Global Digital City Kosovo 2024

Join ABSL Albania and ABSL Kosovo for an exciting two-day event connecting businesses, start-ups, officials, universities, and tech enthusiasts!
Event details:
Date: December 13-14, 2024
Location: Innovation & Training Park, Prizren
Registration: 09:30 – 10:00
• Inspiring keynotes on the digital economy
• Expert-led training sessions
• Innovative start-up pitches
• Networking with leaders and investors
• Shaping policies for the digital era
This event is supported by RECONOMY, an inclusive and green economic development program, funded by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, in partnership with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe and other key organizations in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries.
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Don’t miss your chance to drive Kosovo’s digital transformation!
💛 On 13-14 December took place the Global Digital City event, supported by RECONOMY. The event brought together 140 participants and 18 inspiring speakers, including Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Economy and the Mayor of Prizren Municipality.
🌟 Highlights of the two-day event comprise
✅ establishment of ABSL Kosovo,
✅ presentation of the Sectorial Report,
✅ motivational talks from business leaders,
✅ start-up pitches with a €1,000 prize for the best innovative idea,
✅ 3 expert-led trainings on AI, Digital Marketing, and ChatGPT, for students across the region.
💪This event showcased the power of collaboration in building a strong digital future for the Western Balkans.
RECONOMY is an inclusive and green economic development program, funded by Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, in partnership with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe and other key organizations in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries.
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Supporting Our Community: Distributing 30 White Canes

We are glad to have supported our community by distributing 30 white canes alongside Goodwill Ambassador Elvana Shala and Mayor Perparim Rama.

In cooperation with Elvana Shala it was decided that Help in Kosovo would use the remaining funds, to purchase white canes for individuals with visual disabilities. Help in Kosovo distributed 30 white canes to individuals with visual disabilities in Prishtina, with 15 canes going to the Blind Women’s Committee of Kosovo and 15 to the Association of the Blind. The event, hosted by Mayor Perparim Rama and attended by Goodwill Ambassador Elvana Shala, was well-received by the community. Beneficiaries expressed gratitude for the support, marking a significant step toward a more inclusive and accessible environment in Prishtina.


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Cycle Kosovo for Children Event

Since 2014, a group of enthusiastic cycling volunteers, in collaboration with Action for Mothers and Children, have organized the annual Cycle Kosovo for Children Event, to raise funds for hospitals in Kosovo. This year, all funds raised from this tour will be dedicated to the Pediatric Department at the Main Family Medicine Center in Istog Municipality.
Help in Kosovo is pleased to have had the opportunity to financially support Cycle Kosovo for Children this year, contributing to the purchase of essential pediatric care equipment that will improve healthcare services in the Istog region, with the aim of saving children’s lives.
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Creating Social Stories for children with diverse abilities

Help in Kosovo, recently organized a workshop on creating Social Stories for children with autism and with diverse abilities. This event would not have been possible without the incredible support from Down Syndrome Kosova, who graciously provided the space and helped facilitate the workshop.
Special thanks to AutizmiFlet Kosovë , Asociacioni Nacional i Autizmit në Kosovë, Logopedic Centre, and all participants for your dedication.



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Digital Marketing opportunities in the WB within RECONOMY

On 8th February 2024, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed a partnership agreement with Growzillas as implementing partner within RECONOMY. Growzillas is a leading digital marketing agency in Kosovo, excels in data-driven paid advertising and technological innovation, while also offering digital marketing training through Growzillas Academy to address the industry’s skill gap.
As of 1 July 2023, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed a Partnership Agreement with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, a Cooperation Partner to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and thus became an Implementing Partner to Helvetas in Sida’s RECONOMY – an inclusive and green economic development program in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries. One of RECONOMY’s projects focuses on “Digitalization of sectors with growth potential for better economic opportunities” in the Western Balkans.
The project will lead towards the better functioning of the business services and the supply of skilled workforce as well as the promotion of the regional brand and the BPO sector. In practice, it means branding the region by stimulating the competitiveness of private sector enterprises and creating a critical mass of skilled workforce of women and youth, including the most disadvantaged and excluded, benefit from improved economic opportunities (better income and green and decent jobs) inclusively and sustainably.
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Pathways to 5G Expertise within RECONOMY in the Western Balkans

