Help at the “Academy for Entrepreneurship and Innovation”

Help Kosovo representative Gent Saraçi attended the Student’s competition organized by Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation within the University Haxhi Zeka in Peja, where 9 groups of students participated with a compiled business plan.

The students presented their ideas in front of the committee composed of Professors of Economics, Entrepreneurs and Businessmen from Peja. Three best ideas will be awarded by the Academy and in partnership with other donors.


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Help at the “Academy for Entrepreneurship and Innovation”

Help Kosovo representative Gent Saraçi attended the Student’s competition organized by Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation within the University Haxhi Zeka in Peja, where 9 groups of students participated with a compiled business plan.

The students presented their ideas in front of the committee composed of Professors of Economics, Entrepreneurs and Businessmen from Peja. Three best ideas will be awarded by the Academy and in partnership with other donors.


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Grant contracts signing events

Signing grant contract with clients in Prizren (June 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Gracanica (June 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Fushe Kosova (June 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Obiliq (June 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik and Hani i Elezit (May 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Mitrovica North (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Suhareka (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Shterpce (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Deçan (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Istog (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Mitrovica (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Lipjan (2018)





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Grant contracts signing events

Signing grant contract with clients in Prizren (June 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Gracanica (June 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Fushe Kosova (June 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Obiliq (June 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Gjilan, Viti, Kacanik and Hani i Elezit (May 2019)

Signing grant contract with clients in Mitrovica North (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Suhareka (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Shterpce (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Deçan (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Istog (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Mitrovica (2018)

Signing grant contracts with clients in Lipjan (2018)





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