Survey report on Agriculture – Crop production

Organizata Help Kosovo ka zhvilluar anketimin e klientëve të vet në lëminë e Agrikulturës, që kanë përfituar nga skemat e granteve të Helpit, që nga viti 2015.
Qëllimi I këtij vlerësimi është matja e nevojave dhe njohurive të fermerëve, duke krijuar një pasqyrë të situatës në terren dhe këshillimi i tyre profesional.

Help Kosovo organization developed a conducting survey with its clients in the field of Agriculture, who have benefited from Help grant schemes since 2015.
The purpose of this assessment is to measure the needs and knowledge of farmers, creating an overview of the situation in the field and their professional consulting.


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Second selection visits at potential clients of 2020

Help has started field visits to short listed candidates of Municipalities involved in the project for 2020.

Through these visits Help aims to make a selection as efficient as possible by verifying the real socio-economic situation of the candidates and businesses.

After the completion of this phase, the final selection of grant recipients will take place.

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200 face shield masks donated to UCCK

Today, the second contingent of 200 face shield masks was delivered to the Central Pharmacy within the UCCK for medical staff, their production was supported by Help and produced by MARO.
We thank the medical staff for their cooperation.


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Sustainable support for 7 women farmers during Covid-19

Help provided sustainable support to 7 women farmers, 6 from the village of Kishnica, Municipality of Gracanica and 1 from village of Slivova Municipality of Prishtina, through the distribution of small greenhouses for vegetable cultivation. Direct beneficiaries are 41 members of their families who are also engaged in agricultural work.

Since there are no large plots of land in Kishnica but only a few small gardens, Help considered reasonable the need for support with small greenhouses, in which case the beneficiaries will provide fresh vegetables during the summer and canned throughout the winter.
We thank Mrs. Havushe Bunjaku for the provision of seedlings through the incubator for their cultivation and support to 7 beneficiaries who will soon be able to sell their products in the local market.


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Assessment report of the activity of Help clients from 2017-2018 during the Covid-19

Due to the difficulties created by the Covid-19 pandemic in economy, Help Monitoring Officer has continued the implementation of the business activity monitoring analysis for the project “Support to socio-economic stability in Western Balkans 2017-2018” and is continuing with the report for other projects implemented by Help Kosovo as well.

Report: “Assessment report of the activity of Help grant beneficiaries (clients) of 2017-2018 during the Covid-19 pandemic period.”
May, 2020

Total clients number 300,
During May 2020, 290 clients were contacted, 10 did not respond.
Out of 290, only 85 clients or 29.30% are working at this time, 205 or 70.70% are not working.

85 clients who are working are:
– Farmers 71 clients
– Carpenter 3 clients
– Tailor 1 client
– Metal works 2 clients
– Manufacture of bread 3 clients
– IT 2 clients
– Construction 1 client
– Services 2 clients

Question: 1) How concerned are you with the economic situation created in Kosovo as a result of Covid-19?
Out of the 290 clients,
A) NOT AT ALL stated 85 clients or 29.30%
B) AVERAGE stated 58 clients or 20%
C) A LOT stated 147 clients or 50.70%

Question: 2) Has your business been affected as a result Covid-19?
A) NO stated 85 clients or 29.30%
B) YES stated 205 clients or 70.70%

Question: 3) Has your business declined during this period of COVID-19 pandemic? If so, in what forms a) loss of income, b) difficulty in paying salaries, difficulty in paying rent?
A) NO stated 85 clients or 29.30%
B) YES stated 205 clients or 70.70% (a) Loss in revenue

Question: 4) Are the measures taken by the government enough for your business to survive until the end of the Covid-19 pandemic?
A) NO stated 66 clients or 22.76%
B) YES stated 224 or 77.24%

Question: 5) What exactly would be the adequate help for your business, in addition to cash (fertilizers for farmers; textiles and / or accessories for tailors; hair materials / colors for beauticians and hairdressers; soap for automotive; food and drinks for restaurants)?
A) Other support, said 181 of them which is 62.42%
B) Raw material stated 109 of them or 37.58%

Question: 6) Plans in the future?
Of the 290 clients all stated that they plan to continue the same business activity.

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Visit at the Ministry of Economy, Employment, Trade, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Investments

Today, a coordination meeting was held between Country Director of Help Kosovo Shqipe Breznica and Deputy Ministers Edison Jakurti and Inci Halac within Ministry of Economy, Employment, Trade, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Investments to discuss about projects for economic development and poverty reduction by creating opportunities for self-employment through grants.

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Newborns in Kosovo with their face shield masks supported by Help

This is how our little ones look like by keeping their face shields set.

Last week Help donated 200 such to the Neonatology Clinic, the production of which was made possible by Help and carried out by MARO.

There are also 300 face shield masks in progress for medical staff which will be delivered soon.

It all started with a regular Help staff meeting not long ago.

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Support for 274 families in need in South Mitrovica Municipality

Help has supported 274 families of South Mitrovicë municipality with food and hygiene packages, assistance which was provided in the framework of support in managing the situation against pandemic Covid-19. We would like to thank the municipal officials for their cooperation in compiling the lists of all families in need and field work assisted by volunteers.

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