Meeting with Economic Development Director in Drenas

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica had a meeting with the Economic Development Director in Municipality of Drenas to discuss about a possible partnership in the future between Help Kosovo and Municipality of Drenas.
Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development and Agriculture.

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Meeting with Economic Development Director in Drenas

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica had a meeting with the Economic Development Director in Municipality of Drenas to discuss about a possible partnership in the future between Help Kosovo and Municipality of Drenas.
Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development and Agriculture.

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Partnership opportunities between Help and Municipality of Klina

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica had a meeting with Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Finance Director in Klina Municipality to discuss about a future partnership in the future. Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development.

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Partnership opportunities between Help and Municipality of Klina

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica had a meeting with Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Finance Director in Klina Municipality to discuss about a future partnership in the future. Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development.

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Correctional Educational Center in Lipjan supported by Help Kosovo

Kosovo National Television RTK visited the Correctonal Educational Center in Lipjan which was recently supported by Help Kosovo with technology equipment in order to have different training in the field of information technology. This Center offers unique services for the youngsters who are under 18 years old and this gives them an opportunity to develop themselves and attend training so they can be employed in the future and move out of the problems.
Help Kosovo will continue to support this Center in different training in partnership with Kosovo Companies that offer training.
Check the link below to learn more about this Center:

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Correctional Educational Center in Lipjan supported by Help Kosovo

Kosovo National Television RTK visited the Correctonal Educational Center in Lipjan which was recently supported by Help Kosovo with technology equipment in order to have different training in the field of information technology. This Center offers unique services for the youngsters who are under 18 years old and this gives them an opportunity to develop themselves and attend training so they can be employed in the future and move out of the problems.
Help Kosovo will continue to support this Center in different training in partnership with Kosovo Companies that offer training.
Check the link below to learn more about this Center:

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Shoqata e të Shurdhërve nga Suhareka e lumtur me ndihmën nga Help

Shoqata e të Shurdhërve nga Suhareka sot ka marrë ndihmën nga Organizata Help dhe janë ndarë shumë të kënaqur si dhe kanë bërë rregullimin e hapsirës menjëherë dhe kanë filluar punën në projektet e tyre. Help ka mbështetur këtë Shoqatë me tavolina, karrige, roleta për dritare, dollapë, si dhe pajisje teknologjike laptop.
Më poshtë mund të shihni disa fotografi të bëra para dhe pas rregullimit të hapsirës nga personat të cilët janë të angazhuar në këtë qendër.


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Shoqata e të Shurdhërve nga Suhareka e lumtur me ndihmën nga Help

Shoqata e të Shurdhërve nga Suhareka sot ka marrë ndihmën nga Organizata Help dhe janë ndarë shumë të kënaqur si dhe kanë bërë rregullimin e hapsirës menjëherë dhe kanë filluar punën në projektet e tyre. Help ka mbështetur këtë Shoqatë me tavolina, karrige, roleta për dritare, dollapë, si dhe pajisje teknologjike laptop.
Më poshtë mund të shihni disa fotografi të bëra para dhe pas rregullimit të hapsirës nga personat të cilët janë të angazhuar në këtë qendër.


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Association of Deaf People from Suhareka supported by Help

Association of Deaf People from Suhareka received furniture such as tables, chairs, shelves, window shutters and also technology equipment for their activities. This was as a support from Help Organization who visited this Center in Suhareka a few weeks ago. They were so happy and satisfied with the support from Help and immediately adjusted the Center office and started working for their new projects.
We are glad to make this category of people happy and we wish them all the best.

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Association of Deaf People from Suhareka supported by Help

Association of Deaf People from Suhareka received furniture such as tables, chairs, shelves, window shutters and also technology equipment for their activities. This was as a support from Help Organization who visited this Center in Suhareka a few weeks ago. They were so happy and satisfied with the support from Help and immediately adjusted the Center office and started working for their new projects.
We are glad to make this category of people happy and we wish them all the best.

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