Help supports Down Syndrome Kosova

Country Director of Help Kosovo, Shqipe Breznica and Exucutive Director of Down Syndrome Kosova,Sebahate Hajdini signed the cooperation agreement for the project “Supporting and Promoting the Well-Being of Person with Down Syndrome” supported by LUXEMBOURG Government. Help will equip the kitchen with appliances and other working tools of Down Syndrome Kosova in Mitrovica to establish the cafeteria in order to generate income for the centre in Mitrovica. Help Kosovo will purchase and deliver the equipment for DSK and also provide technical assistance.
Drejtoresha e organizates “Help Kosovo”, Shqipe Breznica dhe Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e “Down Syndrome Kosova”, Sebahate Hajdini, kane nenshkruar marveshje bashkpunimi per projektin “Mbeshtetja dhe promovimi i Mireqeneies per personat me Down Sindrom”, mbeshtetur nga Qeveria e Luksemburgut. Help do ta pajise me paisje te kuzhines dhe mjete te tjera te punes per “Down Syndrome Kosova” ne Mitrovice per te hapur nje dyqan ushqimor ne menyre qe te gjenerohen te ardhura per qendren ne Mitrovice. “Help Kosovo” do te bleje dhe shperndaje paisjet per DSK dhe do te ofroj asistence teknike. 

Help supports Down Syndrome Kosova

Country Director of Help Kosovo, Shqipe Breznica and Exucutive Director of Down Syndrome Kosova,Sebahate Hajdini signed the cooperation agreement for the project “Supporting and Promoting the Well-Being of Person with Down Syndrome” supported by LUXEMBOURG Government. Help will equip the kitchen with appliances and other working tools of Down Syndrome Kosova in Mitrovica to establish the cafeteria in order to generate income for the centre in Mitrovica. Help Kosovo will purchase and deliver the equipment for DSK and also provide technical assistance.
Drejtoresha e organizates “Help Kosovo”, Shqipe Breznica dhe Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e “Down Syndrome Kosova”, Sebahate Hajdini, kane nenshkruar marveshje bashkpunimi per projektin “Mbeshtetja dhe promovimi i Mireqeneies per personat me Down Sindrom”, mbeshtetur nga Qeveria e Luksemburgut. Help do ta pajise me paisje te kuzhines dhe mjete te tjera te punes per “Down Syndrome Kosova” ne Mitrovice per te hapur nje dyqan ushqimor ne menyre qe te gjenerohen te ardhura per qendren ne Mitrovice. “Help Kosovo” do te bleje dhe shperndaje paisjet per DSK dhe do te ofroj asistence teknike.