On June 8th, cooperation agreement was signed between the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, respectively Minister Arban Abrashi and Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator from Help within the project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkan Region 2017-2018 “. This is a continuation of the cooperation that started in 2015 focusing on strengthening the micro-businesses sector in Kosovo through the grant scheme and the provision of trainings. The overall objective of the program is to increase the capacity of economically and socially vulnerable groups to participate more fully in society, whereas specific objective is decreasing levels of poverty among economically vulnerable groups. Project components are 240 grants for micro businesses; Business trainings and vocational training and support of community-wide entrepreneurial initiatives across the country that will impact on the creation of new jobs and contribute to socio-economic stability. Partner municipalities during the implementation of the project in 2017 and 2018 are: Suhareka, Lipjan, Deçan, Shtërpcë, Istog, Gjakova, Gracanica, Mitrovica and Mitrovica North.