Help clients at AGROKOS International Fair

Help officials visited the #AGROKOS international fair which was held on October 19 and 20, 2022 at the Youth Palace in Pristina. At the same time, some of the beneficiaries of the Help grants participated in it, we met and understood more about their development.

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Vocational training on filigree jewellery in KCS Lipjan

Filigree jewellery making is an intricate art form with roots in jewellery design dating back more than 5,000 years, it has elevated jewellery designs for centuries throughout the region. Help Mission in Kosovo for the past year has contracted a specialized company from Prizren to train women inmates in filigree jewellery making. Not only does this training give the inmates the skill to generate income after having served their sentences, reducing recidivism rates but it also preserves the cultural heritage of a rare business activity.
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Roma Political School Second academy

Drejtoresha e Help për Kosovë Shqipe Breznica morri pjesë në akademinë e dytë në kuadër të Shkollës Politike Rome në rolin e ligjerueses për të njoftuar pjesëmarrësit/et e shkollës me mundësitë e financimit të ideve të tyre për aktivizëm qytetar dhe biznese individuale, por edhe për të ndarë me ta rrugëtimin e profesional.
Në përmbyllje të Shkollës Politike Rome, pjesëmarrësit u certifikuan për pjesëmarrje si dhe patën kënaqësinë të adresohen nga zëvendës udhëheqësi i programit Roma and Travelers në Këshillin e Evropës në Bruksel.
Shkolla Politike Rome mbështetet nga Këshilli i Evropës.
Country Director of Help for Kosovo Shqipe Breznica participated in the second academy within the Rome Political School in the role of legislator to inform the participants of the school with the possibilities of financing their ideas for civic activism and individual businesses, but also to share with them her professional journey.
At the end of the Rome Political School, the participants were certified for attendance and had the pleasure of being addressed by the deputy head of the Rome and Travelers program at the Council of Europe in Brussels.
Roma Political School is supported by the Council of Europe
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Regional conference of Balkan Women Association

Country Director of Help Mission in Kosovo attended the Regional conference of Balkan Women Association on September 16th 2022 titled “I ❤ Balkans” – where representatives from 6 Western Balkans countries attended.
The event was organized by NGO Lady that has been previously supported by Help on establishing the “Balkan Women Association” and simultaneously the launching of the “Women Book”.
At this event, Country Director stated:
“At Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe we believe, and I have experienced myself, that economic empowerment supports integration and inclusion since by being financially stable and independent all marginalized groups become more confident and competent. This enables them to move from the margins gradually to the center and make sure that their voices are heard” – Shqipe Breznica, Kosovo Country Director, September 2022.
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Becoming Freelance Digital Accounting – Launching Event

Launching event of Become Freelance Digital Accounting Albania, took place on 12th of September 2022 in Tirana in Protik Innovation Center. The event and all program in Albania is being implementing in partnership with Balkans Capital Financial Services a well-known company which offers tax services, accounting and also trainings.

The project was realized within RECONOMY Programme which is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (Helvetas) together with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe.

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In memory of Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich

In memory of Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich, Help Mission in Kosovo planted a tree in his honor.
We commemorate his tireless voluntary work and his strong commitment to Help, and a life dedicated to development and humanitarian aid.
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Signing partnership agreement with KAP

Today on the 23rd of Aug 2022 Help Kosovo signed a partnership agreement with the Alpine Club Prishtina as implementing partner within the RECONOMY Project.

The RECONOMY Programme is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (Helvetas) together with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe.

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Inauguration event of the Social Enterprise

Today at the inauguration event of the Social Enterprise Project, in cooperation with Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians, attended by civil society, representatives from EU office in Kosovo, GIZ and project beneficiaries.
Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Mission in Kosovo was one of the winners of the fourth EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Turkey, funded by the European Union and implemented by Roma Active Albania.
The award recognizes Extraordinary People Promoting Equality through Employment. It recognizes private and public initiatives that offer support, recognition, and publicity to unemployment in the Roma communities, especially among women, and that support positive role models and practical help.
The award was monetary, and Help granted the funds back to the communities of Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptians by supporting the establishment of a social enterprise (greenhouse) that will employ only women. Help believes in integration through employment and creating opportunities that produce sustainable socio-economic development.
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Distribution of equipment for clients of SOE 05/2022

SOE 05 / 2022
Help ka filluar shpërndarjen e pajisjeve për përfituesit e vitit 2022 në kuadër të projektit “Fuqizimi socio-ekonomik i Ballkanit Perëndimor” i cili implementohet në komunat: Klinë, Skënderaj, Malishevë, Rahovec, Shtime, Kamenicë & Dragash.
SOE 05 / 2022
Help began the distribution of equipment for the clients of 2022 in the framework of the project “Socio-Economic Empowerment of the Western Balkans” which is implemented in the municipalities of Klinë, Skënderaj, Malishevë, Rahovec, Shtime, Kamenicë & Dragash.
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