Help at the event of NGO LADY for women empowerment

Today in the Economic Chamber, NGO LADY organized an event where 6 success stories were presented by 6 women entrepreneurs from Balkan countries (Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania and Kosovo).

Help also participated in this event and was thanked by Ms. Sanija Murati for assistance received for NGO LADY.

The former President of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga had a speech in from of the participants for the empowerment of women.

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Help attended the employment fair for RAE community in Fushe-Kosova

Today Help Kosovo representatives attended the employment fair in Fushe-Kosova organized by OSCE Mission in Kosovo, for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians communities in Kosovo to promote project opportunities for this category. They were satisfied with the information they’ve received and also wanted to be more informed about the grants in order to find an opportunity to apply in the future.
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43 micro-businesses in Lipjan received grants from Help Kosovo

43 micro-businesses in Lipjan received grants from Help Kosovo

Lipjan Municipality co-financed with the German organization “Help” today signed contracts with 43 micro-businesses, beneficiaries of grants, within the project “Support to socio-economic stability in the Western Balkans region 2017-2018”.

In this case, Mayor Imri Ahmeti wished successes to the beneficiaries, congratulating their businesses to function successfully in order for this assistance to directly affect the generation of new jobs.

Mr. Ahmeti also expressed gratitude to the German organization “Help” for good cooperation, expressing hope that “this energy will convey in the future, with similar projects that are helping to growth and local economic development”.

Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator of Help, thanked the Mayor of Lipjan Municipality, Mr. Imri Ahmeti for the close cooperation and the commitment of the Municipality of Lipjan to implement this project.

Also special thanks goes to Mr. Shkelzen Hajdini, Director of Economic Development, for the support given to the implementation of the project in the Municipality of Lipjan.

The project is funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of the Republic of Kosovo and with the participation of the Municipality of Lipjan.

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Signing grant contract with clients in Istog

Today, the grant contract has been signed within the project “Support to Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans Region”, a project funded by the Help Kosovo Organization and the Municipality of Istog / Istok. There are a total of 36 beneficiaries who signed a grant agreement. The project aims to support economic development in the Municipality for small businesses and start-up businesses.


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Signing of grant contract with clients in Mitrovica

Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe organization awarded 26 grants to businesses in Mitrovica

Today, in Mitrovica, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe organization awarded 26 grants to beneficiaries of the project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans Region”.

Within the framework of this project supported by the Help organization, in the municipality of Mitrovica, contracts for 26 beneficiaries have been signed, in an average value of 2,000 euros.

The grants ceremony was attended by Deputy Mayor Faruk Mujka, Director of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ekrem Sadiku, Nehat Bahtiri chief of the cabinet of Mayor’s office and Help’s Program Coordinator, Shqipe Breznica.

In his speech, Deputy Mayor Mujka thanked the help organization, who in the course of their projects have selected the municipality of Mitrovica this year, supporting the initial businesses and participating in the alleviation of unemployment and economic growth.

While Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator of Help, in her speech stated that the purpose of Help is to support the implementation of existing local development strategies and support the process of sustainable development in the country. She further informed the attendees about the great interest of the citizens of Mitrovica to attend the training organized by Help as a part of the contract.

“More than 270 citizens have expressed interest in becoming part of this project, so 20 out of the beneficiaries that were foreseen to be selected in the city of Mitrovica, have increased the number and have benefited 26 businesses”, said Shqipe Breznica.

The grant beneficiaries also thanked for the care and support shown by the municipality and the Help organization, who are jointly interested to support the start of new businesses and the country’s economic development.

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Help Kosovo in the employment fair for RAE community in Prizren

Today Help Kosovo representatives attended the employment fair in Prizren organized by OSCE Mission in Kosovo for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians communities in Kosovo to promote project opportunities for this category. They were satisfied with the information they’ve received and also wanted to be more informed about the grants in order to find an opportunity to apply in the future.
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Help Kosovo visit at the Career Guidance Center supported in 2017

Help Kosovo visit at the career fair organized at the Career Guidance Center, which will be held on: 17.04.2018 – 18.04.2018, all vocational schools in the municipality of Prishtina are attending this fair. This was a great opportunity for the youngsters in Kosovo and also an opportunity to inform them for our projects in the future.
Help Kosovo supported Career Guidance Center with technology equipment necessary for activities related to training.
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Help supports organizing “The 1st International Open Swimming Championship Kosovo 2018″ Down Syndrome

On 16th of April Help Kosovo and Swimming Club Termopan signed a partnership contract within the project “The 1st International Open Swimming Championship Kosovo 2018″ – Down Syndrome“.

The purpose of this Partnership Contract is the implementation of the project “The 1st International Open Swimming Championship “Kosovo 2018 – Down Syndrome“,  implemented by  Swimming Club Termopan under the umbrella of Kosovo Swimming Federation, held for the first time in Balkans.

Help is one of many supporters in making it possible with symbolic fund the organization of the 1st International Open Swimming Championship “Kosovo 2018” – Down Syndrome which will be organized from May 18-22, 2018.  The race is an initiative of the Termopan Swimming Club at Zenit Swimming Pool and will be supported by the Kosovo Swimming Federation and will take place under the International Swimming Federation (ISF) rules.

