Help continues the support for Correctional Centers in Kosovo

Through the rehabilitation and socialization program and the provision of grants Help supported the Women’s Sector in Lipjan Correctional Center with sewing equipment for sewing various materials and materials necessary for their activities. This support will result in the production of bags for laundry needs as well as to meet the demands of the persons held in this center with various products such as different bags or clothes.
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18 more Help clients from Gracanica

On June 14, 2019, the signing of agreements with 18 beneficiaries of grants from the Municipality of Gracanica

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in the framework of the project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans 2019-2020” funded by the German Government and Partner Municipalities and implemented by the Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe organization after the completion of the selection process, on Friday 14 June 2019 in the Municipality of Gracanica signed agreements with 18 selected clients in this municipality.
Present were: the Mayor of Gracanica, Srdjan Popovic, the Country Director of Help, Shqipe Breznica, the Senior Social Welfare and Health Officer Slobodan Kostic and the Help Field Officers as well as the selected clients for grants.
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to sustainable development and stability in Kosovo with the main focus of economic empowerment. While, the specific purpose is to create new jobs through direct grants support for small businesses. Through this project, equipment is provided so that the beneficiaries can start or increase their businesses. The average value of a grant for a beneficiary is 2,000.00 Euro in the form of non-cash equipment.

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Shqipe Breznica at EU Inspirational Talk

EUROPE HOUSE in Pristina organised an Inspirational Talk in the framework of the Economy Development Campaign “Let’s talk economy”.
Guest speaker – Shqipe Breznica, Country Director, Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.
Thursday, 6 June 2019, 18.00h
EUROPE HOUSE Pristina (UÇK street no.90)
About the event: 
Shqipe is managing the country office of Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V., based in Pristina, in the role of Country Director. The main project of the organization is “Support to socio-economic stability through empowering micro business sector in Kosovo” supported by German funds, with the focus in job creation enabled through offering grants to businesses in form of equipment.

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Help signed the grant agreements with 35 clients from Fushë Kosova

On 06.06.2019, Help signed the grant agreements with 35 clients from the Municipality of Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje.

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe within the project “Support to Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans 2019-2020” funded by the German Government and Partner Municipalities and implemented by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe organization after the completion of the selection process, on Thursday, June 6, 2019 in the Municipality of Fushe Kosova signed agreements with selected clients in this municipality.

Municipality: Fushe Kosove
Location: Fushë Kosovë Municipal Assembly Hall
Day and Date: Thursday, 6 June 2019
Time: 11:00

Present during the event were: Country Director of Help, Shqipe Breznica, Director of Economic Development Ekrem Berjani from Municipality of Fushë Kosovë, representatives of the Help organization as well as selected clients for grants.

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to sustainable development and stability in Kosovo with the main focus of economic empowerment. While, the specific purpose is to create new jobs through direct grants support for small businesses. Through this project, equipment is provided so that the beneficiaries can start or increase their businesses. The average value of a grant for a beneficiary is 2,000.00 Euro in the form of non-cash equipment.

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Help signed the grant contracts with 30 clients in Obiliq

On 06.06.2019, Help signed the grant agreements with 30 grantees from the Municipality of Obiliq.

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in the framework of the project “Support to Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans 2019-2020” funded by the German Government and Partner Municipalities and implemented by the Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe organization after the completion of the selection process, on Thursday 6 June 2019 in the Municipality of Obiliq signed agreements with selected clients in this municipality.

Place: Municipality of Obiliq
Location: Municipal Assembly Hall of Obiliq
Day and Date: Thursday, 6 June 2019
Time: 14:00

Present during this event were: the Mayor of Obiliq, Xhafer Gashi, Shqipe Breznica – Country Director of Help, the Head of the Cabinet of Obiliq Municipality Abdyrrahman Krasniqi, the Officers from the Help Organization and the selected clients for the grants.

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to sustainable development and stability in Kosovo with the main focus of economic empowerment. While, the specific purpose is to create new jobs through direct grants support for small businesses. Through this project, equipment is provided so that the beneficiaries can start or increase their businesses. The average value of a grant for a beneficiary is 2,000.00 Euro in the form of non-cash equipment.

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Support for agriculture client within the rehabilitation and socialization program

Through the rehabilitation and socialization program and the provision of grants in the form of equipment Help has supported K.Sh. a farmer from Llapushnik village in the form of a special grant in May 2019, he has benefited a greenhouse that will be used for the cultivation of various seedlings and vegetables.

