Respond to preventing the spread of coronavirus COVID19

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2020
  • Donor: Embassy of Luxembourg in Kosovo
  • Budget (Euro): 10,000

Project Details: Help Kosovo’s Mission to ease COVID-19’s economic blow focused on vulnerable groups, especially women and children in shelters, and the poorest families in northern Kosovo. The project provided essential items to curb virus spread and improve living conditions, aiding economic recovery and reducing poverty.

Key achievements:

Supplied electronic appliances and IT equipment to 10 Safe Houses.
Distributed food and hygiene packages to 110 families in North Mitrovica.
Beneficiaries included 649 individuals: 52 staff members, 22 children, 25 women in shelters, and 550 individuals from needy families.
The project effectively softened COVID-19’s economic impact, directly benefiting women, children, and impoverished families in northern Kosovo. This initiative boosted resilience and improved lives during the pandemic.

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Respond to preventing the spread of coronavirus COVID19

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2020
  • Donor: Medicor Foundation
  • Budget (Euro): 48,600

Project Details: Supporting Healthcare & Vulnerable Groups during COVID-19:

Essential Supplies for Prishtina: Donated disinfectants, medical supplies, and protective gear worth €13,870 to the Emergency Operations Center.
Aid for Kosovo Correctional Services: Provided disinfectants and sterile sets worth €4,730 to support COVID-19 management in correctional centers.
Face Shields for Healthcare Workers: Produced 2,000 reusable face shields with a €10,000 grant, enhancing local production with eco-friendly materials.
Helping Families in Need: Delivered food and hygiene packages to 274 families in Mitrovica South.
Empowering Women Farmers: Equipped 7 women farmers in Kishinice village with greenhouses, benefiting 53 people.
Protecting UCCK Healthcare Workers: Donated 50,000 surgical masks worth €20,000 to the University Clinical Center of Kosovo.
Boosting Local Production: Strengthened BONEVET’s capacity to produce 700 face shields weekly, driving local economic growth.

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Vibrant ICT-BPO sector for better economic opportunities

  • Project Region: Regional (Western Balkans)
  • Duration: 2020 – 2023
  • Donor: Helvetas/SIDA
  • Budget (Euro): 233,984.63

Project Details: The project aims to replicate and enhance successful ICT and BPO models from Albania and Bosnia & Herzegovina across Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Montenegro. In Kosovo, the focus is on empowering youth and women (ages 18-35) with essential digital skills for the global economy, driving employability and sustainable development. Key goals include promoting gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and supporting better business services and a skilled workforce.

Key Partnerships:
Melita & Partners: Developing the freelance digital accounting industry.

Results: 187 trained (53 young men, 132 women) in the “Becoming a Freelance Digital Accountant” initiative.
BONEVET: Organizing the Climate Launchpad competition for green business ideas.

Results: 102 participants trained, 34 startup ideas generated.ƒ
INDUSTRIA FILM LLC: Offering online photography training classes.

Results: 95 participants trained.
These partnerships highlight the project’s commitment to creating real opportunities for sustainable development and gender equality in Kosovo.

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Support to socio-economic stability in Western Balkans Region 2019-2020

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2019 – 2020
  • Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), Ministry of Work and Social Welfare, Kosovo Government and Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 969,400

Project Details: Objectives:

Enhance socio-economic stability and reduce poverty among vulnerable groups by:
Providing 200 grants for micro businesses.
Offering business and vocational training to 430+ individuals.
Supporting the rehabilitation and re-socialization of convicts.

Grants: 262 clients received grants, totaling €399,966.13.
Training: 365 clients completed business and vocational training, valued at €35,595.79.
Correctional Services: Supplied €169,874.92 in equipment and training to aid convict rehabilitation.

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Support to socio-economic stability in Kosovo

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2020 – 2021
  • Donor: Medicor Foundation and Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 199,000

Project Details: Empower Youth for Self-Employment:
Provide essential training and resources to youth aged 18-35, empowering them to launch their own businesses.

Boost Entrepreneurial Skills:
Equip young people with the know-how to start and manage successful businesses through hands-on training.

Prioritize Vulnerable Youth:
Ensure marginalized and vulnerable youth receive top priority in accessing program benefits.

Raise Awareness through Information Campaigns:
Conduct information sessions across four municipalities to inform and engage potential participants.

Training Success:
194 participants from four municipalities successfully completed a dynamic five-day business training course.

Grant Support for New Ventures:
79 grantees received in-kind grants, providing vital equipment and materials to kickstart their businesses.

Quick Business Start-Up:
New businesses were created and fully operational within just three months of receiving support.