All contestants are with Down Syndrome who are members of the Down Syndrome International Swimming Organization (DSISO), which the event is also organized in cooperation with this organization, accredited by the Paralympic Committee. In this competition there will be different disciplines and the first, second and third prize will be given a reward and the same will win points at International Swimming Federation (ISF) and these points will help contestants with Down Syndrome to participate in the European and World Championships as this is a criterion.

Confirmed are 77 participants from 9 countries, such as: United States of America, United Kingdom, Turkey, Ireland, Estonia, Albania, Romania, Macedonia and Denmark.


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Help mbështet organizimin e Kampionatit të Parë Ndërkombëtar të Notit “Kosova 2018” – Down Syndrome

Më 16 Prill Help Kosovo dhe Klubi i Notit Termopan nënshkruan një kontratë bashkëpunimi në kuadër të projektit “Kampionati i Parë i Hapur Ndërkombëtar i “Kosova 2018 “- Down Syndrome”.

Qëllimi i kësaj Kontrate të Bashkëpunimit është zbatimi i projektit “Kampionati i Parë i Hapur Ndërkombëtar “Kosova 2018 – Down Syndrome”, i realizuar nga Klubi i Notit Thermopan nën ombrellën e Federatës së Notit të Kosovës, mbajtur për herë të parë në Ballkan.

Help është një nga mbështetësit e shumtë për të bërë të mundur me një fond simbolik organizimin e Kampionatit të Parë Ndërkombëtar të Notit “Kosova 2018” – Down Syndrome, i cili do të organizohet nga 18-22 Maj 2018. Gara është një iniciativë e Klubit të Notit Termopan në Pishinën Zenit dhe do të mbështetet nga Federata e Notit të Kosovës dhe do të zhvillohet sipas rregullave të Federatës Ndërkombëtare të Notit (ISF).

Të gjithë garuesit janë me Down Syndrome të cilët janë anëtarë të Organizatës Ndërkombëtare të Notit të Sindromit Down (DSISO), i cili organizohet në bashkëpunim me këtë organizatë, të akredituar nga Komiteti Paraolimpik. Në këtë konkurs do të ketë disiplina të ndryshme dhe çmimi i parë, i dytë dhe i tretë do t’i jepet një shpërblim dhe e njëjta do të fitojë pikë në Federatën Ndërkombëtare të Ujit (ISF) dhe këto pika do të ndihmojnë garuesit me Down Syndrome për të marrë pjesë në Kampionatin Evropian dhe Botëror  pasi ky është edhe një kriter.

Të kofnirmuar janë 77 pjesëmarrës nga 9 vende, si: Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Turqia, Irlanda, Estonia, Shqipëria, Rumania, Maqedonia dhe Danimarka.

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“Fuqia e Granteve të Vogla” ngjarje organizuar nga Help Kosovo

Me datën 11 prill 2018 Help Kosovo ka organizuar ngjarjen “Fuqia e Granteve të Vogla”, ku më shumë se 120 persona morën pjesë duke përfshire ambasadat e huaja në Kosovë, Institucionet e Kosovës si ato qendrore ashtu edhe lokale, si dhe përfaqësuesit e komunave partnere, OJQ, klientët që u mbështetën me grante dhe përfaqesues te mediave.

Koordinatorja e programit të Help Kosovo, Shqipe Breznica hapi aktivitetin me një prezantim të aktiviteteve të Help përmes rezultateve dhe të dhënave, gjithashtu falënderoi mbështetësit e Organizatës Help Kosovo gjatë këtyre viteve.

Në këtë ngjarje ishin të pranishëm zëvendësdrejtori menaxhues Timo Stegelmann dhe menaxherja e programit Masa Bubanj, të cilët mbështetën përfaqësuesit e Help Kosovo në organizim.

Help Kosovo falenderon gjithashtu edhe Zëvendës Shefin e Misionit të Ambasadës Gjermane në Prishtinë, ztr. Jan Axel-Voss për praninë e tij dhe për fjalimin e tij në para te pranishmëve.

Gjithashtu, falënderim i veçantë i takon Zëvendësministrit të Ministrisë së Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale të Kosovës ztr. Çerkin Dukolli dhe klientës sonë të sukseshme Arta Shehu-Zaimi për fjalimin e saj të mrekullueshëm.

Gjatë kësaj ngjarje klientët e Help Kosovo kanë pasur mundësi të ekspozojnë produktet e tyre për mysafirët të cilët ishin mjaftë të interesuar dhe të kënaqur me produktet e tyre.

Help Kosovo gjithashtu shfaqi video-dokumentarin e quajtur “Fuqia e Granteve të Vogla” ku u prezantua puna e organizates Help Kosovo që nga viti 2015 dhe u ofrua më shumë informacion rreth projektit

Help Kosovo dëshiron të falënderojë të gjithë mysafirët që na nderuan me praninë e tyre, shpresojmë t’ju shohim përsëri në projektet e ardhshme që Help do ti realizojë me po të njëjtin përkushtim.

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