
Trajnim për stafin e Qendrës Edukative-Korrektuese në Lipjan nga Cacttus Education

Help Kosovo në bashkëpunim me Cacttus Education organizojnë trajnim profesional në teknologji informative. Subjekti i trajnimit është (HTML, CSS dhe Java Script) për stafin e Qendrës Edukative Korrektuese në Lipjan.

Pas përfundimit të trajnimit stafi i kësaj qendre do të ketë mundësi të ndajnë përvojën e tyre me të rinjtë që gjenden në këtë qendër gjë që do të ndihmonte në gjetjen e punëve në fushën e teknologjisë informative.

Ky trajnim ofrohet nga Cacttus Education pa pagesë. ndërsa Help Kosovo do të kryej shërbimet e transportit për trajnerët.

Periudha sa do të zgjasë ky trajnim është 3 javë na data 20 Mars deri më 6 Prill 2018. Help falenderon Cacttus Education për bashkepunim korrekt dhe për këtë shërbim për shoqërinë.

Së fundmi Help Kosovo ka mbështetur Qendrën Edukative Korrektuese në Lipjan me pajisje teknologjike.


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Trajnim për stafin e Qendrës Edukative-Korrektuese në Lipjan nga Cacttus Education

Help Kosovo në bashkëpunim me Cacttus Education organizojnë trajnim profesional në teknologji informative. Subjekti i trajnimit është (HTML, CSS dhe Java Script) për stafin e Qendrës Edukative Korrektuese në Lipjan.

Pas përfundimit të trajnimit stafi i kësaj qendre do të ketë mundësi të ndajnë përvojën e tyre me të rinjtë që gjenden në këtë qendër gjë që do të ndihmonte në gjetjen e punëve në fushën e teknologjisë informative.

Ky trajnim ofrohet nga Cacttus Education pa pagesë. ndërsa Help Kosovo do të kryej shërbimet e transportit për trajnerët.

Periudha sa do të zgjasë ky trajnim është 3 javë na data 20 Mars deri më 6 Prill 2018. Help falenderon Cacttus Education për bashkepunim korrekt dhe për këtë shërbim për shoqërinë.

Së fundmi Help Kosovo ka mbështetur Qendrën Edukative Korrektuese në Lipjan me pajisje teknologjike.


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Meeting in Ferizaj Municipality

Meeting with Deputy Mayor and Economic Development Director of Ferizaj Municipality to discuss about a future partnership opportunity. For any other information we will update you on time.
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Cooperation between Help and Municipality of Obiliq

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica visited Obiliq Municipality and had a meeting with Mayor Mr. Xhafer Gashi, Deputy Mayor and Agriculture Development Director. This meeting was in order to finalize the cooperation between Help and Obiliq Municipality. We will offer more information soon.

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Cooperation between Help and Municipality of Obiliq

Today Help Kosovo Program Coordinator Shqipe Breznica visited Obiliq Municipality and had a meeting with Mayor Mr. Xhafer Gashi, Deputy Mayor and Agriculture Development Director. This meeting was in order to finalize the cooperation between Help and Obiliq Municipality. We will offer more information soon.

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Help Kosovo & Cacttus training for Educational Correctional Center in Lipjan

Help Kosovo in cooperation with Cacttus Education are organizing a Vocational Training in Information Technology field.

The Training subject is (HTML, CSS and Java Script) for the Staff of the Educational Correctional Center in Lipjan.

After this training the staff will be able to share the experience with the youngsters that are in this Center and develop them in order to find jobs in the field of information technology.

The training will be provided by Cacttus Education free of charge. Help Kosovo will provide transport for the trainer.

Training Period is three weeks from 20th March 2018 to 6th April 2018.

Recently Help Kosovo supported Educational Correctional Center in Lipjan with technology equipment.

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Help Kosovo & Cacttus training for Educational Correctional Center in Lipjan

Help Kosovo in cooperation with Cacttus Education are organizing a Vocational Training in Information Technology field.

The Training subject is (HTML, CSS and Java Script) for the Staff of the Educational Correctional Center in Lipjan.

After this training the staff will be able to share the experience with the youngsters that are in this Center and develop them in order to find jobs in the field of information technology.

The training will be provided by Cacttus Education free of charge. Help Kosovo will provide transport for the trainer.

Training Period is three weeks from 20th March 2018 to 6th April 2018.

Recently Help Kosovo supported Educational Correctional Center in Lipjan with technology equipment.

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Training in Mitrovica Detention Center

Help Kosovo supported a training for the prisoners in Mitrovica Detention Center

Based on the received report for the Training for Aggression Control, the training included:

  1. Improvement of social skills through improving emotional regulation,
  2. Controlling anger through promoting moral reasoning and by encouraging care about the rules and the welfare of others.

The participants who benefited from this training  were satisfied with it and also thanked Help Kosovo for supporting this activity.


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Training in Mitrovica Detention Center

Help Kosovo supported a training for the prisoners in Mitrovica Detention Center

Based on the received report for the Training for Aggression Control, the training included:

  1. Improvement of social skills through improving emotional regulation,
  2. Controlling anger through promoting moral reasoning and by encouraging care about the rules and the welfare of others.

The participants who benefited from this training  were satisfied with it and also thanked Help Kosovo for supporting this activity.


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