Municipalities in 2018

Project “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2017-2018” supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government started as of May 2017 and will end December 2018. Municipalities included in 2018 are Suhareka, Lipjan, Decan, Shterpce, Istog, Mitrovica and North Mitrovica.
The overall objective of the program is to increase the capacity of economically and socially vulnerable groups to participate more fully in society. Specific objective of the program: Decreased levels of poverty among economically vulnerable groups.
The project components that will lead to the direct job creation, thus contribute to the socio-economic stability in targeted areas, are:  Grants for micro businesses; Business and vocational trainings and Support community entrepreneurial initiatives throughout the country

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Municipalities in 2018

Project “Support to socio-economic stability in the western Balkans region 2017-2018” supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Government started as of May 2017 and will end December 2018. Municipalities included in 2018 are Suhareka, Lipjan, Decan, Shterpce, Istog, Mitrovica and North Mitrovica.
The overall objective of the program is to increase the capacity of economically and socially vulnerable groups to participate more fully in society. Specific objective of the program: Decreased levels of poverty among economically vulnerable groups.
The project components that will lead to the direct job creation, thus contribute to the socio-economic stability in targeted areas, are:  Grants for micro businesses; Business and vocational trainings and Support community entrepreneurial initiatives throughout the country

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Help Kosovo participating to the roundtable event “Women’s Entrepreneurship”

Help Kosovo today is participating to the roundtable event “Women’s Entrepreneurship” organized by Riinvest Institute has the pleasure to invite you. The roundtable event is part of the project “Women Economic Forum”, supported by USAID through ATRC as well as by German Cooperation through GIZ. At this event, the main findings of the survey conducted with 313 women entrepreneurs will be presented, the first of this magnitude in Kosovo. The analysis of business conditions led by women, was conducted by focusing on business characteristics and performance, barriers to doing business, financing, and socio-economic issues. The report analyzes the data gathered, in order to provide research based information and recommendations on unique characteristics, the current role, and the opportunity for the growth of women entrepreneurs. In this way, the event will serve as a platform to discuss recommendations aiming to improve the actual situation.

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Help Kosovo participating to the roundtable event “Women’s Entrepreneurship”

Help Kosovo today is participating to the roundtable event “Women’s Entrepreneurship” organized by Riinvest Institute has the pleasure to invite you. The roundtable event is part of the project “Women Economic Forum”, supported by USAID through ATRC as well as by German Cooperation through GIZ. At this event, the main findings of the survey conducted with 313 women entrepreneurs will be presented, the first of this magnitude in Kosovo. The analysis of business conditions led by women, was conducted by focusing on business characteristics and performance, barriers to doing business, financing, and socio-economic issues. The report analyzes the data gathered, in order to provide research based information and recommendations on unique characteristics, the current role, and the opportunity for the growth of women entrepreneurs. In this way, the event will serve as a platform to discuss recommendations aiming to improve the actual situation.

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Monitoring SOE clients of 2018 (Istog, Deçan, Suhareka, Lipjan, Mitrovica & Shterpce)

Monitoring in Gjakova Municipality

Monitoring in Graçanica Municipality

Monitoring in Prizren

Monitoring in Prishtina Municipality

Monitoring in Gjakova Municipality

Monitoring in Graçanica Municipality

Monitoring in Gjilan Minicipality

Monitoring in Mitrovica Municipality

Monitoring in Vushtrri Municipality

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