Help Kosovo started organizing information sessions in the municipalities involved in the project for 2020 in the framework of the project “Support to Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkans” which will be held in Pristina, Gjakova and Skenderaj and within the project “Support to Socio-Economic Stability in Kosovo ” which will take place in Podujeva and Drenas.
During 2020 at least 140 clients/beneficiaries will be supported, from 30 in Prishtina, Gjakova, Podujeva and Drenas, while in Skenderaj there will be at least 20 clients/beneficiaries.
After completing informative meetings with citizens, the application phase will follow until March 20th at 4:00 pm.
Help filloi me organizimin e seancave informuese ne Komunat e perfshira ne projekt per vitin 2020 ne kuader te projektit “Mbeshtetje stabilitetit socio-ekonomik ne Ballkanin Perendimor” qe do te zhvillohet ne Prishtine, Gjakove dhe Skenderaj si dhe projektin “Mbeshtetje stabilitetit socio-ekonomik ne Kosove” i cili do te zhvillohet ne Podujeve dhe Drenas.
Gjate vitit 2020 do te mbeshteten se paku 140 perfitues, nga 30 ne Prishtine, Gjakove, Podujeve e Drenas ndersa ne Skenderaj do te jene se paku 20 perfitues.
Pas mbajtjes se takimeve informuese me qytetare do te pasoje faza e aplikimit deri me 20 mars ora 16:00.