First information session in Mitrovica

Help Kosovo organized the first information session in Mitrovica Municipality where hundreds of citizens attended this important event to be informed about the project for 2018. Help Organization will support 20 micro businesses in Mitrovica. The second information session will be organized on 15 February 2018 at 10:00 in the Center of Culture in Mitrovica Municipality.

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Opening of Makerspace in Prizren

Today in the city of Prizren, Help Kosovo representatives attended the  opening of the multi-functional center of modern technologies “Makerspace Prizren”. The main purpose of this center is to provide opportunities for cooperation and development, students and technology enthusiasts to guide tire trends and cooperate.

They gave special thanks  to the organization “Help Kosovo” through a grant on equipment for functionalization of the center.

There was also present the Mayor of Prizren, Prof.Dr. Mytaher Haskuka promised expression of will for cooperation in the following projects.

Now the youngsters of Prizren can express their creative ideas in this Makerspace, the first one in Prizren.

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First information session in Deçan

Help Kosovo organized the first information session in Deçan Municipality where hundreds of citizens attended this important event to be informed about the project for 2018. Help Organization will support 30 micro businesses in Deçan. The second information session will be organized on 13 February 2018 at 10:00 in the Assembly Hall of Deçan Municipality.

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First Information session in Istog

Help Kosovo organized the first information session in Istog today there were present hundreds of citizens who attended this event. This year Help Organization will support 35 micro businesses in this Municipality. The second information session will be organized on 13 February

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First information session in Suhareka

Help Kosovo organized the first information session in Municipality of Suhareka where we will be implementing the project during 2018. There will be around 37 micro businesses supported in Agriculture, crafts and services. The second information session will be organized on 13 February 2018 at 14:00 in Municipality Assembly Hall.


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First Information session in Lipjan

Help Kosovo organized the first information session in Municipality of Lipjan where hundreds citizens attended this event in Professional School “Adem Gllavica” Norges Vel. Help Kosovo will support 35 micro businesses in this Municipality. Main areas that will be supported are: Agriculture, Services and Crafts. The second information session will be organized on 13 February 2018 at 10:00 in the same location Professional School “Adem Gllavica” Norges Vel.

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Meeting with representative of Skenderaj

Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica met with Sokol Sallahu, Director of Agriculture Forestry and Rural Development at Municipality of Skenderaj where they discussed about a cooperation between Help Kosovo and Municipality of Skenderaj in order to develop the economy.

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