Help Kosovo – Highlights from 2018

Signing of partnership agreements, information sessions, signing of the contracts with clients, distribution of equipment, monitoring clients activity, open markets organized by Help, visits of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe representatives, events, succes stories and more.

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Information sessions for the Self-Employment Training Program

As part of the “Self-Employment Training Program”, financed by USAID Empower Private Sector in partnership with Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete, and implemented by Help, 200 candidates from Gjilan, Viti, Kaçanik, and Hani i Elezit that previously completed business skills training attended information sessions for the grant application guidelines.

The “Self-Employment Training Program”, which is implemented by Help Kosovo, aims to foster employ-ability, entrepreneurship, and expanding job opportunities for youth from Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik, and Hani i Elezit.

The deadline for application is 25th of January 2019. All candidates will be able to send their questions by mail at until 10th of January 2019 and receive answers by 15th of January published on the web

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Timo Stegelmann visit in Kosovo

On 10.12.2018 Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe representatives Timo Stegelmann (Deputy Managing Director) Masa Bubanj (Project Advisor) and Shqipe Breznica (Program Coordinator) had a meeting with the Chief of Cabinet Lulzim Demolli from Ministry of Economic Development in order to present the project objectives for the future.

On 10.12.2018 Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe representatives had a meeting with the Senior Political Advisor to the Minister Mrs. Laura Perjuci Zherka from Ministry of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in order to present the project objectives for the future.

On 11.12.2018 Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe representatives had a meeting with Mentor Tërshnjaku Political Advisor to the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare of Kosovo Government in order to present the project objectives for the future.

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Help supported High Security Prison with working tools

Help Kosovo supported the High Security Prison in Dyz with working tools. Through this project, it is intended to influence the rehabilitation and re-socialization of prisoners, within the project “Support to Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans 2017-2018”.
The purpose of the project is to increase the capacity of vulnerable groups in the economic and social sphere, in order to create opportunities for active participation in society. Help and Kosovo Correctional Service will implement one of the components of this project, which is the support of four correctional institutions for the rehabilitation and re-socialization of prisoners.
In the meeting were present also Deputy Minister of Justice, Deputy Director of KCS and Head of Training Sector for Prisoners.
The officials of the High Security Prison were satisfied and thankful to Help for realizing and implementation of this project.


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Certification of 43 beneficiaries of vocational training in Kamenica

Certification of 43 beneficiaries of vocational training in Kamenica.
Beneficiaries were trained in these areas: 8 for central heating, 3 for welding, 16 for sewing, 14 for hairdressers and 2 for information technology.
About the project
Project ʺSupport to Sustainable Economic Development in Municipal Level” financed by the Ministry of Local Government Administration of the Kosovo Government and Ministry of Foreign Affair of the German Government and implemented by Help during 5 months. Kamenica Municipality and Help will cooperate on the following issues during the implementation of the project: Support to the implementation of the Strategy for Development of Kamenica Municipality. Support human capacity development through vocational trainings Support the development of entrepreneurship and small enterprises, particularly in the function of employment growth and job creation, and the creation of competitive conditions for attracting investment.
Project objectives
The project focuses on increasing the capacity of vulnerable groups in the economic and social sphere, in order to create opportunities for active participation in society. While the objective is to reduce the level of poverty among economically vulnerable groups. Help will offer professional trainings for at least 40 citizens of Municipality of Kamenica. Identifying and networking partners within the framework of the project with special attention to the micro businesses.

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Certification of candidates from Gjilan and Viti

Certification of candidates from Gjilan

As part of the “Self-Employment Training Program”, financed by USAID Empower and implemented by HELP, 50 candidates received certifications for the business training.

In the ceremony organised in Gjilan, Mr. Lutfi Haziri, the municipal Mayor, thanked USAID for financing the program, and HELP for implementing the program. He showed his readiness to continue support new businesses in the municipality, especially businesses established by young people.

