Karin Settele visit in Albania

24 të rinjë përfitojnë mbështetje për vetëpunësim nga komunat Gjilan, Viti, Kaçanik dhe Hani i Elezit të cilët janë përzgjedhur si përfitues grantesh në kuadër të programit të vetë-punësimit të USAID Empower Private Sector.
Zgjedhja e tyre ndjek përfundimin e suksesshëm të një programi trajnimi paraprak që synim kishte pajisjen e 200 të rinjëve nga komunat e lartpërmendura me aftësi të orientuara drejt biznesit prej të cilëve 79 kanë përfituar grant në formë të pajisjeve.
Programi financohet nga USAID Empower Private Sector, në partneritet me Sida – Styrelsen për Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete, dhe zbatohet nga Help Kosovo, duke përfshirë ofrimin e bashkëfinancimit nga komunat partnere në projekt.
24 youngsters receive self-employment support from the municipalities of Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik and Hani i Elezit who have been selected as grantees under the USAID EMPOWER Private Sector self-employment program.
Their selection follows the successful completion of a training program aimed at equipping 200 youngsters from the aforementioned municipalities with business-oriented skills from which 79 received grants in the form of equipment.
The program is funded by USAID Empower Private Sector, in partnership with Sida – Styrelsen for Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete, and implemented by Help Kosovo, including co-financing provision by partner municipalities in the project.
Isabelle Sommer, Project Officer from the Medicor Foundation is visiting Kosovo these days. Help Kosovo has welcomed her and accompanied on field visits to Help clients over the years from various cities in Kosovo. She was accompanied on the field by the Country Director of Help Kosovo, Shqipe Breznica and monitoring officer Valon Hyseni.
Balkan Women Association (BWA) which is aiming to enable the diversification of knowledge, experiences, models and initiatives from six Balkan countries to foster women entrepreneurship is currently implementing their first joint project “Women Book”, powered by Western Balkans Fund and co-funded by Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe.
“WOMEN BOOK” is a book-making activity that contains the portfolios of 60 women from these 6 countries, more precisely 10 women entrepreneurs from each country representing their own personal business story. The beauty of this book is practically its diversity, as it presents businesses from different sectors run by women of different ethnic backgrounds.
On 28.08.2019, Help signed a cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Prishtina to support of at least 30 micro businesses for 2020.
The Mayor, Mr. Shpend Ahmeti was pleased to reach this agreement with Help, and also expressed readiness for the successful implementation of the project.
The Country Director of Help, Shqipe Breznica encouraged citizens to follow the activities of Help Organization and take advantage of this opportunity to develop their businesses or to open a start-up.
After this agreement Help will continue with the information sessions for citizens of Prishtina in early 2020 where everyone will be notified about the application procedures.