Digital Marketing opportunities in the WB within RECONOMY
Pathways to 5G Expertise within RECONOMY in the Western Balkans
On 7th February 2024, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed a partnership agreement with Next Gen Networks as implementing partner within RECONOMY. Next Generation Network Institute (NGN) specializes in advancing capacities in telecommunications through 5G technology training, cybersecurity enhancements, and the development of 5G infrastructure in Kosovo, aiming to foster innovation and skilled workforce growth in the telecom sector.
As of 1 July 2023, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe signed a Partnership Agreement with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, a Cooperation Partner to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and thus became an Implementing Partner to Helvetas in Sida’s RECONOMY – an inclusive and green economic development program in the Eastern Partnership and the Western Balkan countries. One of RECONOMY’s projects focuses on “Digitalization of sectors with growth potential for better economic opportunities” in the Western Balkans.
The project will lead towards the better functioning of the business services and the supply of skilled workforce as well as the promotion of the regional brand and the BPO sector. In practice, it means branding the region by stimulating the competitiveness of private sector enterprises and creating a critical mass of skilled workforce of women and youth, including the most disadvantaged and excluded, benefit from improved economic opportunities (better income and green and decent jobs) inclusively and sustainably.
The first monitoring phase within Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans (SOE10)
We would like to announce that the first monitoring phase of our project “Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans” in Kosovo has been successfully completed! 🚀
We have awarded grants to 165 clients across 7 municipalities in Kosovo – Lipjan, Prizren, Prishtina, South Mitrovica, Junik, Mamusha, and Peja. 🌍💙
This milestone marks a significant step towards fostering inclusion and economic empowerment in the region. Together, we’re positively impacting the lives of individuals and communities.
Ju njoftojmë se faza e parë e monitorimit të projektit tonë “Përfshirja dhe Fuqizimi Ekonomik në Ballkanin Perëndimor” në Kosovë ka përfunduar me sukses! 🚀
Ne kemi ndarë grante për 165 klientë në 7 komuna në Kosovë – Lipjan, Prizren, Prishtinë, Mitrovicë Jugore, Junik, Mamushë dhe Pejë. 🌍💙
Ky moment shënon një hap të rëndësishëm drejt nxitjes së përfshirjes dhe fuqizimit ekonomik në rajon. Së bashku, ne po ndikojmë pozitivisht në jetën e individëve dhe komuniteteve.
Distribution of equipment within Inclusion and Economic Empowerment in the Western Balkans (SOE10)
Empowering Imprisoned Women through Art and Awareness
Prishtina a city without barriers
The accessibility being a fundamental aspect of creating an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone, Help Mission in Kosovo gladly joins the campaign “Prishtina a city without barriers” led by Ambassador of Goodwill for Kosovo, Elvana Shala – Ambasadore e Vullnetit te Mire per Kosoven at IHRC in cooperation with the Mayor of Kryeqyteti Prishtina Perparim Rama.
The campaign includes an activity on designing and setting outdoor staircase holders for the access of persons with disabilities which is a crucial and meaningful activity in Prishtina within the Memorandum of Cooperation.
Thank you, Ambassador Shala, Prishtina Municipality and Public Housing Enterprise (PHE) Ndërmarrja Publike Banesore SH.A. Prishtinë.
Job Advertisement: Intervention Officer (Kosovo)
Intervention Officer (Kosovo)
Within the frame of the RECONOMY in the Western Balkans, post in Prishtina, we are looking forward to receiving your Letter of Interest and the Curriculum Vitae, in English language only, for an Intervention Officer starting January 1, 2024.
The application deadline is 4 PM, December 18, 2023.
We are looking forward to your application!
This vacancy is in the English language only.
Interested candidates, with the required qualifications, may submit their application, including a letter of interest, complete Curriculum Vitae and references to Help electronically latest by the 18.12.2023 all in English language.
Email address:
Expected starting date of employment: 01.01.2024
Please indicate the post title in the subject line.
Additional proofs (diplomas etc.) are not needed at this stage.
Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
Only those candidates that are shortlisted for interviews will be notified.
Job interviews will be conducted in English language.
More details about the vacancy can be found in the document: