• Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2021 – 2022
  • Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) and Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 859,247.93

Project Details: Overall Objective:

Promote socio-economic stability by directly creating 160 registered jobs.
Specific Goals:

Grants: Provide 160 grants to micro businesses across partner municipalities.
Training: Ensure 320 individuals complete business and vocational training.
Correctional Support: Strengthen Kosovo Correctional and Probation Services.
Education: Assist four kindergartens in Kosovo.
Community Cleanliness: Produce and install outdoor trash bins.
Key Achievements:

Grants: Supported 221 micro businesses.
Training: Delivered 376 business and vocational training sessions.
Correctional Support: Conducted 28 vocational trainings for inmates and staff.
Kindergarten Support: Assisted 6 kindergartens in Prishtina, benefiting 1,409 children and 250 staff.
Trash Bins: Installed 225 outdoor bins across targeted areas.