Help board visit during October 2023

Help’s journey through the Balkans continues, and today we bring you insights from our visit to Kosovo. Our dedicated team, led by Secretary General Dr. Thorsten Klose-Zuber, and board members Ute Vogt and Angelika Josten Janssen, met with the Help in Kosovo team to dive into their inspiring portfolio.
In Kosovo, Help upholds the same approach and methodology that have proven successful in other Balkan countries. Our commitment to empowering individuals and communities remains unwavering.
One highlight of our visit was our interaction with a local start-up business supported by the RECONOMY program. This program focuses on training and education in digital transformation and green economic development, in partnership with HELVETAS and Swedish Sida. Our local partner is in finance and accounting for businesses not only in Kosovo but also in the wider region. What’s remarkable is that it also extends its reach to educate and mentor individuals, with a significant 80 per cent of its clients being women. This initiative is a powerful force in promoting female empowerment in Kosovo and the surrounding region.
By equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for the digital age and sustainable economic practices, we are not only addressing “the brain drain” but also driving socio-economic sustainable development and female empowerment in Kosovo and beyond.
At Help, we believe in the transformative power of education and support. Stay tuned as we continue our journey, making a positive impact in Kosovo and across the Balkans. đŸ’Ș📚🌐
@helpinseee @helpinkosovo
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Empowering Youth and Adults through CNC Mechanics and 3D Design for Industry with BONEVET

Today, on the 25th of September 2023, Help Mission in Kosovo signed a partnership agreement with BONEVET Gjakova for the implementation of the “Empowering Youth and Adults through CNC Mechanics and 3D Design for Industry” Project.
The project aims to address the increased need for skills development and employment opportunities in the Gjakova region. Promoting economic growth and community development can be achieved by providing participants with desirable skills and facilitating their integration into local industries. This approach can effectively diminish unemployment rates while also addressing the heightened demand for skilled workers within these sectors.
Support will be offered to the youth of the Gjakova region without distinction, through the building of personal and professional skills as well as their economic empowerment. Within the project, 35-40 young people will be supported in their goals to acquire CNC mechanics and 3D industrial design skills.
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Creating an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone

The accessibility being a fundamental aspect of creating an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone, Hep Mission in Kosovo gladly joins the campaign “Prishtina a city without barriers” led by Ambassador of Goodwill for Kosovo, Elvana Shala – Ambasadore e Vullnetit te Mire per Kosoven in cooperation with the Mayor of Prishtina Perparim Rama.
The campaign includes an activity on designing and setting outdoor staircase holders for the access of persons with disabilities which is a crucial and meaningful activity in Prishtina. Today the Memorandum of Cooperation is signed and lets the work begin. Thank you, Ambassador Shala, Prishtina Municipality and Public Housing Enterprise (PHE) Ndërmarrja Publike Banesore SH.A. Prishtinë.
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Grant contract signing with more than 150 clients

During July 2023, grant contracts were signed with more than 150 clients from the Municipality of Prishtina, Peja, Prizren, Mitrovica South, Mamusha, Junik and Lipjan in the framework of the project “Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans” funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of German Government and partner municipalities involved in the project.
Through this project, equipment is provided so that beneficiaries can start or develop their businesses.
The average value of a grant, for a beneficiary, is 2,400 Euros in equipment.
As a part of the Project, Help Kosovo conducted business training aiming to foster employability and entrepreneurship and expanding job opportunities for the supported clients from targeted municipalities. The business training was delivered by Help Kosovo staff.
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Cooperation agreement signed between Help and Ministry of Justice

Help Mission in Kosovo and the Ministry of Justice signed the Cooperation Agreement today!
This collaboration is part of the “Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans” project, financially supported by the German Government.
The project aims to improve the living conditions of marginalized, and vulnerable groups in the Western Balkans. The objective is to create mechanisms and networks for the empowerment of marginalized groups and thus facilitate their inclusion and social prosperity.
The support will be provided to socially vulnerable groups, women, youth, people with disabilities, resocialization of ex-inmates and local communities through economic empowerment involving building personal and professional skills.

