Marrëveshja e Bashkëpunimit me Komunen e Mitrovices së Veriut

Të Mërkurën, me datë 10 Qershor 2015, në ora 09:30, Kryetari i Komunës së Mitrovicës së Veriut Z. Goran Rakić dhe Znj. Shqipe Breznica, Koordinatore e Programit, pranë organizatës Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. në Kosovë, kanë nënshkruar Marrëveshjen e Bashkëpunimit për zbatimin e projektit “Përkrahje për stabilitetin socio-ekonomik nëpërmjet fuqizimit të mikro-biznesit në Kosovë”.

Në kuadër të projektiti të cilin do t’a realizoj organizata Help në Komunën e Mitrovicës së Veriut, do të përkrahen së paku 40 përfitues në qëllimet e tyre për fillimin apo zhvillimin e aktivitetit biznesor, duke dhuruar pajisje me vlerë mesatare prej 2.000 EUR, së bashku me trajnime biznesore dhe profesionale, si dhe monitorim dhe mbikqyrje, me qëllim të zhvillimit të tyre të qëndrueshëm.

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Cooperation Agreement signed with Gracanica Municipality

On Tuesday, 2nd June 2015 at 09:00, the Mayor of Gracanica Municipality Mr. Vladeta Kostic and Ms. Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator, Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V in Kosovo have signed the Cooperation Agreement within the implementation of the project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo”.

430 micro businesses will be assisted in the above mentioned municipalities with the needed equipment for running their businesses. The average value of the grant will be 2,000 EUR. In Gracanica Municipality at least 40 businesses will be supported.

The project will be implemented in the period May 2015 until December 2016. The project is in line with the relevant national and local strategies of the Republic of Kosovo and will support the process of sustainable development as a whole.

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Cooperation Agreement signed with Ferizaj Municipality

On Monday, 1st June 2015 at 13:00, the Director of Economic Development and Tourism Directorate in Ferizaj Municipality Mr. Enver Haliti and Ms. Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator, Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V in Kosovo signed the Cooperation Agreement within the implementation of the project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo”.

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Signing of agreement between the organization Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe EV and the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

On Tuesday, 26th of May 2015 at 10h, the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi and Mr. Timo Stegelmann, Head of Southeast Europe Division, Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. have signed the Cooperation Agreement within the implementation of the project “Support to socioeconomic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo”.

Total value of the Project is 1.360.940, 00 EUR will be financed by:

  • German Government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in the amount of 1.000.000,00 EUR
  • The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare in the amount of 100.000,00 EUR
  • The municipalities included in the Project in the amount of 126.000,00 EUR
  • Clients supported in the project (through the repayment of 15% of the value of their grant) in the amount of 134.940,00 EUR

The project will be implemented in following municipalities: Prishtine, Mitrovica, Ferizaj, Gracanice, Leposavic, North Mitrovica, Vushtrri, Prizren and Gjilan.

430 micro businesses will be assisted with the needed equipment for running their businesses. The average value of the grant will be 2,000 EUR, At least 430 business and 160 vocational trainings will be organized for the supported businesses.

The project will be implemented in the period May 2015 until December 2016. The project is in line with the relevant national and local strategies of the Republic of Kosovo and will support the process of sustainable development as a whole.

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