1200 kg patate dhe nje pako maska mbrojtese u shperndane per komunitetet Rom, Ashkali, Egjiptian ne Fushe Kosove. Falenderojme kompanine Agrovin per donacionin e dhene ndaj Help si dhe Shoqatën “Gratë e Bashkuara” nga fshati Komogllave për qepjen e maskave, ndihme e cila u ofrua sot ne kuader te mbeshtetjes ne menaxhimin e situates ndaj pandemise Covid-19.
1200 kg of potatoes and a pack of protective masks were distributed to the Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian communities in Fushe Kosovo. We thank company Agrovin for the donation to Help and also the Association of “United Women” from Komogllava village for producing masks, which was provided today in the context of support in managing the situation against the Covid-19 pandemic.