Copperation Agreement between Help and MLSW

On June 8th, cooperation agreement was signed between the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, respectively Minister Arban Abrashi and Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator from Help within the project “Supporting Socio-Economic Stability in the Western Balkan Region 2017-2018 “. This is a continuation of the cooperation that started in 2015 focusing on strengthening the micro-businesses sector in Kosovo through the grant scheme and the provision of trainings. The overall objective of the program is to increase the capacity of economically and socially vulnerable groups to participate more fully in society, whereas specific objective is decreasing levels of poverty among economically vulnerable groups. Project components are 240 grants for micro businesses; Business trainings and vocational training and support of community-wide entrepreneurial initiatives across the country that will impact on the creation of new jobs and contribute to socio-economic stability. Partner municipalities during the implementation of the project in 2017 and 2018 are: Suhareka, Lipjan, Deçan, Shtërpcë, Istog, Gjakova, Gracanica, Mitrovica and Mitrovica North.

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Signing agreement ceremony between Help and 20 clients

On 15th October 2015, in the Municipal Assembly Hall at the Municipality of Graçanicë /Gračanica, was held the signing agreement ceremony between Help and 20 clients who benefited through grants from the project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo”, for year 2015

This ceremony was held with the presence of Mayor of Graçanicë /Gračanica, Mr. Vladeta Kostić; Attaché for Culture and Economic Development at the German Embassy in Prishtina Ms. Milena Stein and Program Coordinator of Help Kosovo, Ms. Shqipe Breznica.

In his entry speech, Mayor of Graçanicë /Gračanica has stated that economic development of this community is a priority to the administration of Graçanicë /Gračanica Municipality, and he wished to grantees good luck in their further work. “We don’t see these grants as simple donation; we see them as help from friends.” – said Mayor Kostić

Ms. Milena Stein from German Embassy in Prishtina stated that: “The sum of the grant might look small to someone, but those 2000 Euros (of grant) can help a lot. As Mayor stated before, it is very important to support the development of small and medium enterprises in order for the community to benefit.”

“We have visited more than 60 applicants to their businesses or their homes in order for us to assess in objective manner all of our potential clients. And this segment of the project ends with the signature of these 20 contracts. Afterwards we will proceed with purchasing of the equipment that our clients have applied for.” – said Ms. Shqipe Breznica, Representative of Help Kosovo.

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Signing agreement with Prishtina Municipality

Today, on 13th October 2015, in the Municipal Assembly Hall at the Municipality of Prishtina, was held the signing agreement ceremony between Help and 80 clients who benefited through grants from the project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo”.

This ceremony was held with the presence of Mayor of Prishtina, Mr. Shpend Ahmeti; Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy in Prishtina Ms. Christina Gehlsen and Program Coordinator of Help Kosovo, Ms. Shqipe Breznica.

In his entry speech, Mayor of Prishtina stated that he is happy that we have gathered here to crown the preparations for this project, and thanked people of Germany for their contribution in Kosovo, as well as organization Help for their hard work and great cooperation.

Ms. Gehlsen has stated that she is very happy that she is present in such an event and that they are supporting a project like this. She also thanked organization Help for the implementing the project and wished the beneficiaries and their businesses to succeed.

Representative of Help Kosovo, Ms. Shqipe Breznica thanked all the present for their attendance and stated that: “in the initial phase of the project, we have started with information campaign in many villages and neighborhoods of Prishtina Municipality where we have received 227 applications. In the second phase we did home visits to the potential beneficiaries to do the assessment in order to have the final list. In the final statement, she thanked the staff of the German Embassy, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, as well as staff of Municipality of Prishtina, that contributed in implementation of this project.”

This project is implemented by organization Help, with the Municipality of Pristina and the German organization HELP, as implementation of donation German Government.

