Reconomy Project “Digitalization of sectors with growth potential for better economic opportunities”

  • Project Region: Regional (Western Balkans)
  • Duration: 2023 – 2026
  • Donor: Helvetas/SIDA
  • Budget (Euro): 1,980,258.55

Project Details: Overall Objective: Enhance economic opportunities and growth in the Western Balkans through digitalization, benefiting women, youth, and marginalized groups.

11,000 women and youth empowered with additional income and green jobs.
€1 million in private sector investments driven by program initiatives.
20% of enterprises reported higher turnover and profit.
40% of businesses experienced better economic opportunities and improved business environments.
92% of companies satisfied with the skills of newly employed workers.

Personal and professional skills enhanced through business training.
Professional competitiveness and productivity increased with vocational training.

Internships provided for personal development and livelihood enhancement.
Participants and employers benefited from upgraded skills and capacities through internships.

Local governments strengthened in implementing employment policies and measures.

Partnerships established with key market actors, including ABSL, Growzillas Academy, Western Balkan Startup Alliance, and others.

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Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans

  • Project Region: Regional (Western Balkans)
  • Duration: 2023 – 2024
  • Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) and Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 4,497,324.5

Project Details: Overall Objectives:
Enhance living conditions for marginalized groups by creating jobs and promoting inclusion.

Key Components:

Green Growth Grants: Business and vocational training, resocialization programs, start-up support for former convicts, and community initiatives.
Results in Kosovo:

Green Growth Grants: Partnered with seven municipalities; 165 clients selected, 150 received equipment.
Training: 150 clients received business training, 35 completed agricultural training, and one specialized in electrical training. Standardized solar installation technician profession. Trained 150 youth and disadvantaged groups.
Resocialization Programs: IT/Network Administration and Coding training for 15 correctional staff, sewing training for 10 women inmates, and potato processing workshop equipment provided.
Start-Up Support: Equipped 10 former inmates to launch businesses.
Community Initiatives: Improved infrastructure at “Mitrush Kuteli” school and AZURE Learning Center. Installed outdoor staircase holders for persons with disabilities in Prishtina.

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Empowering disadvantaged communities in Kosovo (flooding victims)

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2023
  • Donor: Z Zurich Foundation
  • Budget (Euro): 10,611

Project Details: Overall Objectives

Provide Practical Aid for Flood-Affected Families: Deliver immediate, practical solutions to families in Kosovo impacted by recent floods.
Support Vulnerable Communities: Focus assistance on the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities in Mitrovica South, who were hit hardest by the floods.
Specific Objectives

Drive Fundraising Success: Launch a powerful online fundraising campaign with the ZZurich Foundation to rally support and resources.
Home Appliance Distribution:

Refrigerators: 16 units
Electric Stoves: 11 units
Washing Machines: 20 units
Woodstoves: 8 units

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EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Turkey

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2021 – 2022
  • Donor: Roma Active Albania Award and EU
  • Budget (Euro): 7,203.77

Project Details: Empower Women: Three Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian women launched an agricultural social enterprise, boosting their socio-economic status.

Promote Social Enterprise: Introduced the concept in agriculture, adding value to locally produced goods.

Enhance Skills: Equipped women with essential skills in agricultural production and business management.


Greenhouse Success: A new greenhouse was established, yielding crops like peppers and spinach, sold locally.
Comprehensive Training: Women received hands-on training in agriculture, food processing, business management, and PR.
Visibility Boost: An inauguration event with EU and local representatives enhanced networking and spotlighted the project.

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CIRCLE -Community Inclusion Reached through Competition Leading to Empowerment

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2022 – 2023
  • Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO)
  • Budget (Euro): 10,000

Project Details: Overall Objective: Empower disadvantaged communities in Kosovo by providing training, resources, and opportunities for economic self-sufficiency and personal growth.