The same person, while serving the sentence, has developed the same activity for the cultivation of seedlings, which has greatly contributed to his professional training. He also received the farmer’s registration certificate – NIF and engaged other family members in agricultural activities.

Mostly his clients are from the village where he lives and other villages near Llapushnik. The grant has affected the capacity of business production and the increase in income for the family.

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49 youngsters benefited from Self-Employment Training Program

Kosovo youth receive self-employment support!

Forty-nine youth from the municipalities of Gjilan, Viti, Kaçanik, and Hani i Elezit have been selected as grant beneficiaries under the USAID EMPOWER Private Sector’s self-employment program. Their selection follows the successful completion of a prior training program aimed at equipping 200 youth from the aforementioned municipalities with business-oriented skills. The shortlisted youth beneficiaries will receive an in-kind grant in the form of equipment, allowing them to open a new business, or expand an existing one. The self-employment program is being financed by Empower Private Sector Kosovo, in partnership with Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete, and implemented by Help Kosovo, including the provision of co-finance from partner municipalities.

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Help supported Correctional Center in Dubrava

Help Kosovo has supported the Correctional Center in Dubrava with welding equipment. Through this project, it is aimed at influencing the rehabilitation and re-socialization of prisoners in the framework of the project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkan Region 2019-2020”. Also 12 prisoners have received professional training for welding with ISO certification.

Help Kosovo ka mbështetur me pajisje për saldim Qendrën Korrektuese në Dubravë. Përmes këtij projekti synohet të ndikohet në rehabilitimin dhe ri-socializimin e personave të burgosur, në kuadër të projektit “Mbështetje stabilitetit socio-ekonomik në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor 2019-2020”. Poashtu 12 të burgosur kanë përfituar trajnim profesional për saldim me ISO certifikim.


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Training for Mitrovica Detention Center

On 02.05.2019 training for Mitrovica Detention Center staff and Information Technology Seminar (Basic Computer Science Training) started to be implemented.

The overall purpose of the program is to empower vulnerable economically and socially vulnerable groups and to enable social inclusion.

Help and Kosovo Correctional Service will co-operate in supporting correctional centers and prisons in the rehabilitation and re-socialization of convicts and in the development of personnel skills in various fields.


Më 02.05.2019 filloi të zbatohet trajnimi për personelin e Qendrës së Paraburgimit në Mitrovicë dhe seminari i teknologjisë së informacionit (trajnimi bazik për shkencat kompjuterike).

Qëllimi i përgjithshëm i programit është të fuqizojë grupet e cenueshme ekonomikisht dhe sociale dhe të mundësojë përfshirjen sociale.

Help dhe Shërbimi Korrektues i Kosovës do të bashkëpunojnë në mbështetjen e qendrave korrektuese dhe të burgjeve në rehabilitimin dhe ri-socializimin e të dënuarve dhe në zhvillimin e aftësive të personelit në fusha të ndryshme.

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Monitoring Prisons and Correctional Service Institutions

Help Kosovo implemented the first phase of the monitoring for the Correctional Service Institutions within the project “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2019-2020”.

Help supported High Security Prison in Dyz, Detention Center in Minitrovica North, Correctional Educational Center in Lipjan and Correctional Center in Smrekonica with equipment and training.

The overall objective of the program is to empower economically and socially vulnerable groups and enable social inclusion. Help and Kosovo Correctional Service will co-operate in supporting to correctional centres in the rehabilitation and re-socialization of convicts as well provide trainings for personnel as well as convicts.


Help Kosovo zbatoi fazën e parë të monitorimit për Institucionet e Shërbimit Korrektues në kuadër të projektit “Mbështetje për stabilitetin socio-ekonomik në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor 2019-2020”.

Help ka mbështetur Burgun e Sigurisë së Lartë në Dyz, Qendrën e Paraburgimit në Minitrovicë të Veriut, Qendrën Korrektuese Edukative në Lipjan dhe Qendrën Korrektuese në Smrekonice me pajisje dhe trajnime. Qëllimi i përgjithshëm i programit është të fuqizojë grupet e cenueshme ekonomikisht dhe sociale dhe të mundësojë përfshirjen e tyre.

Help dhe Shërbimi Korrektues i Kosovës do të bashkëpunojnë në përkrahjen e qendrave korrektuese në rehabilitimin dhe ri-socializimin e të dënuarve, si dhe në ofrimin e trajnimeve për personelin si dhe të dënuarit.

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