Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich visit in Kosovo

On September 17th 2018 Mr. Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich (currently Board Member of Help) visited Kosovo where he had a meeting with German Ambassador to Kosovo, Mr. Christian Heldt. Together with the Ambassador and Timo Stegelmann – Deputy Managing Director of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in Bonn, Masa Bubanj – Programme Manager and Shqipe Breznica – Country Director (Help Kosovo) visited clients in Gracanica.

Help representatives also visited the German KFOR and discussed about the Innovative Training Park in Prizren.

The delegation also had a meeting with Prime Minister of Kosovo Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, German Ambassador Christian Heldt, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare Skender Reçica and Prime minister’s advisors.



Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich visit in Kosovo

On September 17th 2018 Mr. Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich (currently Board Member of Help) visited Kosovo where he had a meeting with German Ambassador to Kosovo, Mr. Christian Heldt. Together with the Ambassador and Timo Stegelmann – Deputy Managing Director of Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in Bonn, Masa Bubanj – Programme Manager and Shqipe Breznica – Country Director (Help Kosovo) visited clients in Gracanica.

Help representatives also visited the German KFOR and discussed about the Innovative Training Park in Prizren.

The delegation also had a meeting with Prime Minister of Kosovo Mr. Ramush Haradinaj, German Ambassador Christian Heldt, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare Skender Reçica and Prime minister’s advisors.