Strong Partnerships:
Collaborated closely with municipal authorities and USAID Empower to ensure smooth implementation and ongoing support.

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Supporting and Promoting the Well-Being of Persons with Down Syndrome

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2018
  • Donor: Embassy of Luxembourg in Kosovo
  • Budget (Euro): 7,000

Project Details: Overall Objective:
Enhance the well-being of people with Down Syndrome in Kosovo through targeted support and strengthened organizational capacity.

Specific Objectives:

Implement Support Programs:
Run engaging workshops and training for individuals with Down Syndrome. Organize fun social and recreational activities to boost their well-being.

Provide Resources and Materials:
Supply educational and recreational materials for participants. Equip facilities with essential tools and equipment for project activities.

Monitoring and Evaluation:
Regularly assess and track the project’s progress and impact.

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Support to Sustainable Economic Development in Municipal Level

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2018
  • Donor: Ministry of Administration and Local Governance, Kosovo Government
  • Budget (Euro): 17,754

Project Details: Overall Objectives:
Launch vocational training in Kamenica Municipality through a partnership between Help Kosovo, the Ministry of Local Government Administration, and Kamenica Municipality. Equip participants with skills in central heating, welding, tailoring, hairdressing, and IT to boost their employment prospects.

Specific Objectives:
Train 43 participants in targeted vocational skills.

Key Stats:

Trainees: 43
Employed post-training: 4
Continued training: 17
Key Dates:

September 25, 2018: Training kick-off for 43 participants
December 05, 2018: Certificate ceremony for all trainees

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Training Program for Self-Employment

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2018 – 2020
  • Donor: USAID/Empower and Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 230,824

Project Details: Overall Objectives:
Boost economic opportunities through grants, training, support for marginalized groups, and prisoner rehabilitation.

Specific Goals:

Provide grants to 300 clients across nine municipalities.
Support seven entrepreneurial initiatives benefiting around 2,000 members.
Equip and train four detention centers.
Deliver business training to 247 clients and vocational training to 277 clients.
Back two initiatives for marginalized groups.
Key Stats:

Grants: 300 clients across nine municipalities.
Entrepreneurial Impact: ~2,000 clients.
Detention Centers: Four equipped and trained.
Training: 247 business trainees, 277 vocational trainees.
Local Support: Two initiatives for marginalized groups.
Outreach: 16 info sessions with 1,225 attendees.

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Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2017-2018

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2017 – 2019
  • Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), Ministry of Work and Social Welfare, Kosovo Government and Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 877,404.5

Project Details: Overall Objectives:

Enhance Economic Opportunities: Empower clients with grants and support for entrepreneurial ventures.
Skill Development: Provide business and vocational training to boost employability.
Community Empowerment: Assist marginalized groups and foster community-driven entrepreneurial projects.
Rehabilitation & Re-socialization: Equip and train correctional centers to aid prisoner rehabilitation.
Specific Objectives:

Grants: Deliver to 300 clients across nine municipalities.
Community Initiatives: Support seven projects, benefiting 2,000 members.
Correctional Support: Equip and train four detention centers.
Training: Offer business training to 247 clients and vocational training to 277 clients.
Marginalized Groups: Back two local initiatives focused on these communities.
Key Achievements:

Grants: 300 clients across nine municipalities received support.
Community Initiatives: Benefited approximately 2,000 members.
Detention Centers: Equipped and trained four facilities.
Training: 247 clients completed business training; 277 clients completed vocational training.
Local Initiatives: Two projects empowered marginalized groups.
Information Sessions: 16 sessions reached 1,225 potential clients (333 women, 892 men).

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Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo – Migration Prevention and Stabilization

  • Project Region: The Republic of Kosovo
  • Duration: 2016 – 2017
  • Donor: German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), Ministry of Work and Social Welfare, Kosovo Government and Partner Municipalities
  • Budget (Euro): 1,424,165.78

Project Details: Objective: Boost socio-economic stability and self-sustainability for local entrepreneurs and micro businesses through focused training, ongoing support, and community-building activities.

Key Achievements:

Skill Development: Trained 151 clients to elevate skills and boost income:

66 in business essentials (Sales, Marketing, Admin, Management, Accounting)
85 in vocational skills (Agriculture, Hairdressing, Italian Cuisine, IT)
Business Support: Provided 248 monitoring visits, assisting 245 clients and 3 cooperatives, leading to the creation of 118 new jobs.

Community Engagement: Fostered self-esteem and community spirit through 15 hours of communal work per client, involving 63 clients in activities like admin support, agriculture, river cleaning, community decoration, and children’s training.

Product Promotion: Enhanced product and service visibility for 59 clients with support in printing, labeling, fairs, and marketing.

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