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Signing Cooperation Agreement with Vushtrri Municipality

Nënshkrimi i Marrëveshjes se Bashkëpunimit me Komunën e Vushtrrisë

Komuna e Vushtrrisë dhe organizata Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V., kanë nënshkruar Marrëveshje Bashkëpunimi për zbatimin e projektit “Përkrahje për stabilitetin socio-ekonomik nëpërmjet fuqizimit të sektorit të mikro-biznesit në Kosovë”. Kryetari i Komunës së Vushtrrisë, Bajram Mulaku dhe Koordinatorja e Programit pranë organizatës ” Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V, Shqipe Breznica kanë nënshkruar këtë marrëveshje bashkëpunimi,të cilin e kanë vlerësuar shumë të rëndësishëm, sepse aktivitetet kryesore të projektit, janë të përqendruara në krijimin e vendeve të punës përmes mbështetjes direkte për bizneset e vogla, në formën e grandeve në pajisje, si dhe organizimin e trajnimeve profesionale dhe biznesore.Breznica me këtë rast u shpreh se Help do të mbështesë zbatimin e strategjive ekzistuese të zhvillimit lokal dhe do të përkrahë procesin e zhvillimit të qëndrueshëm si të tërë,kurse Mulaku tha se sot po e zyrtarizojmë marrëveshjen me organizatën “Help”e cila ka bërë marrëveshje me disa komuna tjera dhe ne kemi kënaqësinë që jemi një nga këto komuna në përkrahjen e bizneseve të vogla me grante.

Në kuadër të këtij projekti, të cilin organizata Help do ta realizoj në Komunën eVushtrrisë, do të përkrahen së paku 40 përfitues në qëllimet e tyre për fillimin apo zhvillimin e aktivitetit biznesor, duke dhuruar pajisje me vlerë mesatare prej 2.000 euro, së bashku me trajnime biznesore dhe profesionale, si dhe monitorim dhe mbikëqyrje, me qëllim të zhvillimit të tyre të qëndrueshëm.
Vlera e përgjithshme e projektit në Komunën e Vushtrrisë, i cili pritet të fillojë së realizuari nga janari i vitit të ardhshëm, është 121.055.00 euro, kurse Komuna e Vushtrrisë do të kontribuojë me 16.000 Euro. Në këtë ngjarje i pranishëm ishte edhe Dibran Përcuku,nënkryetar i Komunës dhe Drejtoresha për EBPZHR Arta Haxhaj.

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Cooperation Agreement signed with Prishtina Municipality

On Thursday, 18th of June 2015 at 12:00, the Mayor of Prishtina, Mr. Shpend Ahmeti and Ms. Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator for Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V in Kosovo have signed the Cooperation Agreement within the implementation of the project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo”.

Deputy Ambassador of the German Embassy in Prishtina, Matthias Kiesler, was present in this event, too.

The average value of the grant will be 2,000 EUR. At least 100 businesses will be supported in Prishtina Municipality.

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Cooperation Agreement signed with Leposavic Municipality

On Tuesday, 16th of June 2015 at 14:00, the Mayor of Leposavic, Mr. Dragan Jablanovic and Ms. Shqipe Breznica, Program Coordinator for Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V in Kosovo have signed the Cooperation Agreement within the implementation of the project “Support to socio-economic stability through empowerment of micro business sector in Kosovo”.

Total project value for Leposavic Municipality in Phase I and Phase II amounts to 121.055,000 EUR.

The average value of the grant will be 2,000 EUR. At least 40 businesses will be supported in Leposavic Municipality.

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Marrëveshja e Bashkëpunimit me Komunen e Mitrovices

Të Premtën, me datë 12 Qershor 2015, në ora 09:30, Kryetari i Komunës së Mitrovicës Z. Agim Bahtiri dhe dhe Znj. Shqipe Breznica, Koordinatore e Programit, pranë organizatës Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. ne Kosovë, kanë nënshkruar Marrëveshjen e Bashkëpunimit për zbatimin e projektit të “Përkrahje për stabilitetin socio-ekonomik nëpërmjet fuqizimit të sektorit të mikro-biznesit në Kosovë”.

Në kuadër të projektiti të cilin do t’a realizoj organizata Help në Komunën e Mitrovicës, do të përkrahen së paku 40 përfitues në qëllimet e tyre për fillimin apo zhvillimin e aktivitetit biznesor, duke dhuruar pajisje me vlerë mesatare prej 2.000 EUR, së bashku me trajnime biznesore dhe profesionale, si dhe monitorim dhe mbikqyrje, me qëllim të zhvillimit të tyre të qëndrueshëm.

Vlera e përgjithshme e projektit për fazën I dhe II në komunën e Mitrovicës është 121.054,88 EUR. Komuna e Mitrovicës është partner i projektit, ndërsa implemetimin e saj në terren do t’a bëjë Fondacioni Kosovë-Luksemburg, partner vendor i Organizatës Help.

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