Brian Martalus, Director of the Economic Development Office in USAID said that ‘’Kosovo is the youngest country in Europe with youngest population, energetic, intelligent, and eager to contribute to the economic development of the country.  Starting and running a business is not easy, a lot of businesses fail, but you must keep trying until you succeed. USAID is here to help you to succeed now and, in the future, so you contribute to your families, and your community. He also thanked municipal mayors for co-financing the program’’.

Shqipe Breznica, Country Director of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Mission in Kosovo was satisfied with the interest of youngsters for this project which will deliver business skills development through business training that will lead to the application for a grant for equipment and encouraged them to follow the procedures of applications within the project.

The “Self-Employment Training Program”, which is implemented by Help Kosovo, aims to foster employ-ability, entrepreneurship, and expanding job opportunities for youth from Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik, and Hani i Elezit. The program delivered business skills training to around 200 youth, and upon completion, best 32 business proposals presented by trainees will receive small grants, which are also co-financed by partner municipalities, to start their own businesses.

The program is financed by USAID Empower Private Sector in partnership with Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete

The business training was delivered by Business Support Centre Kosovo (BSCK) from 26 November – 03 December 2018.

Certification of candidates from Viti

As part of the “Self-Employment Training Program”, financed by USAID Empower and implemented by Help, 50 candidates received certifications for the business training.

In the ceremony held in Viti, Mr. Sokol Haliti, the municipal Mayor, congratulated candidates for successfully completing the training and wished them success also during the grant application contest. He thanked USAID for financing the program, and HELP for implementing the program, on which occasion, he awarded to both, Mr. Martalus and Mrs. Breznica, a symbolic present.

Brian Martalus, Director of the Economic Development Office in USAID said that ‘’Kosovo is the youngest country in Europe with youngest population, energetic, intelligent, and eager to contribute to the economic development of the country.  Starting and running a business is not easy, a lot of businesses fail, but you must keep trying until you succeed. USAID is here to help you to succeed now, and in the future, so you contribute to your families, and your community. He also thanked municipal mayors for co-financing the program’’.

Shqipe Breznica, Country Director of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe Mission in Kosovo was satisfied with the interest of youngsters for this project which will deliver business skills development through business training that will lead to the application for a grant for equipment and encouraged them to follow the procedures of applications within the project.

The “Self-Employment Training Program”, which is implemented by Help Kosovo, aims to foster employ-ability, entrepreneurship, and expanding job opportunities for youth from Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik, and Hani i Elezit. The program delivered business skills training to around 200 youth, and upon completion, best 32 business proposals presented by trainees will receive small grants, which are also co-financed by partner municipalities, to start their own businesses.

The program is financed by USAID Empower Private Sector in partnership with Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete.

The business training was delivered by Business Support Centre Kosovo (BSCK) from 26 November – 03 December 2018.

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Certification of candidates from Kaçanik and Hani i Elezit

Candidates from Kaçanik and Hani i Elezit received their certifications for the business training within the “Self-Employment Training Program”, implemented by Help Kosovo.

This program aims to foster employ-ability and entrepreneurship and expanding job opportunities for youth from Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik, and Hani i Elezit. The program will deliver business skills training to around 200 youth, and upon completion, best 32 business proposals presented by trainees will receive small grants, which are also co-financed by partner municipalities, to start their own businesses.

The business training is delivered by Business Support Centre Kosovo (BSCK) and will take place from 19 – 23 November 2018 in Kaçanik and Hani i Elezit, and from 26 – 30 November 2018 in Gjilan and Viti.

The program is financed by USAID Empower Private Sector in partnership with Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete.


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Business training within SE project implemented by Help

As a part of the “Self-Employment Training Program”, Help Kosovo started with business training aiming to foster employ-ability and entrepreneurship and expanding job opportunities for youth from Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik, and Hani i Elezit.

The program will deliver business skills training to around 200 youth, and upon completion, best 32 business proposals presented by trainees will receive small grants, which are also co-financed by partner municipalities, to start their own businesses.

The business training will be delivered by Business Support Centre Kosovo (BSCK) and will take place from 19- 23 November in Kaçanik and Hani i Elezit, and from 26- 30 November in Gjilan and Viti.
The program is financed by USAID Empower Private Sector in partnership with Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete.
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