Completed project
Project: “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2017-2018”
Duration: May 2017 – December 2018
Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government
Location: Republic of Kosovo-Municipalities of Suhareka, Lipjan, Decan, Strpce, Istog, Gjakova, Gracanica, Mitrovica and North Mitrovica.
The overall objective of the program is to increase the capacity of economically and socially vulnerable groups to participate more fully in society.
Specific objective of the program: Decreased levels of poverty among economically vulnerable groups
The project components that will lead to the direct job creation of at least 240 registered employees, thus contribute to the socio-economic stability in targeted areas, are:
- Grants for micro businesses
- Business and vocational trainings
- Support community entrepreneurial initiatives throughout the country
- Supporting four correctional institutions in the rehabilitation and re-socialization of persons who have been in conflict with the law
Project: “Support to Sustainable Economic Development at the Municipal Level”
Duration: September – December 2018
Help Kosovo signed a cooperation agreement with Ministry of Local Government Administration within the project “Support to Sustainable Economic Development at the Municipal Level”. This project will provide professional training for at least 40 citizens in the Municipality of Kamenica.
Trainings will be designed on the basis of citizens’ requests, but will focus on creating a skilled workforce that creates opportunities for self-employment.
Target groups are young and marginalized groups. The type of training can be: electrician, central heating, welding, tailoring, hairdressing, bakery craft, etc.
Project: “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo – Migration Prevention and Stabilisation”
Duration: February 2016 – December 2017
Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government
Location: Republic of Kosovo
Municipalities of Prishtine, Gracanice, Gjakove, Vushtrri, Gjilan, Mitrovica, North Mitrovica and Leposavic during 2016 and Vushtrri, Peje, Prizren and Novobrdo during 2017.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development and the stability in targeted areas with the main focus on the economic empowerment
The specific objective – job creation through direct economic and educational support to micro business sector in Kosovo
The proposed action represents the continuation of the programme commenced in 2015 as the second phase. The project components will lead to the direct job creation thus contribute to the socio-economic stability in targeted areas are:
- Grants for micro businesses
- Business and vocational trainings
- Assistance within the project “Reintegration and Rehabilitation of the Prisoners”
Project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo”
Duration: May 2015 – December 2016
Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government
Location: Republic of Kosovo
Project was financed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of German Government, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, partner Municipalities whereas is implemented by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e>v. Kosovo and Foundation Kosovo-Luxembourg.
Project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo” was implemented during May 2015 till December 2016 in following municipalities: Prishtina, Mitrovica, Ferizaj, Graçanica, North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Vushtrri, Gjakova and Gjilan.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development and the stability in targeted areas with the main focus on the economic empowerment. Whereas the specific objective is job creation through direct economic and educational support to micro business sector in Kosovo
Project components
- Grants for micro businesses
- Business and vocational trainings
- Support to development of cooperatives
- Assistance within the project “Reintegration and Rehabilitation of the Prisoners”