Mundësi bashkëpunimi mes “Help” dhe Komunës së Drenasit

Sot Koordinatorja e Projektit të Help Kosovo Shqipe Breznica u takua me kryetarin e Komunës së Drenasit Ramiz Lladrovci për të diskutuar rreth mundësisë së bashkëpunimit në të ardhmen. Të dy palët u ndanë të kënaqur me iniciativën dhe planin për të zbatuar një projekt në këtë komunë me potencial në zhvillim ekonomik dhe agrar.
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Mundësi bashkëpunimi mes “Help” dhe Komunës së Drenasit

Sot Koordinatorja e Projektit të Help Kosovo Shqipe Breznica u takua me kryetarin e Komunës së Drenasit Ramiz Lladrovci për të diskutuar rreth mundësisë së bashkëpunimit në të ardhmen. Të dy palët u ndanë të kënaqur me iniciativën dhe planin për të zbatuar një projekt në këtë komunë me potencial në zhvillim ekonomik dhe agrar.
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Meeting with Mayor of Drenas Mr. Ramiz Lladrovci

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica had a meeting with Mayor of Drenas Municipality Mr. Ramiz Lladrovci to discuss about a future partnership opportunity. Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development and Agriculture.
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Meeting with Mayor of Drenas Mr. Ramiz Lladrovci

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica had a meeting with Mayor of Drenas Municipality Mr. Ramiz Lladrovci to discuss about a future partnership opportunity. Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development and Agriculture.
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Meeting with Vučina Janković Mayor of Zvečan Municipality

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica and Senior field officer Rrezart Shala had a meeting with Mayor of Zvecan Municipality Mr. Vucina Jankovic to discuss about a future partnership opportunity. Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development and Agriculture.
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Meeting with Vučina Janković Mayor of Zvečan Municipality

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica and Senior field officer Rrezart Shala had a meeting with Mayor of Zvecan Municipality Mr. Vucina Jankovic to discuss about a future partnership opportunity. Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development and Agriculture.
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Meeting with Mayor of Zubin Potok Municipality

Meeting with Mayor of Zubin Potok Municipality Mr. Stevan Vulović to discuss about a future partnership opportunity. Both parts were satisfied with the initiative and plan to implement a project in this Municipality with great potential in Economic Development and Agriculture.
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Help client Nafije Ajeti “Kroi i Sfeçles” in Prishtina market

Our client Nafije Ajeti from Kroi i Sfecles present in Prishtina fair in Boulevard of the city. She produces pickled vegetables, ajvar (pepper pate) and other canned products. Their products are very qualitative and we are proud of the success from supporting “Kroi i Sfeçles”.

Nafije Ajeti has employed 4 women as seasonal workers in Association of women farmers “Kroi i Sfeçles” in Podujeva.

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Help client Nafije Ajeti “Kroi i Sfeçles” in Prishtina market

Our client Nafije Ajeti from Kroi i Sfecles present in Prishtina fair in Boulevard of the city. She produces pickled vegetables, ajvar (pepper pate) and other canned products. Their products are very qualitative and we are proud of the success from supporting “Kroi i Sfeçles”.

Nafije Ajeti has employed 4 women as seasonal workers in Association of women farmers “Kroi i Sfeçles” in Podujeva.

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