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Closing ceremony of the project implemented by NGO Lady

On 26.06.2023 Country Director of Help in Kosovo Shqipe Breznica participated in the closing ceremony of the project “Reintegration of repatriated women and their families and prevention of irregular migration” organized by NGO Lady and supported by GIZ.

The event is organized into 2 discussion panels where the National Director of Help for Kosovo is also a panellist in the first, while in the second some of the beneficiaries of the project.

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Second selection field visits for short listed clients

Help Kosovo is implementing the visits of applicants in the close circle within the project “Economic Inclusion and Empowerment in the Western Balkans” in the partner municipalities of Pristina, Junik, MamushĂ«, PejĂ«, Prizren, Lipjan and South Mitrovica.
This project is financed by the German Government and partner municipalities, while it is implemented by the organization Help Kosovo.
The focus of the activities is on creating jobs through the creation of new businesses and providing support to existing ones.
Support will be provided to vulnerable social groups.

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Support provided for the community-based initiative

Support to Mitrush Kuteli School

Within current project a component community-based initiative to improve access and inclusion began its implementation with improving hygienic conditions for primary school students and personnel. During the first week of June 2023, Help in Kosovo supported “Mitrush Kuteli” school with rehabilitation of bathrooms. The task included changing of faucets, installation of electric hand dryers and soap dispensers. In total from this small initiative benefited 512 students and 42 staff members.

NĂ« kuadĂ«r tĂ« projektit aktual, iniciativa me baze nĂ« komunitet pĂ«r tĂ« pĂ«rmirĂ«suar qasjen dhe pĂ«rfshirjen filloi zbatimin e saj me pĂ«rmirĂ«simin e kushteve higjienike pĂ«r nxĂ«nĂ«sit dhe personelin e shkollĂ«s fillore. GjatĂ« javĂ«s sĂ« parĂ« tĂ« qershorit 2023, Help ne Kosove mbĂ«shteti shkollĂ«n “Mitrush Kuteli” me rehabilitimin e banjove. Detyra pĂ«rfshinte ndĂ«rrimin e rubinetave, instalimin e tharĂ«seve elektrike tĂ« duarve dhe instalimin e dispenzuesve tĂ« sapunit. Nga kjo nismĂ« e vogĂ«l pĂ«rfituan gjithsej 512 studentĂ« dhe 42 punonjĂ«s.


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Support to NGO The Ideas Partnership

The request directed to Help by management of the organization addressed the concern of the well-being and education of children by bringing to attention the matter regarding the condition of the bathroom and Kitchen at NGO “The Ideas Partnership” situated in Fushe Kosova. Immediately after the request, Help Team visited the centre and conducted a needs assessment. The conclusion of the needs assessment is that the centre to be supported, aiming at constructing of the bathroom and kitchen to improve hygienic conditions for preschool children’s, primary school students, local inhabitants, and personnel.

KĂ«rkesa e drejtuar pĂ«r NdihmĂ« nga menaxhmenti i organizatĂ«s, adresonte shqetĂ«simin pĂ«r mirĂ«qenien dhe edukimin e fĂ«mijĂ«ve duke vĂ«nĂ« nĂ« vĂ«mendje çështjen lidhur me gjendjen e banjĂ«s dhe kuzhinĂ«s nĂ« OJQ “The Ideas Partnership” me seli nĂ« FushĂ« KosovĂ«. MenjĂ«herĂ« pas kĂ«rkesĂ«s, Ekipi i NdihmĂ«s vizitoi qendrĂ«n dhe kreu njĂ« vlerĂ«sim tĂ« nevojave. Konkluzioni i vlerĂ«simit tĂ« nevojave Ă«shtĂ« se qendra do tĂ« mbĂ«shtetet, duke synuar ndĂ«rtimin e banjĂ«s dhe kuzhinĂ«s me qĂ«llim pĂ«rmirĂ«simin e kushteve higjienike pĂ«r fĂ«mijĂ«t parashkollorĂ«, nxĂ«nĂ«sit e shkollave fillore, banorĂ«t vendas dhe personelin.


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