Signing grant contracts with clients in Suhareka Municipality

The project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkan Region 2017-2018” has started to be implemented in the Municipality of Suhareka, where today, 40 persons and small businesses have signed grants contracts. Mayor of the Municipality, Mr. Bali Muharremaj, in front of the beneficiaries of this project, said that: “Suhareka has started with the change, this project is common between Help and Municipality of Suhareka, I had the desire for over 100 candidates to benefit from this project, as we as a municipality are ready to offer more in the future.

Meanwhile, Program Coordinator Ms. Shqipe Breznica has explained more about the details for the final clients and also explained the training opportunities. Otherwise, to benefit from this project was a great interest where 148 applicants applied and 40 beneficiaries benefited.





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Signing grant contracts with clients in Suhareka Municipality

The project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkan Region 2017-2018” has started to be implemented in the Municipality of Suhareka, where today, 40 persons and small businesses have signed grants contracts. Mayor of the Municipality, Mr. Bali Muharremaj, in front of the beneficiaries of this project, said that: “Suhareka has started with the change, this project is common between Help and Municipality of Suhareka, I had the desire for over 100 candidates to benefit from this project, as we as a municipality are ready to offer more in the future.

Meanwhile, Program Coordinator Ms. Shqipe Breznica has explained more about the details for the final clients and also explained the training opportunities. Otherwise, to benefit from this project was a great interest where 148 applicants applied and 40 beneficiaries benefited.





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Help Kosovo visit at the Career Guidance Center supported in 2017

Help Kosovo visit at the career fair organized at the Career Guidance Center, which will be held on: 17.04.2018 – 18.04.2018, all vocational schools in the municipality of Prishtina are attending this fair. This was a great opportunity for the youngsters in Kosovo and also an opportunity to inform them for our projects in the future.
Help Kosovo supported Career Guidance Center with technology equipment necessary for activities related to training.
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Help Kosovo visit at the Career Guidance Center supported in 2017

Help Kosovo visit at the career fair organized at the Career Guidance Center, which will be held on: 17.04.2018 – 18.04.2018, all vocational schools in the municipality of Prishtina are attending this fair. This was a great opportunity for the youngsters in Kosovo and also an opportunity to inform them for our projects in the future.
Help Kosovo supported Career Guidance Center with technology equipment necessary for activities related to training.
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The Help Mission in the Republic of Kosovo began its operation during the emergency phase in Kosovo in 2000. After several years of pausing with activities in Kosovo, Help started with the project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo” in May 2015.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development and the stability in targeted areas with the main focus on economic empowerment. The specific objective: job creation through direct economic and educational support to the micro business sector in Kosovo.

The project is financed through funds from the German Federal Foreign Office, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and partner municipalities. It is implemented by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. Kosovo.

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The Help Mission in the Republic of Kosovo began its operation during the emergency phase in Kosovo in 2000. After several years of pausing with activities in Kosovo, Help started with the project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo” in May 2015.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development and the stability in targeted areas with the main focus on economic empowerment. The specific objective: job creation through direct economic and educational support to the micro business sector in Kosovo.

The project is financed through funds from the German Federal Foreign Office, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and partner municipalities. It is implemented by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. Kosovo.

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