who visited this Center in Suhareka a few weeks ago. They were so happy and satisfied with the support from Help and immediately adjusted the Center office and started working for their new projects.
We are glad to make this category of people happy and we wish them all the best.

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Visit at Obiliq Municipality

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator visited Municipality of Obiliq and had a meeting with Mayor of this Municipality Mr. Xhafer Gashi. In this meeting we discussed about a posdible cooperation in the future in order to support micro businesses.

We are satisfied with the meeting we had and hope to have a partnership in the future projects.

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Visit to Municipality of Fushë-Kosova

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica visited the Municipality of Fushë-Kosova where she had a meeting with the Director of Economic Development Ekrem Berjani. This was an initial meeting with Fushë-Kosova representative to discuss about a possible cooperation in this Municipality.
As in all other Municipalities also in Fushe-Kosove Help Organization aims to contribute in socioeconomic stability through strengthening micro businesses.
It is very important to mention that in this Municipality live many non-majority communities who are satisfied with the local level support but also need support for their businesses with equipment.

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Visit to Mamusha Municipality

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator visited Mamusha Municipality and had a meeting with Economic Development and Administration Directors for possible cooperation.

The Municipality of Mamusha has invested in green houses where most of citizens work in the field of Agriculture. They cultivate cabbage, tomato, green salad, cucumber, cornison, spinach etc. Here is an example on how should the local level invest in economic development through agriculture.



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Report submission to Graçanica Municipality

Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica visited today the Municipality of Graçanica in order to submit the report of the project implementation “Support to Socioeconomic Stability in the Western Balkans” during 2017 which was successfully implemented and the report was submitted today to Graçanica Municipality officials.

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Help Kosovo clients in ICK open day

Akademia JCoders, Shkolla Digjitale (Digital School), FLOSSK – Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova, Mikrobiz, Formon are some of Help Kosovo clients who were present in the Open day of Innovation Centre Kosovo event Digital Kosovo. Help Kosovo supported these clients in the beginning of their projects with necessary equipment for work. This event was organized as a ceremony of 10th anniversary of Kosovo Independence Day which was organized 2 days before the day of 17th February when Kosovo declared the Independence in 2008. 

This event of Innovation Centre Kosovo  was supported of the Kosovo’s Presidential Office, Kosovo’s Government and Kosovo’s Assembly. Help Kosovo representatives visited their clients today and felt proud of them for their success in economic development through information technology and also the impact in employment which was achieved through the support of Help Organization. We wish these youngsters a bright future and promise them our support whenever it is necessary.




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Second info session in Mitrovica

Help Kosovo organized the second information session in Municipality of Mitrovica where we will be implementing the project during 2018. There will be around 20 micro businesses supported in Agriculture, crafts and services. The second information session was organized on 15 February 2018 at 10:00 in Center of culture.

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Second info session in Mitrovica North

Help Kosovo organized the second information session in Municipality of Mitrovica North where we will be implementing the project during 2018. There will be around 20 micro businesses supported in Agriculture, crafts and services. The second information session was organized on 15 February 2018 at 14:00 in EU Info Center.

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