Signing partnership agreement with INDUSTRIA FILM LLC
Today on the 14th of November 2022 Help Kosovo signed a partnership agreement with the INDUSTRIA FILM LLC represented by Artan Korenica as implementing partner within the RECONOMY Project.
The RECONOMY Programme is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (Helvetas) together with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe.
Help’s event on Cybersecurity within GEW in Kosovo
Në kuadër të Javës Globale të Ndërmarrësisë në Kosovë, Organizata “Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe” në bashkëpunim me Drinor Selmanaj organizojnë eventin “Kafe Llafe”.
Qëllimi kryesor i “Kafe Llafe” është ndërgjegjësimi i audiencës për rëndësinë dhe rritjen e sigurisë kibernetike.
Gjatë “Kafe Llafe” do të keni mundësinë të dëgjoni historinë e Drinor Selmanajt duke mësuar nga historia dhe përvoja e tij shumëvjeçare.
Ju ftojmë të merrni pjesë të Merkurën më 16 Nëntor nga ora 17:00 – 19:00 në Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK), rruga Rexhep Mala, Prishtinë.
Within the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Kosovo, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in cooperation with Drinor Selmanaj is organizing an event “Kafe Llafe”.
The main goal of “Kafe Llafe” is to raise awareness among the audience about the growing Importance of Cybersecurity.
During “Kafe Llafe” you will have the opportunity to hear Drinor Selmanaj’s story, learning from his many years of knowledge and experience.
We invite you to participate in Wednesday on November 16 from 17:00 – 19:00 at Innovation Center Kosovo (ICK), Rexhep Mala Street, Prishtina.
Help at “Western Balkans Summit Against Racial Discrimination”
Help Mission in Kosovo is part of the “Western Balkans Summit Against Racial Discrimination”.
The Regional Summit aims to bring together heads of Governments, representatives of high-level state institutions, CSOs, journalists and many other actors from the Western Balkans to exchange experiences regarding the actions undertaken by the Governments of the region to combat racism and discrimination against Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities and to discuss ways to break the cycle of social exclusion. The summit will also focus on the phenomenon of Anti-Gypsyism, especially the definition of Anti-Gypsyism, to discuss whether it is a generally accepted definition for public institutions, civil society and academia. The slogan of the Summit this year will be “Together and equal”!
The summit is organized under the leadership of the Office of the Prime Minister – Republic of Kosovo with the support of Terre des hommes – Kosovo Mission in Kosovo, Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians and the Heks/Eper Foundation, within the project – Justice Social for Romēt, Ashkali and Egyptians funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
A little help goes a long way!
32 more trainees benefited within Reconomy
During Oct 2022 Help Mission continued to monitor the implementation of Becoming Freelance Digital Accountant in partnership with Melita&Partners in Kosovo within Reconomy.
Out of a total of 51 candidates in Kosovo, 36 are women which proves that Gender Equality and Social Inclusion – GESI concept has been taken into consideration into the intervention’s implementation.
Help organized regional meeting in Albania
Global Entrepreneurship Week in Kosovo
Miq te dashur,
Në kuadër të Javës Globale të Ndërmarrësisë në Kosovë, Organizata “Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe” në bashkëpunim me Drinor Selmanaj organizojnë eventin “Kafe Llafe”.
Qëllimi kryesor i “Kafe Llafe” është ndërgjegjësimi i audiencës për rëndësinë dhe rritjen e sigurisë kibernetike.
Gjatë “Kafe Llafe” do të keni mundësinë të dëgjoni historinë e Drinor Selmanajt duke mësuar nga historia dhe përvoja e tij shumëvjeçare.
Ju ftojmë të merrni pjesë të Merkurën më 16 Nëntor nga ora 17:00 – 19:00 në Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK), rruga Rexhep Mala, Prishtinë.
Dear friends,
Within the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Kosovo, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in cooperation with Drinor Selmanaj is organizing an event “Kafe Llafe”.
The main goal of “Kafe Llafe” is to raise awareness among the audience about the growing Importance of Cybersecurity.
During “Kafe Llafe” you will have the opportunity to hear Drinor Selmanaj’s story, learning from his many years of knowledge and experience.
We invite you to participate in Wednesday on November 16 from 17:00 – 19:00 at Innovation Center Kosovo (ICK), Rexhep Mala Street, Prishtina.
20 trash bins donated to Municipality of Istog
This Memorandum was signed within the project “Socio-Economic Empowerment of the Western Balkans” supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government.
Help clients at AGROKOS International Fair
Help officials visited the #AGROKOS international fair which was held on October 19 and 20, 2022 at the Youth Palace in Pristina. At the same time, some of the beneficiaries of the Help grants participated in it, we met and understood more about their development.