On 7th February 2024, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed a partnership agreement with Next Gen Networks as implementing partner within RECONOMY. Next Generation Network Institute (NGN) specializes in advancing capacities in telecommunications through 5G technology training, cybersecurity enhancements, and the development of 5G infrastructure in Kosovo, aiming to foster innovation and skilled workforce growth in the telecom sector.
As of 1 July 2023, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed a Partnership Agreement with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, a Cooperation Partner to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and thus became an Implementing Partner to Helvetas in Sida’s RECONOMY – an inclusive and green economic development program in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries. One of RECONOMY’s projects focuses on “Digitalization of sectors with growth potential for better economic opportunities” in the Western Balkans.
The project will lead towards the better functioning of the business services and the supply of skilled workforce as well as the promotion of the regional brand and the BPO sector. In practice, it means branding the region by stimulating the competitiveness of private sector enterprises and creating a critical mass of skilled workforce of women and youth, including the most disadvantaged and excluded, benefit from improved economic opportunities (better income and green and decent jobs) inclusively and sustainably.

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The first monitoring phase within Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans (SOE10)

We would like to announce that the first monitoring phase of our project “Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans” in Kosovo has been successfully completed! 🚀
We have awarded grants to 165 clients across 7 municipalities in Kosovo – Lipjan, Prizren, Prishtina, South Mitrovica, Junik, Mamusha, and Peja. 🌍💙
This milestone marks a significant step towards fostering inclusion and economic empowerment in the region. Together, we’re positively impacting the lives of individuals and communities.

Ju njoftojmë se faza e parë e monitorimit të projektit tonë “Përfshirja dhe Fuqizimi Ekonomik në Ballkanin Perëndimor” në Kosovë ka përfunduar me sukses! 🚀
Ne kemi ndarë grante për 165 klientë në 7 komuna në Kosovë – Lipjan, Prizren, Prishtinë, Mitrovicë Jugore, Junik, Mamushë dhe Pejë. 🌍💙
Ky moment shënon një hap të rëndësishëm drejt nxitjes së përfshirjes dhe fuqizimit ekonomik në rajon. Së bashku, ne po ndikojmë pozitivisht në jetën e individëve dhe komuniteteve.

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Distribution of equipment within Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans (SOE10)

Nëpërmjet nismave bashkëpunuese, dhe një vizioni të përbashkët, ne kemi shpërndarë në mënyrë efektive mjetet e punës, produktet, ose informacionin, duke kontribuar në përparimin e përgjithshëm dhe ndikimin e misionit tonë. Ndërsa reflektojmë për këtë arritje, ne presim me padurim rezultatet pozitive dhe përfitimet e qëndrueshme, që klientet tanë t’i sjellin komunitetit dhe më gjerë
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Through collaborative initiatives, and a shared vision, we have effectively distributed work tools, products, or information, contributing to the overall progress and impact of our mission. As we reflect on this achievement, we look forward to the positive results and lasting benefits our clients will bring to the community, and beyond
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Empowering Imprisoned Women through Art and Awareness

Organizata Help në Kosovë, në bashkëpunim me Organizatën për Promovim të Barazisë dhe Avokim (Opea), Bardha dhe Shërbimet Korrektuese të Kosovës, do të zbatojnë iniciativën “Fuqizimi i Grave të Burgosura përmes Artit dhe Njoftimit” brenda projektit “Përfshirja dhe Fuqizimi Ekonomik në Ballkanin Perëndimor”, duke fuqizuar gratë e burgosura nëpërmjet ofrimit të trajnimit për rrobaqëpsi.
Iniciativa ka per qëlim:
(1) T’i ofrohen dhjetë grave të privuara nga liria, aftësi praktike të rrobaqepësisë, përfshirë qepjen, bërjen e modeleve dhe qepjen e veshjeve.
(2) Trajnimi i rrobaqepsisë do te jetë një formë terapie profesionale, duke ofruar një përdorim produktiv dhe ndërtues të kohës, gjatë mbajtjes dhe
(3) Do t’i ofrohet njohja formale, dhe çertifikimi për programet e përfunduara të trajnimit për rrobaqepësi.
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Help in Kosovo jointly with Organization for Promotion of Equality and Advocacy (Opea) Bardha and Kosovo Correctional Services will implement “Empowering Imprisoned Women through Art and Awareness” initiative within the project “Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans” by empowering imprisoned women through the provision of tailoring training.
The initiative will (1) Provide ten imprisoned women with practical tailoring skills, including sewing, pattern making, and garment construction, (2) Use tailoring training as a form of occupational therapy, providing a productive and constructive use of time during imprisonment and (3) Offer formal recognition and certification for completed tailoring training programs.
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