Specific Objectives and Outcomes:

Support Self-Employment: Identify and back promising self-employment projects through a competitive process.
31 women and youth from Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities received training; 4 were awarded grants.
Business Development Training: Equip 31 women and youth with business and social media marketing skills.
All 31 trained, certified, and 15 shortlisted for grant competition.
12 individuals competed; 4 received grants.

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Earthquake Victims Support

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2021
  • Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO)
  • Budget (Euro): 5,000

Project Details: Rehabilitated Families Affected by the Albania Earthquake Provided crucial aid to the Abazi family from Livoc, Gjilan, who tragically lost two loved ones.
Coordinated Visits: Assessed the family’s social and economic conditions through targeted visits.
Equipment Distribution: Delivered essential equipment to support their business activities.
Ongoing Support: Continued monitoring the family’s progress even after the project ended.
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Respond to preventing the spread of coronavirus COVID19

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2020
  • Donor: Danish Refugee Council
  • Budget (Euro): 8,538.75

Project Details: Objectives:

Immediate Relief: Deliver essential food and hygiene supplies to crisis-affected vulnerable populations.
Health & Hygiene Boost: Enhance beneficiaries’ health and hygiene through crucial hygienic product distribution.
Support for the Vulnerable: Aid families and individuals facing displacement, economic struggles, or disaster impacts.

345 Families Supported: Delivered food packages filled with staple items to meet nutritional needs.
Hygiene Essentials Provided: Distributed soap, sanitizers, and cleaning products to maintain personal and household hygiene.

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Support socio-economic stability in Kosovo

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2021 – 2022
  • Donor: MFK/GFA, Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 672,005

Project Details: Objective: Reduce energy demand and costs in the residential sector while boosting the competitiveness of Kosovo’s energy service market.

Focus: Empower women entrepreneurs by helping them grow their businesses through efficient energy use. Special attention is given to women-owned businesses that need support in registering, are vulnerable, or are just starting out.


Empowered 209 women entrepreneurs across partner municipalities.
Trained and certified 217 individuals in business skills and workplace environmental health and safety.
Provided vocational training for 32 people in fashion and tailoring, enhancing their professional skills.
Created 320 jobs for grant beneficiaries.
Collaborated with 8 partner municipalities, strengthening their capacity to implement employment policies and measures.

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Support to socio-economic stability in Western Balkans Region 2021-2022 – “Socio-Economic Empowerment in Western Balkans”

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2021 – 2022
  • Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) and Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 859,247.93

Project Details: Overall Objective:

Promote socio-economic stability by directly creating 160 registered jobs.
Specific Goals:

Grants: Provide 160 grants to micro businesses across partner municipalities.
Training: Ensure 320 individuals complete business and vocational training.
Correctional Support: Strengthen Kosovo Correctional and Probation Services.
Education: Assist four kindergartens in Kosovo.
Community Cleanliness: Produce and install outdoor trash bins.
Key Achievements:

Grants: Supported 221 micro businesses.
Training: Delivered 376 business and vocational training sessions.
Correctional Support: Conducted 28 vocational trainings for inmates and staff.
Kindergarten Support: Assisted 6 kindergartens in Prishtina, benefiting 1,409 children and 250 staff.
Trash Bins: Installed 225 outdoor bins across targeted areas.

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Respond to preventing the spread of coronavirus COVID19

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2020
  • Donor: 11 Local Companies in Kosovo
  • Budget (Euro): 4,290

Project Details: Supporting E-Learning in Safe Houses:
We equipped 10 safe houses across key municipalities in Kosovo with 20 laptops, ensuring children in domestic violence shelters can continue their education through e-learning. This initiative, valued at €3,980.00, provided essential technology to support their studies and other activities.

Assisting the Elderly Care House in Prishtina:
In response to COVID-19, we provided the Elderly Care House in Prishtina with €294.75 worth of disposable containers. These items helped maintain safety and hygiene by isolating affected residents, preventing the virus’s spread within the facility.

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